New Book Trashes Greenhouse Gas Fake Science

As interest in a new book mounting a devastating attack on junk climate science gains traction we publish excerpts to show what the fuss is all about.

Canadian space scientist, Joseph E Postma’s new book ‘In the Cold Light of Day: Flat Earth in Modern Physics and a Numerical Proof for God: A Climate Alarm’ is a welcome addition to the growing body of carefully-researched work dismantling the cornerstone of man-made global warming.

Postma is well known for not pulling his punches in exposing the guilty in the biggest scientific fraud of all time. Below are a some excerpts to whet the appetite:

Introduction: This is a book which entirely debunks the pseudoscience of climate alarmism, and also disrupts the foundations of the entire field of climate science, and even science in general, itself.  That climate alarmism is pseudoscience will be entirely proven within this book.  Note that I am not a climate denier: I do not deny that the climate exists, and I do not deny that it changes.  The term “climate denier” is just one of those loaded idiotic sophistical phrases that means exactly nothing, which is in fact the same foundation that the so-called science of climate alarmism rests upon.  There is no such thing or such a person who denies the climate or denies climate change, and the joke here is that there are people who believe that there are other people who deny that the climate exists and deny climate change.

No one denies climate change, or the existence of the climate.  I do deny alarming climate change based on climate science’s concept of a greenhouse effect, because the latter can be quite easily proven not to exist.  I also deny that the climate is currently changing in an alarming way, given that geological history demonstrates that current changes in the climate are equivalent to nominal natural variations of the past.  The only thing which is remarkably changing is the atmospheric concentration of gaseous carbon dioxide, and with no climate alarm greenhouse effect then this change will have none of the claimed alarming effects upon the temperature of the atmosphere of the planet Earth.  The only real effect that an increased carbon dioxide concentration will have is that plant growth is enhanced, given that carbon dioxide is an atmospheric fertilizer of sorts.  The entire situation of human carbon dioxide emission from combustion of hydrocarbon fuels is a win-win for humanity and for the planet: man gets cheap and abundant energy, and life gets the carbon dioxide it is made out of back into the atmosphere where the carbon dioxide can be turned back into more life once again through photosynthesis.  If you’re pro-life, you should be pro-carbon dioxide.

The greatest travesty of climate alarmism based on its so-called greenhouse effect and so-called greenhouse gases is that the truly important questions in legitimate climate science aren’t being researched and answered.  For example, we still don’t seem to really know why the current interglacial period has lasted so much longer than the previous ones.  And it is still not clearly understood as to why the Earth was in a “little ice age” between 1300AD and 1850AD, why there was a warmer medieval period before that, and why the Earth came out of the little ice after 1850AD, etc.  In fact, climate alarm science has made researching those legitimate questions taboo because they can only be answered by natural variations which have as large as or larger of an effect on the climate than so-called modern anthropogenic changes via the climate alarmist greenhouse effect, and that destroys the alarmist narrative that modern climate variation is not within the bounds of expected natural variation, which it is.  It is almost as if someone doesn’t want research being done into the most important climate phenomena relevant to modern man, i.e., onset of ice ages, etc.  We could have another ice-age begin, and all the historical data shows that one should have started by now, and we would have no idea why!  The most difficult part of what you’re about to read is that it is unbelievable.  Once you see what has happened, you won’t believe it to be possible that science has gotten itself into this position.

For a treatment such as this it is impossible to not to have to refer to thermodynamics and its mathematics in order to understand how nature works.  Reality is governed by the physical principles and laws of physics which we can only understand and quantify through mathematics.  I will have a lot to say about mathematics and its relevance and meaning in science, and we will have to use some mathematics too.  For some sections, if you truly wish to follow the math along, it might be helpful for you to write down the equations on scrap paper as you read so that you can refer back to them given that sometimes a few pages may transpire between one equation and the next and it is often necessary to reference the previous equations.  If math isn’t your thing, then just “read around” the math as I will do my best to explain what is going on.

