New book: Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon

Pre-order this 400-page volume – a fitting addition to other books in the ‘Slayer’ series and a ‘must read’ for truth seekers.

Principia Scientific International researchers bring to market  ‘Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon‘ a truly independent, carefully-researched analysis of the biggest medical fraud in history. Don’t be misinformed anymore!

This comprehensive volume collects the findings of researchers who did a deep dive into the medical science of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. These experts in medicine, vaccines, chemistry and public policy present a cogent case against the corruption and exploitation of the innocent public by politicians, big pharma, liberal social media and progressive activists.


Unless we understand what happened and why, we will be unprepared for the next fake crisis when it is used as a manipulative tool for power-grabbing bureaucrats.

The authors cut through the fog of propaganda to summarize objective facts, information and data in a reader-friendly way.

With truth as our weapon, we invite you to join in the battle against the Virus and Vaccine Dragon—in all of its global forms.


John O’Sullivan

John is CEO and co-founder (with Joe Olson and Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century.’

O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory.

He currently co-hosts the Sky Dragon Slayers weekly show on TNT Radio.

Judy Wilyman

Judy Wilyman, PhD has expertise in the historical control of infectious diseases. She has spent many years investigating how the risk of these diseases was reduced in all developed countries by 1950, as described by the leading public health experts of the 20th century.

In her research she has also described the direct dose-response correlation between the increased use of vaccines and the decline in children’s health.

In 2015, Judy completed a PhD titled A Critical Analysis of the Australian Government’s Rationale for its Vaccination Policy that concluded that the government’s claims of safety and efficacy for the childhood vaccination program were not based on hard evidence. This research included examining the scientific rigor underpinning government claims that vaccines are ‘safe and effective.’ These claims are based on gaps in the science, not hard evidence. That is, the empirical science that is used to prove the safety and efficacy of vaccines has never been done.

Since 2015, she has experienced censorship in the debate of vaccination in both the mainstream media and the official channels for public debate. Her PhD is available as a download from the University of Wollongong’s website and to date has had 35,800 downloads. In March 2020, just as the world was facing lockdowns and social distancing, Judy published her book titled: Vaccination: Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom.

Now with the COVID19 pandemic scandal unfolding, Judy is in a key position to explain how and why by definition, there is no global public health emergency, and the alleged pandemic has been based on false science.

Saeed Qureshi

Dr. Saeed Qureshi has a Ph.D. in fundamental science (chemistry) specializing in analytical chemistry, which covers the science of substances’ isolation, identification, characterization, purification, tests developments, validation, and their uses.

As a senior research scientist for 30 years with Health Canada, Dr. Qureshi conducted experimental studies relating to drug applications for product marketing—undertaking hands-on experimental (scientific) studies for both in vitro and in vivo (animal/human) evaluations.

He has extensively published in peer-reviewed journals and made numerous invited national and international presentations on the subjects.

He is an accomplished scientist from a regulatory organization, as reflected by several high-profile awards he has received, such as (1) the Lifetime Achievement Award (2015, Indus Foundation, India); (2) the 2007 Deputy Minister’s (Health Canada) Award of Excellence in Science; (3) Excellence in Science Award (2007, Health Canada).

His expertise, experience, and work may be followed from his blog:

Robert Beatty

Robert has over twenty years broad experience in mine operations and planning for open cut and underground, coal and metalliferous mines. Operational experience was gained between 1965 and 1980 at middle and general management levels within the Australian Mining Industry at; Broken Hill, Tennant Creek, Blackwater, Saraji, South Blackwater, Lithgow and Atherton.

He was external Director of Mining with Sinclair Knight & Partners from 1981 to 1989. Since 1980, he operated as Principal of R.A. Beatty and Associates Pty Limited mine consulting engineers. The firm provided project management, mine planning, and research & development services under the BOSMIN® trade mark. In 1992, he was instrumental in successfully promoting the concept of ICs INTERNATIONAL which harnesses the combined efforts of several individual resource based consultants. He is currently a principal of that organisation.

In 1994, the University of Queensland recognised his lateral thinking abilities by appointing him an Honorary Research Consultant in recognition of his work on terrestrial evolution, planet orogeny and climate influences, and he has a personal interest in cosmology, investing, and gardening. He has recently written several papers which are published on the Principia Scientific International (PSI) website.



