New CO2 Science: From Climate Demon to Saint

A huge volcano in Iceland may be getting ready to erupt - Vox

The new millenium is seeing revolutionary change in our understanding of carbon dioxide (CO2). Once the demon global warming gas, scientists are increasingly accepting they got that wrong. We examine some of the astonishing developments.

Robin Wylie, is a doctoral candidate in volcanology, at University College London. Like other experts in this field he will shock you with a surprising new fact. Planet Earth is a heavy smoker. The true extent of its habit, though, has only recently begun to surface.

Until around the start of this new century, the academic consensus was that volcanic output of carbon dioxide from erupting volcanoes was tiny. However, the science is now revealing a hidden side to our leaking planet.

In 1992, it was thought that volcanic degassing released something like 100 million tons of COeach year. Around the turn of the millennium, this figure was getting closer to 200 million tons.

Mike Burton, of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology has found that it could be nearer to 600 million tons. It caps a staggering trend: A six-fold increase in just two decades. [1]

Another esteemed expert, Professor Ian Plimer, reveals what volcanologists and geologists have learned from the 2010 Icelandic eruption. He reports:

“Since its first spewing of volcanic ash, in just FOUR DAYS, it NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT humans have made in the previous five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet.”

Of course, for the past 30 years we have been told by government climate ‘scientists’ that carbon dioxide must be suppressed because it is ‘dangerous.’ But more recently, even NASA is admitting CO2  is the vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.

Many already knew this from horticultural science where it is essential to pump huge quantities of CO2 into commercial greenhouses to boost crop yield. Paleo-geologists also confirm that over vast geological time scales we currently live in an era of extremely low atmospheric CO2 levels (see graph below).

But don’t confuse the black smoke ash cloud you see from volcanic eruptions with CO2. Carbon  dioxide is both colorless and odorless.

This benign gas is being emitted quietly and unnoticed, every day globally around the clock by thousands of volcanic vents – most of which are uncharted and at the bottom of our oceans. Only when a massive volcanic land eruption hits the headlines do we get to hear of it.

You see, the planet has always enjoyed an upside to this apparently foul planetary smoking habit: the extra CO2 is fertilizer for most plants. The geological record proves that the more carbon dioxide there is in the air, the richer the plant growth on the surface.

Professor Plimer continues:

“I know….it’s very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kids “The Green Revolution” science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, vacationing at home instead of abroad,nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cent light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs…..well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days!”

The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere in just four days from that Icelandic eruption – yes, FOUR DAYS – has totally erased every single effort all of us made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time – EVERY DAY.

Plimer warns:

“I don’t really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more ‘greenhouse gases’ into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth.”

Yes, folks, Mt Pinatubo was active for over one year – think about it. Professor Plimer’s book is well worth reading.

It isn’t just volcanoes that form part of Earth’s smoking habit. We mustn’t forget forest fires. The fact of the matter is that the wildfire seen recently across the western USA and Australia alone will likely negate all efforts to reduce carbon emissions for the next two to three years. And such events can happen every year.

Now put into context the telling fact that our planet’s average global temperature COOLED by more than half a degree Celsius from February 2016 to February 2018, according to recent NASA data.

Defying all the expectations for two decades of climate experts NASA’s own data proves our planet has been cooling, despite much higher atmospheric CO2 levels.

Not only cooler despite more CO2, but earth is getting much greener!

NASA: Study Shows Increased CO2 Is Creating A Greener Planet

There is a further twist in the tail of what we thought we knew about CO2 from the 20th century. A new NASA report shows that the increasing level of CO2 in the atmosphere is making the planet greener!

The NASA study examined the planet’s leaf area index, or amount of vegetation cover across the planet. It found that in the past 35 years, an area of the planet twice the size of the continental United States became greener with vegetation. The main cause, they say, is the rise in CO2 levels! [2]

globe of Earth from North Pole perspective

While volcanology and geology are re-writing what we assumed about carbon dioxide from volcanoes, applied scientists from industry are showing evidence that CO2 does not trap heat/delay cooling as claimed in the greenhouse gas theory.

Remember what we were told by ‘experts’ about the perils of higher CO2? Well, they were wrong, their theory was wrong. More carbon dioxide doesn’t mean more warming. Their junk science failed to account for the fact CO2 boosts plant growth; a biospheric mechanism removing heat from the atmosphere and thus is a climate cooling effect.

But it gets worse for believers in the greenhouse gas hypothesis – CO2 is proven only to COOL, never warm anything!

Indeed, engineers in applied science are repeatedly  demonstrating that CO2 is nature’s most efficient heat-shifting gas (moving heat from warmer to cooler spaces). Such that it likely removes heat from our planet’s surface, rather than adding to supposed man-made global warming.

Applied scientists have failed to find any possible way to use carbon dioxide to trap or store heat – quite the opposite – CO2 stubbornly reveals itself as one of the best refrigeration gases known to science!

