New Research Confirms Cold Kills 17 Times As Many As Heat

Swiss journalist Alex Reichmuth reports on research that finds many more people die from cold than from heat. “That’s why global warming may actually be saving lives, on the balance.” Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne.

One recent study by environmental epidemiologist Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera from the University of Bern and Antonio Gasparrini from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in the scientific journal “Nature Climate Change” attributed 37 percent of the heat-related deaths to man-made global warming.

We expect the proportion of heat-related deaths to continue to grow if we don’t do something about climate change or adapt,” lead author Vicedo-Cabrera claimed.

But what is usually overlooked is that cold claims many lives, writes Reichmuth.  “In winter, for example, there are always reports of frostbite victims. […] People who freeze to death because of cold are literally just the tip of the iceberg, however. […] In terms of numbers, people who die from the indirect consequences of cold temperatures are much more significant.

Here, Reichmuth cites researcher Roland Rau at the Institute of Sociology and Demography at the University of Rostock in Germany.

He told German n-tv television: “When it’s cold, the risk of both respiratory infections and cardiovascular disease increases. You have a 50 percent higher risk of dying from respiratory disease in winter than in summer.

Influenza is one example:

Mortality is highest in wintertime; cold is the real killer. Summer provides a welcome break. Source: SAS blog.

Winter temperatures are 15-20 percent more fatal than summer temperatures

Cold also causes the blood vessels to constrict which can lead to an increase in fatal thromboses and heart attacks. That’s why winter is “the real killer,” Rau said.

The highest mortality is measured every year in January, February, and March. My own research has shown that mortality rates are 15 to 20 percent higher in those months than in the summer.

Reichmuth also cites a study appearing in Lancet in 2015, which tallied the number of cold deaths versus heat deaths: “Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multicountry observational study by Antonio Gasparrini et al.

According to this Lancet study: “Cold caused 17 times more deaths than heat in the 13 countries studied.

The graph of cold against heat deaths from the 2015 Lancet study.

If the planet warms, net temperature-related deaths will decrease

Reichmuth summarizes:

If there are many more cold deaths than heat deaths, it is reasonable to expect that as the earth continues to warm, the number of cold deaths will decrease more than the number of heat deaths will increase. Thus the net effect of climate change would be positive.

Researchers found that most deaths don’t occur where it’s extremely hot or cold, like Canada or Sweden, but rather winter mortality is higher in places where people just aren’t familiar with it and so “there is little preparation for temperature extremes.

German scientists Fritz Vahrenholt and Sebastian Lüning came to the same conclusion in their book “Unerwünschte Wahrheiten – was Sie über den Klimawandel wissen sollten” (Unwanted Truths – What You Should Know About Climate Change).

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Comments (22)

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    very old white guy


    who’d a thunk it.


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      I know, never would have crossed my mind 🙂


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    Isn’t science insightful?


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    Mark Tapley


    The fact that cold is harder on people has been known for a long time. Thats why many people who retire up north have gone south. For many the cost of moving or the reluctance to leave family and friends keeps them freezing in the north.

    The situation will get worse as more coal and gas powered plants are taken off line and the “green energy” scam of high cost inefficient windmills and solar junk is put in.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Mark and PSI Readers,

    Mark, please explain to other PSI Readers why you run away when it is shown that what you write about SCIENCE can be absolutely wrong. I believe MarK knows to what I am referring even if other PSI readers may not.

    PSI Readers, the articles mentioned in this aritlcle really do not qualify as being SCIENCE articles worthy of publication. To see what quality SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE should be, find a copy of S. George Philender’s ‘ElNino, La Nina, the Southern Oscillation’ which was published as late as 1990 and just read its ‘Introduction’. Maybe, you might become interested enough to read a bit further.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Jerry:
    I never run away from issues and I am also aware that I may be in error. When this is pointed out I admit the mistake unlike many that claim “I never wrote that.” Some things will always without a definite answer but only a matter of speculation. Often this is where circumstantial can be used. If everyone who read PSI adhered to your strict science criteria as to what is acceptable for discussion, the audience would be very narrow. Jerry, you will have to enlighten me as to where I am in error.

