New Roundup Weedkiller 45 Times More Toxic Than Old Version

Bayer said it would remove glyphosate from Roundup weedkiller products for consumers, in response to tens of thousands of lawsuits linking the weedkiller to non-Hodgkin lymphoma

On the fiftieth anniversary of the controversial weedkiller’s release, a Friends of the Earth analysis — “New Roundup, New Risks” — finds that residential Roundup products are more toxic to consumers and the environment than ever before.

Not only has manufacturer Bayer failed to remove glyphosate from all Roundup products, as promised, but new formulations of Roundup are 45 times more toxic to human health, on average, following long-term, chronic exposure. They also pose greater risks to the environment.

Bayer announced it would remove glyphosate from consumer products starting in 2023 in response to tens of thousands of lawsuits linking the weedkiller to non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Friends of the Earth reviewed Roundup weedkillers for sale at the two largest U.S. home and garden retailers — Home Depot and Lowe’s — to determine whether the company followed through as of October 2024.

Not only do several Roundup products still contain glyphosate, but eight new Roundup products contain chemicals of dramatically greater concern. With no requirement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to warn consumers of the new dangers, people are unknowingly being exposed to higher risks.

Roundup products sold to consumers now contain combinations of four new active ingredients as replacements for glyphosate: diquat dibromide, fluazifop-P-butyl, triclopyr and imazapic.

All four chemicals posea greater risk of long-term and/or reproductive health problems than glyphosate based on the EPA’s evaluation of safety studies.

They have been linked to a variety of harms to human health, including birth and developmental abnormalities; reproductive dysfunction; kidney or liver damage; and irritation, inflammation, or allergic reactions affecting the skin, eyes and respiratory system.

The worst offender is diquat dibromide, found in all of the new Roundup formulations. It is 200 times more chronically toxic than glyphosate, is classified as a highly hazardous pesticide and is banned in the European Union.

In addition to the threat to human health, the new Roundup weedkillers also endanger animals and the environment. On average, they are more toxic to bees, birds, fish, aquatic organisms and earthworms.

They are also more persistent in the environment and more likely to leach into groundwater, increasing the risk of contaminating waterways and drinking water.

“The human toll of Roundup is enormous — tens of thousands of people have lost their lives and their health because of this toxic weedkiller. With the new formulations of Roundup, Bayer had the opportunity to make us safer, but it did the opposite,” said Kendra Klein, deputy director of science for Friends of the Earth.

“Bayer’s willingness to deceive the public and disregard our health as it continues to cash in on the Roundup brand name is outrageous.”

Internal corporate documents unearthed during the Roundup litigation show the profound extent of deceit and disinformation that Monsanto deployed to cover up the dangers of Roundup. Our analysis reveals that Bayer continues to mislead consumers, exposing them to far greater risks with no warning.

While the new active ingredients are listed on Roundup product labels, as required by law, there is no language alerting consumers to the higher risks they pose. The average consumer — even if they notice the new ingredients — knows little about the toxicology of glyphosate compared to the new ingredients that are taking its place.

“Drug companies are not allowed to replace the aspirin in a brand-name pain reliever with oxycontin or fentanyl, and for good reason. It is unconscionable that the Environmental Protection Agency allows this toxic sleight of hand and unethical that Bayer is exposing consumers to dramatically greater risks with no warning,” said Sarah Starman, senior campaigner at Friends of the Earth.

“Bayer, like other chemical companies, cannot be trusted to protect our health. We need serious reform at the EPA to ensure that the agency does its duty to protect people and the environment from dangerous pesticides.”

Garden retailers like Lowe’s and Home Depot also have an important role to play in protecting consumers.

Based on the findings of this analysis, they should immediately remove all Roundup products from shelves and online sales, aggressively work to phase out other hazardous pesticide products they sell and increase offerings of organic and other safer options.

At the bare minimum, they should ensure labels and point-of-purchase information on Roundup products accurately conveys the nature and levels of new risks.

Over 120 organizations have called on Home Depot and Lowe’s to take action to #RejectRoundup and make their garden product shelves safer overall.

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Header image: The Intercept

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (5)

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    You know what… I am sick of all this…
    Screw big pharma.
    I want a ban on ALL pesticides.
    Let’s cut vegetable-food production in half, if it comes to that, and start eating half of what we currently eat.
    It won’t do us any harm.
    Some of us don’t even eat plants to begin with…
    Let Monsanto and Bayer spray their poisons on their CEOs instead.

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      Some of us don’t even eat plants to begin with…

      animals eat plants so you still are eating plants indirectly

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        But those plants need no pesticides, since they are wild and mainly disease-free (e.g. grass).
        Plus, animals eat them even if they are riddled with diseases, if that ever happens to be the case.
        Although, that mainly applies for free-range animals and mainly for the warmer seasons (although, I have also seen 100% free-range animals survive and thrive during the winter, with minimal human intervention).
        The rest of the cases COULD depend on industrial farming plants.
        I guess, we should turn all farm animals into free-range as well, and/or let animals eat the old-fashioned wild plants (grass, clover, etc), even during winter-time, and not modern feed (corn, wheat, etc)…
        That was the way things worked in the past too, as far as I know.
        Feeding animals with grains is a bit crazy. I doubt chickens or cows eat grains in the wild, simply because they can’t find any. And feed like clover is far superior in quality to grains and much more disease-resistant, as far as I know, so it is not that the animal would suffer any loss.
        And, less grain for animals, more grain for the people.

        See? I good change generates a requirement for an avalanche of good changes!

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    Boris Badenov


    You know that weeds were becoming resistant to glyphosate and I’ll bet that they have plants that are more resistant to the new chemicals ready to go so they can spread more of their poison in out food. In fact, I’d be they were itching to be able to do it as part of the WEF’s goal of reducing the worlds population.

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