About the subtitle of the book:  Firstly, this book is nothing to do with supporting the ridiculous flat Earth meme which can be found around internet discussion forums these days. That part of the subtitle indicates that the flat Earth meme has actually been clandestinely if not accidentally inserted into modern physics to the extent that flat Earth theory is actually literally taught to science students by science professors in professional academic universities and their science departments.  Yes, seriously.

The second part of the subtitle about a mathematical proof for “God” is meant in the proper philosophical Idealist sense, and I leave the development of concepts in this book to get you there.  I could have written “universal noumenal mind” but no one would understand what that meant, and God is a somewhat near-enough substitute if you’re careful about what you mean by that, but it has all of the essential features a thinking person would expect in the aspects of it being omnipresent and omnipotent, immanent and transcendent, etc.  ……

The tone of the book is at times hostile and mocking, but…well…sorry…once you see what is going on and what has happened, if you understand it, you should feel a lot more than that, or perhaps you’ll in fact only feel that it confirms just how bad things have gotten in supposed intellectual discourse.

I would like to thank the group of scientists known as “The Slayers” and the subsequent group Principia Scientific International (PSI) for the moral support over all these years of our climate alarm skepticism.  There is not a single thing which is or has been enjoyable about this process and this position we have taken, and we have only had each other for consolation.  We have survived because our position is unassailable, because there is no argument to prove that the Earth is flat….

You see, I can’t just point out to science colleagues that climate alarm is based in flat Earth theory, given its very own diagrams for its very own greenhouse effect upon which it is based.  They don’t care.  They literally don’t care.  They value climate alarm and the culture of anti-human guilt more than they do what you think should be actual real science.  And so instead I need to figure out how to write a scientific paper explaining with scientific and mathematical reasons that the Earth is not a flat plane, and that using a flat plane to do science is not real science let alone good, fair, or even approximate science…..

How easy should it be for science to reject flat Earth theory?  It should be the easiest thing in the world.  In fact it is the most difficult thing for science to do once flat Earth theory has inveigled its way in to becoming part of the modern science pedagogy.  Science has no method for self-correction other than for generations to die…but in this case the generation that dies is the one who once understood that the Earth isn’t flat, and the new generation is the one which doesn’t care.  It’s not that the new generation consciously believes that the Earth is flat…no, it is that the new generation doesn’t care about using flat Earth physics and they will defend the right of other scientists to do so because they cannot comprehend what could be wrong in doing so.

The sensation of education and of being educated has become identical to that of cognitive dissonance, and the subconscious cognitive dissonance of utilizing flat Earth theory on the one hand while ridiculing it on the other must feel so perfectly highly educated.  How can science have arrived at any other result when it has been teaching students to just “shut up and calculate” instead of come up with a good reason for and understanding of the very math that they’re learning, and when it believes in cats which can be alive and dead at the same time?  The ridiculous alive-dead cat idea and the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics itself from which it came is the quintessence of cognitive dissonance, and this sort of thinking (i.e., non-thinking or ceased thinking or thinking with a wrench in the gears) has become standard pedagogy in professional academic science.  And so that is to say, to make it clear, that cognitive dissonance has become the standard for education in physics and academic science.  If you are a physicist, you can only feel like you are educated if you carry around with you the mental state of constant cognitive dissonance.  From Wikipedia:  “In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.”


Scientists think that climate alarm is the most important thing that science and modern science has done for humanity, and none of them care that it is based in flat Earth theory and actually has no true scientific or logical or empirical foundations whatsoever.  Scientists are strangely emotionally wedded to flat Earth climate alarm and all of its human-hating self-hatred overtones…..

We now live at a historical height of professionally instituted stupidity essentially mandated by law, worse than it has ever been because this state is now being claimed as highest reason by those who pass as intellectuals.

The absurdity of things today is that the intellectuals, the academics and the doctors of philosophy and of science profess themselves to be the epitome of reason while adopting the climatological consequences of flat Earth theory as their most important contribution to humanity in the modern age!  And they do this because for them it feels like the right thing to do, for them it feels like the educated thing to do, because for them the mental discomfort of their cognitive dissonance has become synonymous by their education with right opinion.

