New Zealand Had No Warming In 130 Years, Then NASA ‘Fixed it’
We continue to hear warming horror stories coming from the island of New Zealand, and the socialist by sales pitch how “climate change is the biggest challenge of our time.”
Yet this doesn’t seem to be the case in New Zealand. For example, we learned from Electroverse here that the Pacific island country “just recorded its coldest June temperature in 5 years.”
Moreover, when we examine NASA GISS data, we uncover where all the warming rumors come from: alterations to the recorded historical data.
The following chart shows the data from Hokitika Aerodome, going back more 130 years (It’s the only NASA station that has data going back over 100 years). Plotted are the unadjusted Version 3 data and the Version 4 unadjusted:
The old data set showed no warming until NASA GISS went back and rewrote it Orwellian style, and made up a warming trend and called it Version 4.
Tony Heller also reported earlier: “NASA didn’t like the fact that New Zealand wasn’t warming, so they simply changed the data.”
In summary: There really hasn’t been that much change at many locations around the globe. In fact, the real changes are taking place in the NASA GISS datasets.
UPDATE: Here’s an even earlier version of the NASA GISS data plot of Hokitika station before all the data altering began (hat-tip Iggie). It shows temperatures had been COOLING:

Source: NASA
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That top graph is a little confusing. Shouldn’t the blue line be unadjusted and the red be adjusted?
Robert Beatty
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I agree. The difference seems to be in the small V3 and V4 notes. Whatever happened to V1 and V2?
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No, the unadjusted graph shows a fall in temperatures followed by a rise with the temperature now being no higher than 130 years ago. The older temperatures have been adjusted down making it look as though the temperature has been steadily increasing.
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I always wondered — how do they (in this case NASA) justify these changes? Do they have any kind of instrument bias to rectify or — whatever???
J Cuttance
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I used to live in Hokitika, pop. 2700. There were thousands more during the gold rush, but, of course, no tarsealed roads etc. There could be no local reasons I can think of for ‘adjustments’ there.
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I guess NASA thought everyone had forgotten about New Zealand climate scientist Jim Salinger (who once worked for the CRU-University of East Anglia) and the Kiwigate scandal over which ‘Jim boy’ got fired. At that time, ‘Jim boy’ fabricated a warming trend where none existed in the actual temperature data record of the New Zealand Met Service. ‘Jim boy’ simply adjusted the actual temperature data in a way that created a warming trend (now that is what I call real man-made global warming created by ‘Jim boy’!!!)
Michael B Fox
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Do you have a link where I can download the original unaltered US land based temperature data? Thanks.