New Refutation of Dangerous CO2-Induced Global Warming
Paper Reviewed:Â Gervais, R. 2016. Anthropogenic CO2 warming challenged by 60-year cycle. Earth-Science Reviews 155: 129-135.Â
In an important paper, Gervais (2016) fit several different time series of sea-level rise with a sinusoidal form having a period of approximately 60 years, which thereby confirmed “the cycle reported for the global mean temperature of the Earth,” and which also revealed that “the last maximum of the sinusoid coincides with the temperature plateau observed since the end of the 20th century.” And he further notes that “once this cycle is subtracted from observations, the transient climate response is revised downwards consistent with the latest observations.”
Last of all, the French researcher additionally writes that anthropogenic warming well below the potentially dangerous range has been reported by Idso (1998), Miskolczi (2007), Paltridge et al. (2009), Gerlich and Tscheuschner (2009), Lindzen and Choi (2009, 2011), Spencer and Braswell (2010), Clark (2010), Kramm and Dlugi (2011), Lewis and Curry (2014), Skeie et al. (2014), Lewis (2015) and Volokin and ReLlez (2015).
And so it is that real-world data-based refutations of unsubstantiated climate-alarmist claims of impending catastrophic climatic consequences — which they associate with the burning of fossil fuels — continue to grow in number and refute the baseless climate-alarmist contentions, as ever more real-world observations that suggest just the opposite continue to find their way into the peer-reviewed scientific literature. And in light of these facts, Gervais concludes that “on inspection of a risk of anthropogenic warming thus toned down, a change of paradigm which highlights a benefit for mankind related to the increase of plant feeding and crop yields by enhanced CO2 photosynthesis is suggested.”
Clark, R. 2010. A null hypothesis for CO2. Energy and Environment 21: 171-200.
Gerlich, G. and Tscheuschner, R.D. 2009. Falsification of the atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse effects within the frame of physics. International Journal of Modern Physics B 23: 275-224.
Idso, S.B. 1998. CO2-induced global warming: a skeptic’s view of potential climate change. Climate Research 10: 69-82.
Kramm, G. and Dlugi, R. 2011. Scrutinizing the atmospheric greenhouse effect and its climatic impact. Natural Science3: 971-988.
Lewis, N. 2015. Pitfalls in climate sensitivity estimation. WCRP Grand Challenge Workshop: Earth’s Climate Sensitivities, Rindberg, Germany.
Lewis, N. and Curry, J.A. 2014. The implications for climate sensitivity of AR5 forcing and heat uptake estimates.Climate Dynamics 45: 1009-1023.
Lindzen, R.S. and Choi, Y.S. 2009. On the determination of climate feedbacks from ERBE data. Geophysical Research Letters 36: 10.1029/2009GL039628.
Lindzen, R.S. and Choi, Y.S. 2011. On the observational determination of climate sensitivity and its implications. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 47: 377-390.
Miskolczi, F. 2007. Greenhouse effect in semi-transparent planetary atmospheres. Quarterly Journal of the. Hungarian Meteorological Service 111: 1-40.
Paltridge, G., Arking, A. and Pook, M. 2009. Trends in middle- and upper-level tropospheric humidity from NCEP reanalysis data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 98: 351-359.
Skeie, R.B., Berntsen, T., Aldrin, M., Holdren, M. and Myhre, G. 2014. A lower and more constrained estimate of climate sensitivity using updated observations and detailed radiative forcing time series. Earth System Dynamics 5: 139-175.
Spencer, R.W. and Braswell, W.D. 2010. On the diagnosis of radiative feedback in the presence of unknown radiative forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research 115: 10.1029/2009JD013371.
Volokin, D. and ReLlez, L. 2015. Emergent model for predicting the average surface temperature of rocky planets with diverse atmospheres. Advances in Space Research 10.1016/j.asr.2015.08.006.
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