So well does CO2 do the job of cooling things that one of the world’s top car makers, Mercedes-Benz, began installing CO2 air conditioning systems in their vehicles as of 2017. [3]

Since then, Mercedes engineers have shown that the new air conditioning units – fitted in their luxury S Class and E Class cars – are winning acclaim thanks to the switch over to this ‘newly-discovered’ green gas (CO2).

The great irony is that the increased use of CO2 for industrial cooling purposes is because the EU has determined it is better for the environment!

This unexpected news is setting many in the world of government climate research into a spin because it defies the anti-science logic of their mantra that “carbon dioxide is a powerful heat-trapping gas.”

But the good news about carbon dioxide as a powerful cooling gas is spreading fast throughout world industry. Now, even ice rinks are increasingly using CO2 to cool their icy playing surfaces.

Until 2014 CO2 was previously used solely as the secondary refrigerant in ice rinks, but CO2 today is also applied as the primary refrigerant. As discussed by Rogstam, CO2-based technology is potentially well suited for ice rinks due to the unique demands of these facilities.

Indeed, this is set out in the updates to the European Union (EU) F-gas Regulation in 2015.

“To further control emissions from fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases), the EU updated the regulation in which refrigerants with high global warming potential (GWP) are to be gradually phased out and replaced by substances that fulfill the environmental requirements.” [id]

Since 2014 the interest in using carbon dioxide as a ‘green’ refrigerant gas has grown in Europe  and today seven indoor ice rinks use CO2. This ice rink refrigeration technology has evolved from, and is basically the same as, the one used by the large supermarket grocery chains.

With all these new developments, it is time to remind climate scientists that:

Carbon Dioxide has three ‘absorption’ bands, and per Wien’s Law the absorption is at these wavelengths and temperatures

2.7 microns (800°C) 4.3 micron (400°C) 14.7 micron (-80°C)

Absorbing in three incoming solar bands, but only one Outgoing Longwave Radiation band, means that CO2 is a COOLANT.

Mercedes, supermarkets and ice rink manufacturers are showing how practical applications of CO2 prove the OPPOSITE of the deluded claims of climate ‘scientists’ about ‘heat-trapping/delayed cooling.’

Even top lukewarmist climate expert, Professor Fred Singer, long-time defender of the greenhouse effect, now admits CO2 cools climate.

Serious scientists are finally seeing that in the real world (as opposed to fanciful junk climate computers) CO2 SPEEDS UP HEAT TRANSFER away from a surface! [4]




[4]  ASHRAE Journal, August 2017.file:///C:/Users/Fix{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}20It{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}20Up/Downloads/Rogstam–082017–08162018feature.pdf

John O’Sullivan is CEO of PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone:  

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Comments (18)

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    jerry krause


    Hi John O’,

    Excellent amount of information which is not an argument, but instead observed fact.

    I consider the following brief resume of Ian Rutherford Plimer a critical fact which it seem so many want ot ignore.

    He is an Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne, professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide, and the director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies.
    He has published 130 scientific papers, six books and edited the Encyclopedia of Geology. Sounds pretty learned/credible, don’t you think?

    While Ian has been a professor at a couple of academic institutions, he is not a philosopher; he is a practical scientist whose advice must be useful in an economical sense for he has been a director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies.

    So, many people can believe what he wrote because of what he has done. What he wrote is not any new information. But most who have reviewed this have limited experience outside the academic community.

    I am do not have the achievements close to those of Ian Rutherford Plimer, which is a reason I quote others (Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Feynman, Linus Pauling, Lewis Agassiz, etc.) whose efforts have laid the foundation of fundamental science.

    However, it is clear that most who comment relative to my comments and essay’s have little respect for what these men have done. And I know the ‘chemical’ contributions of Marie Curie (isolated the new natural element radium from pitchblende) and the nameless chemists at Oakridge, who enriched the necessary fissionable isotope of uranium for the atomic bomb which the physicists at Los Alamos had designed. Of, one needs to be a physical chemist to really appreciate the challenge of doing this enrichment.

    Thank you for making your continued efforts to bring information from here and there together in your postings.

    Have a good day, Jerry

    • Avatar

      John Doran


      1, Jerry.

      Plimer’s book: Heaven and Earth, Global Warming: The Missing Science
      is a real climate information treasure trove.
      500 pages, 2,000+ ref’s to peer-reviewed papers etc & well indexed.
      A real work of scholarship in easy to read layman’s terms.
      An afterword by Lord Monckton, an endorsment by Vaclav Klaus & well worth the time & cost.


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        jerry krause


        Hi John,

        Sounds very interesting. I will try to check it out. Thanks for the information.

        Have a good day, Jerry

        • Avatar

          John Doran


          You’re welcome, Jerry.