The First Fourier Transform

Joseph Fourier made some exceptionally incorrect statements about the way the atmosphere could behave, however, he is rightly immortalized in mathematics and physics due to the incredible mathematics he developed while studying heat flow (just not in the atmosphere…soz!).  While Fourier was the first to develop the mathematics of the transform which now bears his name, he was not the first to deploy the mechanism of the Fourier Transform in a practical application, that application being, of all places, the astrophysics of the time period.  It was the ancient mathematicians and astronomers Hipparchus (190-120 BC) and then Ptolemy (100-170 AD) who practically deployed the Fourier Transform in the epicyclic geocentric model of planetary motion for the seven classical astronomical bodies (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn).  The motion of the planets is of course periodic, but as viewed from a cosmos-centric Earth there are variations in the position and movement of the planets which can only be explained by adding additional movements about the main cycles.

The Fourier Transform of course represents periodic motion as a series sum of individual frequencies, where each frequency is perfect motion about a circle.  A given periodic phenomenon then has contributing frequencies of greater and less amplitude, at different frequencies and different phases or positions.  The Hipparchus-Ptolemaic geocentric epicyclic model for planetary motion has the planets moving about the Earth-anchored deferent as a perfect circle or perfect frequency, but about the path of the deferent circle there are epicycles for each planet which are secondary smaller perfect circles or frequencies of movement superimposed upon the deferent which are required to account for what are now known as the line-of-sight effects of “retrograde” planetary motions.  And so essentially, the epicyclic model is a two-frequency component Fourier Transform representation for planetary motion from a geocentric-anchored perspective.  Presumably, adding additional smaller epicycles would make the model more accurate, but the reason why this was never done was because no one ever had precise enough measurements to be able to identify and add a third frequency.  By the time accurate enough measurements were made with Tycho Brahe in the late 1500’s, there was already a movement towards a heliocentric model of the solar system with Copernicus in the early 1500’s, although Copernicus cited the ancient Greek mathematician and astronomer Aristarchus (310-230 BC) for the first proposition of such a model.  It was the Hipparchus-Ptolemaic geocentric model however which remained in favour up until Copernicus’ time period due to the influence of Aristotle’s preference for the geocentric model.


Imagine socially engineering humanity in such a way that you can, through pseudoscience and the mass adoption of the sensation of cognitive dissonance as being identified with the feeling of “being correct”, blame humanity for the weather, and then charge them money for it.

We are living in an age where merit will and has become simulated, pretended, i.e. an age of sophistry.  Moving away from an age of reason to an age of hysterical emotion and willingly adopted cognitive dissonance.  A devolution of the human mind by means of the negative dialectic.  Well, at least just for one side of the political divide that is, and thankfully we still have the other half who can think.

The threat to Meritocracy as a form of governance and socio-cultural ideology is the simulacrum of merit, i.e. the pretense of merit, just as we have seen with climate alarm pretending to be the most important thing that science has produced for modern man with its conveniently attendant global corporate and financial governance categorizing each human as a unit of carbon emissions to be optimized for its shopping power.  It is scientific educational academic specialization which has allowed for this.  Although this (hopefully) has failed with climate alarm, the disgusting sophists who do this type of thing for their living can certainly be emboldened by how far it went and how much they got away with.

Flat Earth promoters can now regularly be found online in comment sections across the spectrum of popular social media and commentary services.  They even reference NASA material where, say, some document discusses model rocketry simulations and the author states that they assume a flat and non-rotating Earth for the model, and then they present this as proof that NASA “secretly admits” that the Earth is flat!  I too have encountered people arguing that there is nothing wrong with the flat Earth physics of the climate alarmist radiative greenhouse effect because, for example, we assume flat Earth physics when calculating the trajectory of a baseball.  Do you see the sophistry here?  For a model rocket, or a baseball diamond, the Earth surface can indeed be legitimately approximated as flat because at the scale of a model rocket or a baseball diamond the surface really is physically flat.  But does sunshine really fall over the entire Earth’s surface at once as if the Earth is a flat plane in space, with a paradox in what the distance between the Earth and the Sun is?  Why do people say such stupid things!?