    The problems we all are facing and getting steadily worse such as the phony climate change and the medical fraud of the fake virus will not ever be solved by scientific discussion. What is true and reasonable are of no concern to the elite who are driving this agenda. In fact the more complex, arcane, and scientific it gets the more it works to the elites advantage. That is why these issues must be presented to the public in a simple bite size message.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Mark and PSI Readers,

      “Jerry, you will have to enlighten me as to where I am in error.” Mark, I have been trying to do this but you brush aside most everything I have written to you. Instead you lecture me on what SCIENCE IS.

      Mark, describe an experiment you have done in an attempt to help yourself to better understand a NATURAL PHYSICAL PHENOMENON. If you read Galileo’s book–‘Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences’ (here I assume you have not) because I after studying chemistry for 4 years as a chemistry major, after studying physical chemistry as a graduate for 6 years, after being a research associate for three years, after teaching chemistry as a chemistry instructor at a small community college for 20+ years; I had never read Galileo’s book.

      Why??? Evidently none of my physical science Professor had read Galileo’s book as translated to the English language by Henry Crew and Alfonso de Salvio (1914) so no one told me I should read it. And until near th any my students to read it. Nor had I read Newton’s book–The Principlis–as translated to English by Andrew Motte.

      I ask; Do you know in what language Galileo wrote his book and in what language Newton wrote his book. For knowing these facts will explain a lot our (yours and mine) difference as to what PHYSICAL SCIENCE should actually be.

      Galileo, a teacher, wrote (as translated by someone): “We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.”

      Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Jerry :
    I do try to gain knowledge and insight from everything you write. A good teacher is someone who helps others to learn. Galileo was wrong. There are many things that people will never discover within themselves but can only learn when someone guides them. That is why the government always strives to control the education (indoctrination) process from the earliest age. That is why they always make sure that they control the MSM narrative on all relevant issues including the 24\7 coverage of the fake virus and phony climate change at the exclusion of all other opinion.

    There were lots of academics in the Soviet Union under the terror of Stalin. I read that on one occasion some of the Bosses were arguing some science issue late at night just in casual debate. So they sent the police out to the apartment of one of the worlds leading authorities in this matter. When he saw them approaching and thinking they had come to haul him off to the gulag he killed himself. Many great artists, teachers and scientists lived in constant fear of this selective terrorism. They all knew many who had disappeared. Stalin said “to control the people, first you have to terrorize them.”

    We are now headed down the socialist pathway to the same dystopian future. I do not know in what language Galileo or Newton wrote. I will guess Latin because it was a universal standard unaffected by changing colloquialisms and alternate meanings. At the time of Galileo the Catholics held a monopoly on the scriptures and so Galileo probably was only familiar with their doctrine and not what the scriptures say. I think most of his ignorant inquisitors believed the earth was flat. He should have quoted Isaiah 40:22-23-
    22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
    23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.

    I think you get wrapped up in academia Jerry. However I try to read everything you post and do my best to learn from your wealth of scientific knowledge. Thanks for the reply.
    Best Regards, Mark


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Mark,

    Mark, describe an experiment you have done in an attempt to help yourself to better understand a NATURAL PHYSICAL PHENOMENON. I have to give you a F on this assignment, because you gave me no evidence you even tried one. The purpose of this homework assignment was two fold. The first was to discover if you considered you had. The second was to ask you, if you stated you hadn’t (or if you ignored my request as you seem to have done); How is it you pretend to know anything about SCIENCE as demonstrated by Galileo???

    I asked; Do you know in what language Galileo wrote his book and in what language Newton wrote his book. Did you ignore this question because I forgot the question mark??? If you don’t know the answers to this question; look them up because I (the teacher told you they might be important. Or, are you trying for another F.

    For I regularly told my students that my job was to evaluate if they learned anything from the textbook which the author of the textbook supplied to make the student relate what the author had written to answer the questions or problems. For from experience I had learned that if I didn’t do my homework in SCIENCE classes I didn’t learn anything by listening to a teacher who liked to lecture.

