New Pfizer Vaccine Tested in 20 Mice, No Control Group, No Humans

At this point, the American public and scientific community is flabbergasted at the complete regulatory malfeasance committed by US FDA VRBPAC and CDC panelists

As of September 12, 2023, the prior bivalent (original Wuhan /BA4/BA5 mRNA Code) has been retired and the new XBB.1.5 monovalent vaccines have been emergency use authorized.

From the Pfizer core slides released today, there was a single experiment with 10 mice assigned to the prior BA4/BA5 bivalent and 10 assigned to the new XBB.1.5 monovalent vaccine.

They were injected twice, 21 days apart. The new booster was authorized for a single 30 mcg shot in humans.

The pseudoviral antibody responses were greater for the new vaccine against the outgoing XBB.1.5 (3.1 percent of strains as of 9/2/23) and the incoming EG.5 (Eris) strain at 21.5 percent, but no information was given about and FL.1.5.1 which is growing at 14.5 percent in the US population.

There were no human studies presented in the core slides by Pfizer.

It impossible to predict what would happen with a single human injection. Their last slide was a single ongoing clinical study of the new vaccine.

There are two age groups, no randomization and no control group.

There is zero chance to assess human safety or efficacy of the XBB.1.5 vaccine in sponsored studies.

The only thing that will stop ongoing scientific misconduct and regulatory malfeasance is public outrage and booster refusal.

The vaccine companies are hauling in record profits, have not analyzed safety nor have they shown any interest in safer more effective products for testing in large-scale randomized double-blind placebo controlled trials.

The Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex is completely off the rails!

Coming next will be vaccines developed from computer generated mRNA genetic code with mathematical modeling of antibody response and no mice or human subjects at all.

See more here

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (13)

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    Cal Aylmer


    That’s an improvement!, the last one was only tested on 8 mice.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    This is not new. Only “experts” are realizing it now.

    Scientifically, it was known, and I described it, that a vaccine cannot be developed or tested against the virus, as there is no virus to test against.

    The vaccine has never been tested against the virus. The so-called clinical trials were fake to start with. It may have become difficult to hide the reality, so now they are open about it, i.e., why bother? Just do some testing (for news media) and declare science has been done, and Voila, we have an effective and safe vaccine.

    They (“scientists,” “experts,”) and their “science” are doomed!



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    This is becoming the high standard for all big pharma drugs because no one is challenging it and people still love drugs to death no matter if they kill them or not.


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      Saeed Qureshi


      No one can challenge it under the current system because you would appeal to who caused the issue (the “experts”) – the fox in the henhouse situation.

      The only way to get out of the situation is to get an audit done by a third party. Considering pharmaceuticals, including vaccines, are chemicals, they should be assessed by someone with expertise in chemical science, particularly testing, certainly not by medical/pharmaceutical experts.


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        Good afternoon Dr. Qureshi. Who might that Independent third party be who is out of reach of the influence of Big Pharma and not susceptible to their seemingly limitless access to payoffs and bribery to gain favorable reports?


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          Saeed Qureshi



          You have a valid point. However, I believe a chemistry-based third party would be challenging to handle in that respect (as you mentioned). Medical/pharmaceutical “experts,” considering their weakness in the subject, molded into things that benefit few, certainly not the public and the pharmaceutical industry, which is on its own deathbed.

          They followed the virus/virology for their survival because classical pharmaceuticals/pharmacy was not profitable or vial business. They moved to other areas (virus/virology is one) but have fallen into a deeper hole, so it will be hard to get out of it. If they consider the option, an independent third-party audit will save them (and the public will benefit, too). I think they have no choice but to bring the appropriate chemical expertise because they deal with chemicals, not diseases or illnesses; not many realize this.


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    I’m an independent expert from outer space. How much money will you give me for my expertise?


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    Dr Qureshi,

    all the experts know VERY WELL that when talking Pfizer/ModERNA products, we are dealing with not ‘vaccines’ but in fact with GENETIC MODIFICATIONS of the entire humanity with one and the same synthetic genetic Spike code. It is literally extremely deceiving by ALL MD’s in my opinion, who continue with FDA re-definitions of basic biology!! What’s wrong with you all??? It is literally sickening to watch this, and while writing my own substack on this, I can’t post ANY comments under Dr. McCullough posts, without paying….Every single post is being shadowbanned while MD’s posts talking about ‘vaccines’ are all over! What a wonderful censorship! Congratulation MD’s!


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      Saeed Qureshi


      @ “all the experts know VERY WELL that when talking Pfizer/ModERNA products, we are dealing with not ‘vaccines’ but in fact with GENETIC MODIFICATIONS …”

      Sorry, Chris, they (M.Ds.) do not know. They are trained to listen and narrate what is described – diagnose (as per instructions) and prescribe (as per instructions). Unfortunately, they have also been told that their instructions are based on “science,” they believe in that, too. So, the error keeps multiplying.

      The only way to get out of it is to break the cycle and seek advice from people trained in and with expertise in substance isolation, purification, and characterization.

      Viruses (isolation and characterization) and vaccines (development and manufacturing) are not part of health (or its expertise) but chemicals and their manufacturing.


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    Covid never left the denovo assembler. It’s fake, and you don’t take vaccines for phony viruses.
    As far as the study, which part(s) of the patent were tested?
    These articles never advance the conversation; always stuck on stupid. At this point in the game, any credible “investigator” would be going straight to the patent. Do people honestly think that 9 pages of side effects came from a single strand of mRNA?
    The Moderna patent cites 552 other patents and includes 1,500 sequence peptides. They happen to be in a patent infringement lawsuit with Pfizer. Moderna lists 10 patents under intellectual property claims for the covid vaccine. Pfizer’s is just as beefy.
    The reader is always left to fill in the blanks with these propaganda pieces. Just like the Ukraine war, where people’s brains are filling in a war where there is none.
    Ukraine sheep believe there’s a war and they’ve never been shown one. Readers of these articles believe that they’re thorough and honest, even though there’s an iceberg that they aren’t telling you about. Always the impression, never the proof.

    The vaccine patents are huge, so the question must be: what part(s) of the patent were tested?


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      Saeed Qureshi


      @ “ … you don’t take vaccines for phony viruses.” It should be, “You don’t DEVELOP vaccines for phony viruses.” The public does not have the knowledge to decide; authorities should have.


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