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Comments (5)

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    Just started tge book. Question for Joe. He states “Think of a river: the water (energy) still flows, but the water level (energy density) doesn’t change.”
    Surely gravity is why water flows, so its internal energy is less at its destination… Ie why hydro-power dams make electricity by extracting kinetic energy without temperature change.

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    Herb Rose


    Hi Macha,
    The energy from flowing water comes from the sun which evaporates it into the atmosphere. It condenses into liquid water and flows releasing this energy. Hydro-electric dams do reduce the kinetic energy (temperature) of the water. There is no free lunch.
    I haven’t read the book but what I think Joe is referring to is that even though there is energy flow there is no change in the conductor of the energy just as an electrical wire doesn’t”t change if there is electricity flowing through it or not.
    Have a good day,

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      I have ordered the book, but I also haven’t read it, but Herb Rose’s statement that an electrical wire doesn’t change when there is electricity flow is definitely wrong. Just think of a toaster, it wouldn’t work at all if that statement was correct.

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        Herb Rose


        Hi Frank,
        I assume when you are referring to the toaster you are referencing the heating elements which are designed with large resistance to convert electricity into heat. The wire going from the outlet to the toaster is designed to minimize resistance and heat. When the toaster is not in use there are electrons moving back and forth in the wire in an AC circuit. Electricians have instruments to tell if a wire is “hot”. When you turn on the toaster the electrons flow into the heating elements producing heat while the wire does not have significant heat gain. The wire will remain the same if unplugged with no electron flow, hot with electrons moving but not doing work, or conducting energy flow to the heating elements.
        Have a good day,

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      Technical writing is a lot about avoiding ambiguities. Still water or flowing water gets same energy from sun. The fact it is flowing is the result of a force moving it from high potential to lower potential energy state. The change is due to force of gravity. The temperature may, or may not, change but its internal energy must have.
      For more is where Joe’s description is.
      “There is more at that weblink and you can read for a long time about the definition of temperature, but the above description is sufficient for our purposes. And so, when two objects have equal and constant capacity to accommodate thermal energy, then heat flow is all about the gradient of energy, and energy can have gradients because energy can take on different densities. Think of a cool glass of water versus a hot glass of water: the volume remains the same, but the hot water contains more thermal energy than the cool water and so the density of energy in the warmer water is higher. Think of two identical metal spheres, one cool and one hot: they have the same volume and surface area but the warmer sphere contains more thermal energy than the cooler sphere, and so has higher energy density. The surfaces of these objects correspondingly also have higher surface or area energy densities as well, and the Stefan-Boltzmann Law equation is what gives the energy density of radiant thermal emission from a surface. It is the difference in thermal energy densities which causes the energy from the higher density to act as heat flow into the lower density until the densities are equal and balanced out at a given surface, and it is only the portion of energy fromthe higher density that needed to flow to the lower density in order to equal it out which acts as heat. Like water which finds the lowest path and resting place to flow into, for the mathematics of statistical thermodynamics energy likewise automatically or spontaneously finds its most stable resting configuration and this configuration is when the energy densities among objects have equalled at their surfaces out and so no more change in the densities at the different object locations are possible, i.e. no more heat can flow. When the energy densities have equalled out in this way and heat can no longer flow, just as when water no longer has a place to flow, we call this a state of equilibrium, i.e., thermodynamic equilibrium. Note that in this state energy can still transfer and move around, it is just that the energy doesn’t change in density and hence doesn’t act as heat anymore anywhere. Think of a river: the water (energy) still flows, but the water level (energy density) doesn’t change. If you have different objects then you would need to consider the above but with the energy density normalized to each system’s entropy behaviour. In the simplest of terms, just think of higher temperature as having “more powerful” energy, and in order to cause heat and for energy to act as heat, i.e., to increase an object’s temperature, the incoming energy has to be more powerful than the energy emission of the object which it arrives at.”

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