    Keep ignoring my assignments and other PSI Readers will see you evidently have no desire to learn because you have nothing more you need to learn.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Jerry:
    We look at things from a different prospective. And thats ok. I have presented examples of scientific issues just as you have,. They just don’t fit your particular academic framework but I think they were as relevant as your examples. As Will Rogers said “we are all ignorant, just about different things.” There is no doubt that you were a knowledgeable and dedicated professor. As far as how applicable your dissertations are to the general PSI audience may be in some cases questionable. The same could easily be said of most of my comments. I appreciate your attempts to enlighten me but I remain reluctant to take up the writings of Galileo.

    The quest for scientific knowledge and its practical application for the benefit of all mankind is one of the main drivers of progress. Science and technologies can also be used by criminal syndicates to spread lies and create poverty and misery while waging war by deception. Especially when they control the power of government and international finance.

    Both of us have a message I believe that offers some utility for our present circumstance and for posterity, Let us both keep up the good work. One day we look forward as the Apostle Paul Wrote: 2nd Timothy 4:7 –
    “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Mark ad Jerry,
      The foundation of science is the question, while the end of science is belief. Evidence is only useful if the interpretation provides an answer to a question and when evidence is denied because it doesn’t support belief then there is no science. You both have beliefs that you refuse to question so those beliefs are based on emotional attachment rather than science.
      Mark, you maintain that the Spanish Flu was a result of inoculations given to troops at Fort Riley (probably true) but then you maintain that the disease (and others) are not contagious. What killed the millions of people who did not get the injections?
      You also maintain that it is a Zionist plot by the elite (who control the wealth, media, and have power) to eliminate most of the Earth’s population. Wealth is a result of demand and power is control over others by some means. If you destroy the population, demand disappears along with wealth and its power .If you own ten houses and only one is occupied you don’t have wealth, just liabilities. Power switches from those who own to those who can produce things others need. Are Bill Gates’ farms going to be of any value without farmers? If there is abundant vacant land and reduced demand for food farmers will just go to that abandoned land and use it. Is Bill going to do the work? Will he be able to maintain and clean his mansion when there is nothing of value he produces that others need? The reduction of the population will result in the loss of wealth and power by those who now have it and switch that power and wealth (demand) to those who have the ability to do something useful. Kings used to have all the power because they owned the land and had castles where the people and their possessions could be protected. They lost their power and wealth as value switched from ownership to production.
      You both believe in the Bible but refuse to question it, which results in knowledge but no understanding. This causes a denial of evidence that questions your beliefs. The great flood was a result of forty days and nights of rain that caused water to cover the Earth resulting in the death of all living thing except Noah, his family, the seven pairs of clean animals, one pair 0f unclean animals, and seven pairs of all types of birds.
      Where did the water come from that produced this rain? It couldn’t come from evaporation since that would be like scooping water out of a container then trying to fill the container with that water. Since mt. Ararat is over 5,000 m high and the average depth of the oceans is 3000 m you would need to double the amount of water on the Earth and if mt. Everest was covered it would need to quadruple. When the flood receded where did this water go? If the land was covered by water for 1 yr how could any land vegetation survive being submerged for that amount of time? How could an olive tree have growing branches (which the dove brought to Noah) immediately after the water subsided? If Noah and his family were in danger of dying from starvation after the flood and so permitted to eat meat, what did all the animals (I assume this includes animal species that have gone extinct) have to eat?
      Neither of you are scientist because you are unwilling to question your existing beliefs.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb, Jerry and other PSI readers:
        I believe there are some issues that is not within the providence of man to fully understand. There is archaeological evidence all over the world for the catastrophic flood. There have been many cases where large tree trunks have been dug out from the various Strata of what the evolutionists claim was hundreds of millions of years. PSI recently ran an article about the discovery of dinosaur bones in what today is the arctic. It is known that some of the giant flying reptiles seen in fossils could not even get off the ground under atmospheric conditions of today. The scriptures indicate that everything was different before the flood. There was no rain but moisture was provided by mists from the ground. It is no wonder that Noah preached in vain, warning that the rain was coming. Life span was centuries long. These early inhabitants would have a long life to observe the scientific wonders. Later in Genesis we are told that mans life would be limited to 120 years. And that is about the maximum today. Science cannot explain our small planet covered by a thin layer of atmosphere hurtling through infinite space. Nor how the solar system is arranged in perfect synchronicity for it all to function.

