New Study: Growing Our Understanding of Light
Electro-magnetism is at the core of growing our understanding the universe. Albert Einstein knew this. For over a century we have witnessed strange behaviors of photons which defy common sense, as if they could have instant connections through a means outside the space-time of the observer.
Delving deeper into this world, Principia Scientific International (PSI) presents a new paper for open peer review under our novel PROM system, ‘How a Central Field in Motion is Described in a Stationary Reference Frame’ (Flavio Barbiero).
In his work: On the electrodynamics of moving bodies (1905), Einstein found that the length of a “rod” moving with uniform velocity in a Cartesian system of co-ordinates shrinks according to Lorentz’ equations, which demonstrate that space diminishes and time relents in the direction of motion.
In his new paper, presented to you for your feedback, Flavio Barbiero explains that while these equations are at the base of today’s Physics’ theories, they were obtained analyzing the propagation of a ray of light along a single direction.
It might be said that they apply only to that case and that the general expression of those same equations could be obtained only by regarding the propagation of a flash of light emitted in all directions by a source in motion.
For this reason, Flavio Barbiero’s new study starts from the same conditions of Einstein.
Barbiero investigates the propagation of a flash of light emitted in the precise instant when the source coincides with a stationary observer.
The light propagates in both RFs in all directions with constant speed c, therefore after a while all the photons will be distributed upon a spherical surface which, although unique, has two different centres. This might look impossible, as one of the starting conditions is that both the RFs are Cartesian.
From a mathematical point of view, however, the source of light in motion and the stationary observer can be both at the centre of the same sphere, if we admit that motion generates a spatial component transverse to the motion itself, ie perpendicular to the direction of the speed and to the three axis, x,y,z.
Barbiero shows it is therefore a component switched towards an “imaginary” direction, where the term imaginary does not mean “non-existent”, but only that it is directed along a fourth spatial dimension outside the observer’s perception.
This spatial component has no thickness in the RF in motion and therefore does not change the structure of its space-time, which remains Cartesian, but it does change its “density” because the radius of the surface where the photons are distributed shrinks homogeneously.
They also show that motion does not modify objects, but only the space-time of the RF in motion. However, we cannot separate the objects from the space in which they are immersed, therefore if the density of space changes so does the density of the object, and if the space has a transverse component the object too has a component transverse to the motion.
Of course, in Barbiero’s analysis this implies a totally different conception of the Space-Time, but this theme is not afforded in the present paper, that is focused instead on how a central field in motion is perceived by a stationary observer on the light of the new transformation equations.
A key condition is that the field emanates from the source with the same modalities of light, thus propagating in all directions with constant velocity c independently from the state of motion of the RF. We therefore obtain the same set of transformation equations.
Applying them to a moving object we see that a stationary observer perceives two different components of the field: one emanating from the source as if it was stationary, but with its value apparently increased; the other transverse to the motion, ie a 2-D field that propagates along a plane normal to the speed.
If that source is an electric charge in motion, the transverse component has the dimensions of a magnetic field, which however does not coincide with that we are used to, because it is a 2-D field, It becomes tri-dimensional when we have a flow of charges, ie an electric current. The sum of the 2-D fields produced by the single charges is a magnetic field exactly like that obtained by Biot and Savart’s experiments.
If the source is a mass in motion, the stationary observer perceives two different components of the field: the first is produced by a mass that is formally the same as the “longitudinal” mass of SR, but the new transformation equations induce different considerations about it. They clearly show that the “value” of the mass does not increase with the speed, because it is its “density” that increases, while its volume decreases. Therefore, the energy necessary to accelerate a mass to the speed of light is limited and that speed is not unsurpassable in the universe. For v=c the mass’ density tends to infinity, but its volume drops to zero.
Beyond that speed the mass “exits” the RF of the observer and it is no more detectable by him. In theory it should continue to travel in the hyperspace presumably unaffected, which means that travels at superluminal speed between distant parts of the universe are no more just science fiction.
The fact that the density of the mass increases while its volume decreases explains also how a rotating star could collapse in a black hole.
The second component is a transverse field produced by the transverse mass. If the body is moving on a line it is field analogous to that produced by an electric charge in motion. For a single mass it is a 2_D field, but it becomes 3-D when we have a “current of mass”, like, for example, water flowing in a straight pipe. It exerts a force vs masses in motion that can be of attraction or repulsion according to direction of the respective motions, as an electric current does.
This force decreases linearly with the distance and it is probably thanks to it that the stars of a rotating galaxy do not disperse into space. The Newtonian forces decrease with the square of the distance, while the centrifugal forces decrease linearly. To keep the stars of a galaxy together there must be also a pulling force, no matter how weak, that decreases in the same way as the centrifugal. This force is provided by billions of stars flowing around the centre, which constitute a gigantic “current of mass” that attract all the stars flowing in the same direction.
Rotation realizes a continuous flow of matter in a close circuit and produces a transverse polarized field with remarkable properties, because its main lines of flux are directed exactly as the axis of rotation, thus realizing a beam with the same diameter of the rotating body, that propagates indefinitely without attenuation.
In the universe every planet, star or galaxy rotates around its axis, therefore generating transverse fields that propagates indefinitely to influence the motion of other masses in motion even at the longest distances.
