New York Runs Mass Vaccination Drills
So, the local news media covers the story but makes sure it’s not too flashy. It’s all about normalizing these things, putting them right under our noses, hoping people are too sleepy to even notice. Until it’s too late.
And that’s what’s been happening in counties all over New York since the beginning of the month; health officials pretend there is a public health disaster and they run a mass vaccine drill.
- On April 4th, the Seneca County Health Department wanted 50 to 100 volunteers to serve as clinic patients/actors for a mass vaccination exercise in order to show that, in the event of an emergency, the county could protect the health of local residents.1
- On April 10th, health officials in Steuben County were looking for volunteers for a Public Health Preparedness Drill, at Haverling High School, simulating mass exposure to a virus that required a vaccine. At least 150 people were needed. 2
- Today, Lewis County Public Health is hosting an emergency vaccination drill, to discern how well the county could respond. Bonus, each time a volunteer goes through the line they will be entered to win local gift cards! 3
- Niagara County Health Department officials are looking for 800 volunteers to participate in their mass vaccination drill, today.4
Commenting on this story, Alicia Cashman (Support leader for Lyme Disease or multi systemic infectious disease syndrome (MSIDS) adds:
One of my issues with vaccines, besides the issue of heavy metals, is the fact they’ve reactivated latent infections in patients: “He has also successfully treated a number of young women who fell ill after their HPV vaccination, which seems to have stimulated a latent Lyme infection to reactivate.” “There is further damning evidence that Gardasil can produce life-threatening reactions in those who have been close to a cat, fleas, or ticks, since many of these animals are infected with Bartonella, Babesia, or Lyme (borrelia).
Also, since many MSIDS patients (multi systemic infectious disease syndrome) also struggle with viruses such as Mono or active EBV, a cytokine storm can result with mucus being over manufactured in lungs and airways and well as wide-spread inflammation. Asymptomatic girls after receiving Gardasil activated dormant Bartonella which was confirmed by testing.” (Bart is a common Lyme coinfection)
The issue of heavy metals is concerning as neuro Lyme patients are battling a brain infection that causes all sorts of issues and damage. All of this connects to Alzheimer’s and dementia for numerous reasons, one of which is the mono-therapy of doxycycline only kills two forms of borrelia and leaves the non-cell wall form to hang around lurking for an opportune time (vaccinations & other stressors) to reactivate: (read my comment at end of article) Kris Kristofferson was misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s but had Lyme. Taking antibiotics turned him completely around. This is so common…..for those who look for it.
Sources and References
- Finger Lakes Times, April 4, 2018.
- WENY News, April 8, 2018.
- Watertown Daily Times, April 24, 2018.
- The Buffalo News, April 25, 2018.
Joseph A Olson
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Question the efficacy, purity, safety and mandatory use of vaccines….
Joseph A Olson
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“PHARMAGEDDON” > https://Aim4Truth(.)org/2017/03/26/5663/
Question the efficacy, purity, safety and mandatory use of vaccines….