        The 1918 “pandemic” was a carefully orchestrated medical fraud similar to the fake virus today. The Rockefeller Foundation that later established the CDC produced a series of blood toxins (vaccines) allegedly for meningitis and typhus using chicken and hog substates. Like today the MSM was under control. The top 20 newspaper editorial departments had been bought out before the Anglo Zionist contrived WW1 by Rothschild employee J.P. Morgan. Just as today, all normal mortality possible was tagged as the “Flu.” While many succumbed to the blood toxin injections another factor was the administering in lethal doses of the new drug aspirin.

        During this time much effort was made to demonstrate the transmission of the “flu” using every means that could be devised. Finally even the direct injection of body fluids from the sick to the healthy. Nothing worked. No one that was healthy fell ill. Since that time this experiment has been repeated many times always with the same result. Next was the manmade polio “virus” and the introduction of the neurotoxin adjuvant aluminum. This is all documented in Forrest Maready’s book’s “The Moth In the Iron Lung” and “The Autism Vaccine.” For the whole history on the vaccine fraud using public records, read Suzanne Humphries MD “Dissolving Illusions.”

        Rarely mentioned but a big supercharging of this medical fraud occurred with the passage of the Bayh Dole Act of 1980. This allowed individuals and groups (CDC criminals and big Pharma) to use taxpayers money in order to fund drug and vaccines and then claim patent rights that had formerly been retained by the gov. This opened the door to incredible profits for the insiders. Right after this Act was passed AIDS was invented that brought in many billions of dollars. At this time PCR inventor Kary Mullis (and others) exposed this medical hoax. Following the AIDS racket just as today, the symptom list kept expanding and the fake stories kept spinning. After several trial runs of other fake viruses including H1NI, Swine flu, Bird flu, Zika, Ebola, and the Anthrax fraud the public was sufficiently primed for the new fake virus. All the countries had their fake PCR tests ordered way ahead in 2018 and Mullis was deceased 3 months ahead of the launch date so everything was set. The fake virus and the staged riots also provided good cover for another bailout for billionaires program as in 08 with a new “stimulus” for the banking cartel’s Wall St. buddies. I will post two new interviews of Dr. Andrew Kaufman for more information on the technical aspects of pathogens.

        There is an abundance of evidence supporting the long term operation of what I refer to as the Zionist syndicate. I won’t take space now to go into it much. I have posted the Video by Dr. Vernon Coleman exposing Agenda 2030. I have also posted videos on PSI on this subject by Rosa Kori and Patrick Wood. That is the elite’s final destination for what they term as the ” useless eaters.” I also recommend the interviews on “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” by Alison McDowell who is an education activist in Philadelphia. One book that is well footnoted and well written on the amazing efforts of the Anglo Zionists leading to the first World War is Docherty’s “Hidden History, The Secret Origins of The First world War.”

        We are now in the post Industrial Age. The elite and their operatives have been open about their desire for drastic population reduction. I could give a long list of them, not Just eugenicist front men Gates and Klass (you will own nothing) Shwabb. They only need enough serfs to keep their global plantation running. A smaller herd is easier to control and takes less input. The death of at least 30 million Russians, 8 million Ukrainians and 45 million Chinese and millions of others in the Hegelian conflicts are just part of the long term agenda. When my daughter was researching for her Phd at Baylor she went through some archives that had been brought over from Russia as part of her studies. In one document she found where a million people were loaded on box cars, taken out on the stepps and unloaded to perish. Nothing out of the ordinary. Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes about the 11 gulag systems in his two volume “Gulag Archipelago”, and his “200 years Among Us.” Avraham Shifrin documents the Zionist system in the hard to find “The First Guidebook to Prisons and Concentration Camps of the Soviet Union.” Lenin said that the USSR was a transitionary phase. Now the same syndicate that gave the orders to the Soviets are moving on with their program as planned.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Herb, Mark, Tom and other PSI Readers,

      Yes, “Evidence is only useful if the interpretation provides an answer to a question” (Herb).

      Yes, “We look at things from a different prospective.” (Mark). And since we have jumped to another article I cannot not quote you further here.

