New Study Shatters Arctic Warming Narrative

After a careful study of 31,464 satellite records compiled over the last twenty years, a team of scientists and mathematicians from Thailand has announced that the temperatures in Greenland have been declining for at least twenty years

This is big news but probably will never see daylight in the mainstream media, who have been subjecting us to a continual barrage of propaganda that Greenland is melting.

The temperatures in Greenland’s coastal areas have indeed risen somewhat, but this could be attributed to the rise in population in those areas.

The Urban Heat Island effect, of course, is caused by large expanses of concrete and asphalt and human activity.

This study covered the entire island of Greenland. The southern part of the island has been cooling for at least sixty years.

Although there hasn’t been a dramatic temperature decrease there – with the amount of decline about 0.11° C. – the fact remains that this decrease has been consistent over a considerable period.

If anything, this information should prove once and for all that the Earth is NOT having a climate emergency.

Interestingly, we’ve been told again and again that the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the planet.

Recently the World Economic Forum told the world that the Greenland ice sheet is at risk of “total collapse”.

When you Google this, you will find hundreds of articles about ice melt in Greenland and nothing about this latest study, which was reported on No Tricks Zone and Watts Up With That.

One reason that some parts of Greenland could still be warming a little is that the North Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation has shifted, causing more warm ocean water to brush its shores.

There are several known areas where tectonic activity has been reported. Disko Island is known to have hot springs.

There is also geothermal activity in the southeast part of the island. Some believe there may also be sites of volcanic activity underneath the glacier.

Another study (Hanna et al, 2020) confirmed that Greenland has been cooling for several decades.

So this is significant, encouraging news that should put a final nail in the coffin of the ‘climate change’ scam.

Rest in peace.

See more here climatechangedispatch

Header image: NASA

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Comments (4)

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    I don’t doubt this discovery.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers and Tom,

    “The Urban Heat Island effect, of course, is caused by large expanses of concrete and asphalt and human activity.” One needs to define human activity.

    Since the beginning of HUMAN ACTIVITY outside of the topics humans have kept from freezing TO DEATH during the winter by burning the ORGANIC MATTER that grew locally during the summer.

    Have a good day


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    That is OK, idiots will ignore the truth.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers and VOWG,

    I agree totally with VOWG; however, we should not also be STUPID and ignore what others have written. I call attention to the book IDEAS IN CHEMISTRY (1992) by David Knight. I have a doctorate in physical chemistry and know other physical chemists. But I KNOW I and most of us have no intellectual background with which to begin to understand what I read in the first paragraph of the first chapter (Introduction: a biography of chemistry). But I can understand how Knight concludes this first paragraph. pyppsycha “Chemistry can thus be seen as a kind of scientific cookery, its ideas only of interest to those involved in it and perhaps their wives, biographers or psychiatrists; …”

    Have a good day


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