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      Horace de Saussure


      Oh là là, Gérard, quelle horreur, more ramblings and useless or superfluous information. We really don’t need to be reminded of Ian Plimer’s credentials and achievements, et on s’en fout what you know about Marie Curie or the Manhattan Project. S’il vous plait, try to stay on topic, ici, CO2 science. Mais, quel soulagement, merci beaucoup for sparing your long-suffering readers from any more obscure or obtuse quotes from the grave or a thesis on Stonehenge.

      Au fait, we Europeans, particularly patricians and intellectuals, comme moi, find signing-off a post with “Have a good day”, or worse, “Have a nice day”, a bit affected, insincere and irritating. C’est une phrase we associate with the retail and hospitality industries. C’est un habitude culturellement agaçante that also afflicts your frequent, similarly off-with-the-pixes, sparring partner. If it wasn’t a shrub, a rose by any other name could be a herb, n’est pas? Pourquoi ne pas essayer something more refined, sophisticated and appropriate?, such as:

      Bien à vous
      Horace de Saussure
      Polymath, Inventor, Botanist and Mountaineer

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        jerry krause


        Hi Horace,

        You terribly dishonor a good man (by taking his name) with significant achievements who did not spend his time mocking others.

        The theme of my life is the question that Richard Feynman’s wife, who was dying with TB, asked him. “What do you care what other people think?”

        Have a good day, Jerry

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        Jean Paul


        Horace, I’m inclined to agree with you. I stopped reading his rambling, meandering, confused and confusing, dotty comments long ago. They’re a blight on PSI.

        It’s curious that he appears not to care what other people think and yet he constantly quotes what other people have thought.

        But he’s probably just ignorant and unaware that signing-off with “Have a good day” is poor etiquette and culturally insensitive. In short, Sir, he’s a boor.

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          Herb Rose


          Hi Jean Paul,
          I believe Jerry suffers from Asperger syndrome which causes his writing to wander. If you and Horace are not familiar with the condition it is like being French without the hubris. The French though de Gaulle a great leader while everyone else considered him an insufferable egotistical arrogant ass with little ability. He did speak perfect French though, which is all that really matters.
          The use of Have a good day” is a way of disagreeing with someone without being disagreeable. Jerry probably doesn’t know that being disagreeable is central to the French culture.

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            Jean Paul


            Jerry’s aspergic, you say, Herb? I cannot speak for Horace, but I am perfectly familiar with Aspergers. With sympathy, I can see that Aspergers could well contribute to his bizarre obsessions, confused thought processes, ramblings and lack of empathy and social graces, but I’m not sure what the French have to do with it. Some of them, like de Gaulle, and particularly Parisians, may be arrogant, but neither arrogance nor hubris are characteristics of Aspergers. Do your xenophobic prejudices and bigotries extend to all French speakers? I hope not. I’m from Luxembourg and I believe Horace is Swiss. Or is your denigration of the French just a failed attempt at sarcasm? I do hope so.

            If what you say about signing-off with “Have a good day’ is correct, then it would appear that it could be intended as a condescending and impolite slight, an act of underhand incivility. But I appreciate and thank you for not using it in your comment on this occasion.

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    John Doran



    Earth has cooled 0.7Deg(C?) this past century?

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      John O'Sullivan


      Bob, check the date on those links. They predate the findings of Mike Burton, of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. Burton more recently found that it could be nearer to 600 million tons. Compare that to what scientists had previously assumed: only 100 million tons of CO2 each year.

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        But John even at 600 million it seems insignificant to the reported 34 gigatons of man made emissions. Plimer says that Mt Pinatubo’s blast in 1991 was equivalent to all of mankind’s emissions combined. Aren’t we talking thousands of gigatons of CO2? Can this statement be possibly true?

        • Avatar

          John O'Sullivan


          ChetT, Yes, we can dispute numbers all we want. Without even needing the numbers a reasonable person can adduce that one single volcanic eruption has more power to change climate than all of humanity. The proof? The Year Without a Summer (1816) According to a 2012 analysis by Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature, the 1815 Tambora eruption caused a temporary drop in the Earth’s average land temperature of about 1 °C
          That triggered an agricultural disaster. Historian John D. Post has called this “the last great subsistence crisis in the Western world” with 200,000 deaths.

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    How is a person suppose to make an intelligent conclusion when there is such a huge discrepancy between Plimer’s CO2 volcanic emission numbers vs. the IPCC published data. We’re talking orders of magnitude here. Who to believe and why?

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    Robert Beatty


    I recently asked Professor Plimer if he could verify information in the blog this article is based on.
    His response, “I can not verify the information. They even get my birthdate wrong.”
    Unfortunately blog sites frequently post inaccurate information.

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    Wilhelm Morgenstierne


    I wondered much about Mt Pinatubo and its big eruption in 1991 and that Plimer mentioned that this Volcano degassed more greenhousegasses than the human race had ever done. In 1991 the human race degassed about between 22 and 23 billion ton of CO2 and between 1981 and 1991 perhaps 20 x 10 billion ton CO2 = 200 billion ton. All volcanoes degasses about 600 millon a year or 0,6 billion CO2. I hope you understand mywondering.

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