      So I turn back to quote Mark: “Let us both keep up the good work. One day we look forward as the Apostle Paul Wrote: 2nd Timothy 4:7 –
      “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”

      Do you all know that Paul was in chains in Rome when he wrote this? Do you know that his efforts founded the Roman Catholic Church, of which more than 15 (a guess) centuries later Copernicus and Galileo were a part???

      Do you all know that we are having an actual DIALOGUE like that Galileo only pretended to have. Which (to create) has been my objective ever since I discovered PSI.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Jerry Krause


        And you all have to bear with the many mistakes I make. So, I hope you can recognize these mistake and understand what I intended to write.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jerry:
        We must look at who founded what and when. Acts 2 records the founding of Christ’s Church on the day of Pentecost. The Catholic church was not established until over 200 years later. Christ said “upon this rock I will build my Church.” (Matt 16:18). What was this rock upon which the Church of Christ was established? It was the foundation that Peter had just acknowledged–That Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. The rock was not the apostle Peter or any other man, rather it was Christ’s divine relationship with God. Apostle Paul makes this clear when he says “For other foundation can no man lay than that that is laid, that being Jesus Christ.” (1st Corinthians 3:11). In Galatians 1:9 we are told:
        9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
        Revelation 22:18-19-
        18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

        19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


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    The natural state of the universe is icy, deadly absolute zero cold. It is only because of heat sources like our sun that allows the prospect of life to flourish. Humanity expands and grows during warmer times and contracts during colder episodes. These global warming idiots want to cool down a planet that is staring at a cooling down period already which will decrease life on earth. That is their plan because they hate all life except their own ultra arrogant selves.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Tom and Mark and PSI Readers,

    Do you see (observe) how Tom immediately contradicted himself (in a single sentence when he wrote: “The natural state of the universe is icy, deadly absolute zero cold. It is only because of heat sources like our sun that allows the prospect of life to flourish.” Are not stars a NATURAL PART OF THE UNIVERSE???

    I learned to see (obeserve) things like this by reading how Louis Agassiz taught professors Samuel Scudder and Nathaniel Southgate Shaler. Which you can read about on the internet. These two short stories are good reads relative to how to TEACH also.

    Have a good day, Jerry

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Jerry:
      I have saved your Agassiz information and will look into it. It’s bound to be of help. Better observation should lead to better decisions that will then tend to result in better overall management. Never too late in the day.
      Best regards, Mark


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Mark, Herb. and PSI Readers,

    For a while I could not access PSI as I had been doing commonly. I am old and slow but I finally got back here.

    Yes Mark please quickly read how Agassiz taught this two men who became significant NATURALISTS of their times. What you maybe will not read is how these students of Agassiz’s had eventually turned against Agassiz as he tried to refute Darwins ideas by using his knowledge of prehistoric fish fossils (his specialty) to convince other NATURALISTS that these ideas were wrong.

    I do not know if Agassiz’s unquestioned SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT was that he used the erratic boulders lying on the earth’s surface to convince the scientific community that the northern proteins of the Northern Hemisphere’s continents had been covered by glaciers in the past. Which was why he was at Harvard and was initially before Darwin proposed his idea.

    I need to review the historical times of Darwin’s idea and the times of these students tributes to Agassiz soon after he had died. For I know all his students had deserted Agassiz when he tried to refute Darwin’s idea which clearly presented a great stumping rock in the Christian Church’s (Catholic or others) EFFORTS to save ALL the SINNERS whom JESUS had died to SAVE.

    I believe (not this Herb) that most PSI Readers come to PSI recognize the SAD STATE that this thing we call SCIENCE has become as EVIL PEOPLE TRY TO DEFEAT THAT WHICH IS GOOD.

    And I believe this conversation is very GOOD so keep making your comments to keep this DIALOGUE going.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Jerry Krasue


    Hi Herb, Mark, Tom and other PSI Readers,

    After suggesting you read about what Professors Shaler and Scudder wrote about their first experiences of Louis Agassiz’s first assignment, I concluded I should have given you the links.

    As I have written before I am 80 and getting slower and not keeping with modern technology. To my surprise I found Lane Cooper’s entire book (1917) was available online ( It is easy for me to suggest that one only must read the Preface and Chapters 1, 4, 7, and 9 to acquire a good working foundational knowledge of SCIENCE.

