New WHO fearmongering about Latest Covid ‘Mu’ variant

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reclassified the ‘Mu’ Covid strain, also known as B.1.621, as a “variant of interest,” amid concerns that its mutations indicate a potential risk of resistance to existing vaccines.

The WHO announced the classification in the organization’s weekly pandemic bulletin on Tuesday, several months after the Mu strain was first identified in Colombia.

“The Mu variant has a constellation of mutations that indicate potential properties of immune escape,” the WHO said, adding that “preliminary data showed it has the same behaviour as the Beta variant.”

The decision to monitor the Mu strain comes amid concern from the WHO about the potential risk of resistance to vaccines posed by new mutations, as case numbers begin to rise globally in countries that have relaxed Covid restrictions.

Since first emerging in Colombia back in January, the Mu variant has spread to other South American nations and some parts of Europe. Despite adding it to its monitoring list, the WHO says the Mu strain only has a 0.1 percent global prevalence among sequenced cases.

The addition of the Mu strain to the list of variants of interest marks the first time a mutated version of the virus has been added to the list since June, when the Lambda mutation – first detected in Peru – was included among those being monitored by the WHO.

Currently, the WHO has identified four strains as “variants of concern,” including Alpha, which has spread to 193 countries, and Delta, which has fueled a rise in cases across the globe. Five strains, now including Mu, are being monitored as “variants of interest.”

See more here:

Header image: Denis Balibouse / Reuters

Editor’s note: How many times have we been told a new variant may be vaccine-resistant, only to be told later the vaccines work just fine on it?

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Comments (9)

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    Here’s the thing. The fake dr gates wants the earth’s population severely reduced…he has stated this many times for the record over the last 5-25 years. He owns and runs WHO through the use of his vaccine foundations and agencies.

    Conclusion? There will be variant after variant invented in order to ramp up the fear gauge. When they run out of Greek letters, they will use some other alphabet. Meanwhile, big pharma will invent another new injection for every variant and none, mind you, will ever be tested before being given to humans.

    Gates wins two ways with this new round of fear mongering…more injections are sold and his pharma stocks go higher and eventually millions, if not billions will succumb to nano-particles destroying their immune system.


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    I wonder (in agreement with Tom above), when there is no “gold standard” of the original virus, how does anyone distinguish this non-existent entity from a variant of it (or vice versa). There must be some secret process for determining of what’s what or we may declare all this as FFN (f***ing-fake-news).
    No, I’m not confused, just concerned…
    Cheers, JaKo


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    Hawaii Guy


    I fantasize I am the one who somehow ends up within close contact of an elite like Gates, cameras rolling on live TV and I am the one who starts the anti-culling. Take of that what you will, and pray I do get in close contact?


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      I have similarly joyous wishes and intentions. I’m not a large guy, but I can distract things and I do know how to make a stabbing gesture.

      It’s good to see even with such disparate locations we can be united in philanthropic ventures.


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        I find it hard to fault your reasoning gentlemen.


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    Greg Spinolae


    Mu – μ – another AI model of a “mutant” of an AI model of a “nucleotide sequence” THOUGHT to be determined by an AI model of a variant of an AI model of a spike-format-glycoprotein.
    Some people still think it is “science” to say this is “settled”.
    Some people even think this is THE Science.


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      Pretty clearly they haven’t read any comedy scripts yet…sorry, I mean “scientific documents”.


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    please read medical book “the Silent Revolution in Cancer Nad AIDS Medicine by Dr. Heinricch Kremer. It is the same playbook that we are all living under now – AIDS was first global use of fear, massive fraudulent media and science, etc to bring in medical tyranny and control. Fauci invovled in it as well and made his career on the back of this.


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