New Documentary Proves Lockdowns, Contact Tracing Don’t Stop COVID
The documentary puts hysteria aside and taps into the science of virus infections — why it is more important to address the underlying conditions that cause serious infections to occur.
The documentary also discusses the factors that make the SARS-CoV-2 infection different than traditional virus infections, and why individuals should be skeptical of one-size-fits-all public health mandates that do nothing to address the underlying conditions that perpetuate infections.
The Most Important Factor For Stopping Viral Spread Is Nourishment Of The Internal Terrain
Because viruses and bacteria are a vital part of the human body, they are not the sole cause of disease. Viruses need an environment that is conducive to their survival.
Like a seed, a virus is neither dead nor alive; a virus doesn’t become infectious until it is introduced to an environment that supports it replication and virility. The human body is a vast ecosystem of microbes.
When that ecosystem is malnourished, disrupted and broken down, an environment is established where infections are more likely to occur.
The Standard American Diet and the chemicals that break down human microbiology are the greatest threat to human health during a pandemic because this way of life creates a malnourished environment within the human gut, causing poor synthesis of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, tannins, lignans and various phytonutrients.
An inflammatory diet that causes dysbiosis of the gut and mucous buildup, ultimately creates a toxic environment in the blood and organs – an environment that welcomes infection.
It doesn’t matter how many test kits are used to detect benign non-infectious virus material. It doesn’t matter how long people are put on house arrest, quarantine and isolation out of the fear of human contact.
If the underlying conditions are never addressed, people are going to succumb to illness. The immune system will correct the imbalance more often than not, but if the underlying conditions are compromised, this is where mortality is likely to occur.
Detection of virus material is ultimately meaningless and the fear of human contact a waste of mental energy. The public health aim should be to strengthen the human immune system.
Vitamin D deficiency has been identified in upward of 80 percent of ICU admissions. The basic synthesis of sunlight into a hormone called vitamin D could stop viral illness in its tracks, but in order for this to occur, people need to get outside, not be trapped indoors in a fearful, quarantined and weakly state.
SARS-CoV-2 Doesn’t Represent As A Natural Viral Infection
Doctors around the world have seen bizarre symptoms with covid-19, including blood disorders, low blood oxygen levels and blood clotting factors.
Is SARS-CoV-2 strictly a viral illness? Could it be the consequence of electromagnetic radiation poisoning or underlying parasitic infections?
If the current pandemic is caused by a virus, why have anti-parasitic drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine been so effective at stopping the infection?
Why have these treatments been censored online, and the fear of infection perpetuated by the media?
The gain-of-function research that was conducted in China was conducted on coronaviruses, and Dr. Anthony Fauci warned in 2017 at a Georgetown University speech that there will be a “surprise outbreak” during the Trump Administration.
Dr. Fauci supported this gain-of-function research on coronaviruses through the National Institutes of Health in cooperation with China.
Why have benign coronaviruses become so virulent and what are the underlying causes and human conditions that turn on and exacerbate their lethality?
All the testing, tracking, tracing and locking people down does not address the underlying causes that make covid-19 a deadly disease.
While mortality rates continue to fall as treatments improve, there is no way out of the control until people stand up for their civil liberties and fight the China virus by addressing the underlying conditions in their own body, while nourishing and preparing their cellular health to be resilient in the precarious years ahead.
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Dean Michael Jackson
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“Doctors around the world have seen bizarre symptoms with covid-19, including blood disorders, low blood oxygen levels and blood clotting factors.”
What is one to expect when there is no COVID-19, hence all nucleotide sequences are COVID-19.
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Please stop putting up videos with no information to tell is where they come from. This is NOT an official movie – whatever that is supposed to mean.
John O'Sullivan
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Alan, If you’re looking for content that requires official approval before publication perhaps you should consider moving to China?
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I wasn’t asking for official approval, as you well know. I was asking for more background about the video. You could have told us this from one website “Dr. Lawrence Palevsky: An antivaccine pediatrician who’s an endless font of misinformation.”
John O'Sullivan
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Alan, You raised the issue of official endorsement and now you want us to re-post a defamatory and unsubstantiated allegation that Dr Lawrence Palevsky is “an endless font of misinformation.” Sounds like you’re well versed in Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals, you’d be a good servant of a totalitarian regime.
Zoe Phin
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Alan, even Hindus banned Magic Shot theory, before Jenner picked it up. Why do you think they banned it?