New Boost For Healthy Climate Scepticism
Confidence is rising in two key aspects of healthy climate scepticism. First, climate models have run “hot” and been wrong in predicting the speed and extent of warming. Second, the extended slowdown in the rate of warming since the turn of the century was real. —Graham Lloyd, The Australian, 23 September 2017
Millar et al. attracted controversy for stating that climate models have shown too much warming in recent decades, even though others (including the IPCC) have said the same thing. The model-observational discrepancy is real and needs to be taken into account especially when using models for policy guidance. –Ross McKitrick, Climate Etc, 26 September 2017
Blaming the news media is another low for climate science. Journalists reported accurately that climate models have been running hot — because that’s what climate scientists actually told the press, and there was nothing wrong with the headlines. –David Whitehouse, GWPF Observatory, 25 September 2017
Global warming is “settled science,” we hear all the time. Those who reject that idea are “deniers.” But as new evidence trickles out from peer-reviewed scientific studies, the legs beneath the climate change hypothesis — that the earth was doing just fine until carbon-dioxide spewing human beings came along — is increasingly wobbly. —Editorial, Investor’s Business Daily, 22 September 2017
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