    And now I find ( that Galileo’s foundation book is also available online. This book is the beginning of what we now term as being SCIENCE and therefore should be read in its entirely. Which I do not expect many other PSI readers, without an academic background in a Physical Science, to have time to read unless one is retired. But any actively practicing PHYSICAL SCIENTIST should read the Entire Book and with a expectation of becoming a BETTER PHYSICAL SCIENTIST.

    However, here I must review some history which I see no evidence of being common knowledge. For I have read, and believe, that the publisher, Louis Elzevir, gave Galileo’s book its title, wrote its table of contents, and wrote a Preface to its Readers. Unless one reads the Table of Contents, one cannot clearly learn what these Two New Sciences clearly were— Chapters 1 and 3. For I read these two chapters several times without ‘learning’ what these two sciences were. Of course, I admit I am slow and maybe others, like Elzevir, would see what Galileo’s book was about upon a first reading of it.

    And in the midst of his Preface Elzevir wrote: “For, according to the common saying, sight can teach more and with greater certainty in a single day than can precept even though repeated a thousand times; or as another says, intuitive knowledge keeps pace with accurate definition.” I considered I understood the first saying is the FUNDAMENTAL BASIS of SCIENCE (OBSERVATION) which Agassiz claimed his greatest achievement, as a SCIENTIST, was that he taught some of his students to OBSERVE.

    However, I could not grasp the common saying involving ACCURATE DEFINITION. Here I must admit, I understood chapters 1 and 2 to be ‘chemistry’ and chapters 3 and 4 to be physics. And while my first scientific minor was physics, I knew from experience I did not have the theoretical knowledge of mathematics which physicists commonly used to understand the physics of Natural Phenomena.

    But I finally saw the obvious. Galileo, in considering the topic—UNIFORM MOTION—wrote: “In dealing with steady or uniform motion, we need a single definition which I give as follows: By steady or uniform motion, I mean one in which the distance traversed by the moving particle during any equal intervals of time, are themselves equal.” And he followed this definition with further explanation which you can read for yourself.
    However, I only latter learned from others that Galileo had defined the motion which can be observed and is termed INERTIA. For Richard Feynman told this story in his book—“What Do You Care What Other People Think?”.

    “My father taught me to notice [observe?] things. One day, I was playing with an “express wagon,’ a little wagon with a railing around it, It had a ball in it, and when I pulled the wagon, I noticed something about the way the ball moved. I went to my father and said, “Say Pop, I noticed something. When I pull the wagon, the ball rolls to the back of the wagon. And when I’m pulling it along and I suddenly stop, the ball rolls to the front of the wagon. Why is that?

    ““That, nobody knows,” he said. “The general principle is that things which are moving to keep on moving, and things which are standing still tend to stand still, unless you push them hard. This tendency is called “inertia”.”

    Hence, I conclude that Galileo’s definition of uniform motion was based upon observations that a child (Feynman) could see (notice). Now, in Chapter 1 Galileo had observed the motions of pendulums. Which slowed the fall of a body relative to time so its rate of fall could be easily noticed (observed) as it descended from its highest point to its lowest point. Hence, the second topic of Chapter 3—“NATURALLY ACCELERATED MOTION.”

    I will conclude this comment with a brief excerpt from Professor’s description (definition?) of Agassiz’s teaching. “Agassiz’s training in the method of observing facts and their orderly arrangement was ever accompanied by the urgent exhortation not to be content with them. ‘Facts are stupid things,’ he would say, ‘until brought into connection with some general law [A SCIENTIFIC LAW]’.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Jerry:
    I just noticed that PSI has deleted my last comment. I don’t tolerate sites that suppress free speech about politicians and groups that are at the root of the problems that are posted everyday on their own site. If I want ADL censorship and politically correct propaganda I can go to Youtube or CNN. Have enjoyed our discussions.
    Best regards, Mark


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Mark,

      Given some of your comments PSI has posted, I have to ask: Did your comment contain actual vulgarities?. And I know sometimes I have thought I submitted a comment which I had not. Did you attempt to contact the editors to ask why they did censure your comment; if they did.

      I am sure that more than one respectable (my opinion) has complained about some of your political comments

      Check it out.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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