Besides if a rotating body is also pulsating, its rotational speed varies with the same frequency thus generating transverse waves that propagates indefinitely inside the beam, carrying away the energy dissipated in the pulsation process.
The process through which an electron emits a photon might be the same if we admit that the electric charge participates to the rotation of the mass to which it is connected.
We hope you will feel inspired to offer your own views on Flavio Barbiero’s new study and to share them with us below in the ‘comments’ section.
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Jerry Krause
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Hi John O’,
I have not read beyond the title: “New Study: Growing Our Understanding Of Light”.
And I believe this is occurring because of PSI where nothing is censured and anyone who has an idea, right or wrong, is given a pulpit to preach from and there is not much that PSI readers can state: I never have read that!!! For it has to be true that they have not taken the time to read that. Learning takes time and not the time of others. Everyone makes a decision about what they chose to do. And because of your decisions, they have a great opportunity to learn about many different ideas. Some right and some wrong according to what I consider I have learned because of my personal experience.
Keep up the good work and now will read what you wrote beyond the title.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi John O’,
Only got to the end of your first paragraph where you wrote: “as if they could have instant connections through a means outside the space-time of the observer.” I stop reading here because I know that at the beginning he ASSUMED that other is instantaneous. And my common sense is that it correct assumption. For experiments have to done to measure the speed of light very precisely and each experient gives the same speed within experimental error (which experimental error can never be eliminated) if one has ever tried to make measurements would have observed.
So I choose to not waste my time by reading further.
Have a good day, Jerry
flavio barbiero
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Hi Jerry
I assume that you ASSUMED something that is other then what expressed by the incriminated sentence. An excuse as good as any other for not wasting your time in something that is outside your field of interests. However I find your death sentence a little bit too blunt to be considered courteous towards Dr. O’Sullivan, who presented that work.
Come on, you do waste so much time dealing with such a volatile matter as the climate, that one hour could not make a big difference. If nothing else you might avoid the risk (very little indeed, I admit) to regret again that you missed something.
I am joking of course. Far from my mind to limit your right to criticise.
My best wishes
Flavio Barbiero
Charles Higley
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“The fact that the density of the mass increases while its volume decreases explains also how a rotating star could collapse in a black hole.”
The rotational momentum of a nascent, collapsing “black hole” cannot be ignored, which was the reason Einstein and Oppenheimer indicated that such bodies would tear themselves apart before getting to even neutron star density. It is important to keep EVERYTHING in mind here.
Herb Rose
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If the speed of light is constant, any change in distance must have a corresponding change in time. Both time and distance vary with acceleration or deceleration and since distance contracts with constant speed, time must also contract. Since there is no stationery object in the universe, time and distance are never constant but continually vary in order to maintain the idiotic belief that the speed of light is constant.
No, light is a disturbance/wave traveling in the fields radiated from objects and its speed changes as the strength of those fields change
flavio barbiero
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Hi Herb
I agree that the speed of light is not constant, depending on the mean through which it propagates. What Einstein says in his theory (I only have replicated his conditions) is that light propagates with the same speed with respect to an observer whether he is stationary or in motion. I agree also that there are no stationary objects in the universe, but one: the observer.
I find difficult to understand your last sentence, unless you mean that “the fields radiated from objects” can be identified with the space-time itself , that is a completely new conception of it
Flavio Barbiero
Herb Rose
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Hi Flavio,
Objects in the universe, other than matter, are made from a combination of energy and matter which produce their own forces and fields. The attractive force from energy (gravity, magnetism) pulls objects together trying to combine them into a larger unit while the negative electric force from matter try to keep them separate. (When opposite magnetic fields combine they create a larger radiated field. When opposite electric fields combine, the radiated fields decreases. When similar poles of magnets are forced together the radiated magnetic field decreases while when similar electric fields are forced together the radiated field increases in size and strength.) As the energy fields of objects pull them together the radiated combined force increases decreasing the force between the objects. (Think of it as fewer magnetic flus lines between the objects while the flux lines around the objects increase.) while the repelling force between them increases. Light is just an oscillation that occurs when increased energy pulls the objects closer, then the increased repelling force pushes them apart. Light is just a wave propagated in the fields emitted by the matter and energy that form the object. The speed of light continuously changes as the strength of the radiated fields change.
As for time, it is just a unit created to communicate the energy of something. We establish common references (rotation energy of the Earth, orbital energy of the Earth, orbital energy of the moon) and time no more exists than a kilogram, meter, degree Celsius, or any other unit exist in reality.They all just enables us to better understand what somebody means when communicating.
flavio barbiero
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Hi Jerry
I assume that you ASSUMED something that is other then what expressed by the incriminated sentence. An excuse as good as any other for not wasting your time in something that is outside your field of interests. However I find your death sentence a little bit too blunt to be considered courteous towards Dr. O’Sullivan, who presented that work.
Come on, you do waste so much time dealing with such a volatile matter as the climate, that one hour could not make a big difference. If nothing else you might avoid the risk (very little indeed, I admit) to regret again that you missed something.
I am joking of course. Far from my mind to limit your right to criticise.
My best wishes
Flavio Barbiero