Stairway Press
1000 West Apache Trail, Suite 126
Apache Junction, AZ 85120
Email: [email protected]

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 





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Comments (12)

  • Avatar



    Was wond’rin’ where Bob Beatty had got to. No comments for yonks.

    Was concerned he had been captured by top-down tyrants.

    Congratulations to all involved in the new book.


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    John O'Sullivan


    Thanks, Moffin. We will be doing several interviews on TNT Radio to promote the book because the contents will prove essential help prevent further mass hysteria over unscientific governmental claims.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Moffin and PSI Readers,

    I suspect that your comment “Was wond’rin’ where Bob Beatty had got to. No comments for yonks.” was from this new book for I cannot find Bob’s comment: “No comments for yonks.”
    And Moffin, I am reasonably certain that you are aware that from time to time I have questioned some of what John, Bob, and Saeed have written. However, Judy Wilyman is a new name I don’t remember reading. Hence, I don’t want her to be ignored.

    We read: “In her research she has also described the direct dose-response correlation between the increased use of vaccines and the decline in children’s health.” Immediately followed by “In 2015, Judy completed a PhD titled A Critical Analysis of the Australian Government’s Rationale for its Vaccination Policy that concluded that the government’s claims of safety and efficacy for the childhood vaccination program were not based on hard evidence.”

    In 1950 I was 9 years old and living on a farm in eastern South Dakota, USA. Most everyone at this time in our county were, by several standards, poor. For most adults over 40 living in this county had survived the 1930s. In 1951 my bother joined the Air Force where he learned that our family was not poor, by the world standards, for our parents owned a quarter (160 acres) of land almost debt free. And we knew that 1/2 mile north was a family with two sons younger than I whom could not afford the same level of good nutrition that we could afford. And my father. who enjoyed fishing for sport, would share the bounty (protein) of some days fishing abundances with them, which they welcomed.

    It seems Judy Wilyman ignores the another factor of “good nutrition” and exercise as she with tunnel vision only sees the factor of vaccinations as she ignores polio of the 1950s. At the present time, if one watches commercials, it seems obvious that more and more are beginning to see that leaner is better and the value of good nutrition .

    Have a good day


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      Hi Jerry. I am one who readily trusted the medical establishment and vaccines were better than Christmas pudding. The polio vaccines that do not cause polio illness are a case in point.

      But then consider the aluminium adjuvant in vaccines that are administered to the very young. This neuro toxin manifests as neuropsychiatric disorders in children and dementia in later life.

      All the while there is no official mention of vitamin D, zinc and magnesium as essential nutrients for fighting illness on top of a good diet.

      We hear of dark skinned people having poorer health outcomes but no official acknowledgement that dark skin usually means vitamin D deficiency in a temperate climate.
      Oh, and take your vitamin K2 to keep that calcium where it is meant to be.

      Cheers. Mofflintonhead.


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      Robert Beatty


      Hi Moffin and Jerry,
      As a mining engineer, I am not qualified to add technical comment to this deeply technical publication, but I was proud to adopt a role as ‘assembler in chief’.
      The final publication is a great credit to the dedication of all involved, and particularly to John O’Sullivan who has devoted much of his time to the PSI publication, for several years.
      Our driving ambition for this book is to extend the bounds of knowledge on the Covid-19 phenomenon, and to also draw attention to propaganda inspired conversations.


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        John O'Sullivan


        Thanks, Bob. So delighted with your invaluable contribution to ensuring a high quality outcome.


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      Judy Wilyman


      Hi Jerry you will find when you read the book the evidence I provide supports the common knowledge that nutrition and environmental factors are the most significant factors in producing good health outcomes from infectious agents. Vaccination was only a secondary measure that was brought in after the risk (i.e. hospitalisations and deaths) of infectious diseases had already been removed by 1950. As as you say, this was achieved by good nutrition and improved public health infrastructure. The increased use of vaccines has led to a decline in health due to increased chronic illnesses in the population since the use of more and more vaccines.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Judy,

        You just wrote: “Vaccination was only a secondary measure that was brought in after the risk (i.e. hospitalisations and deaths) of infectious diseases HAD ALREADY BEEN REMOVED BY 1950″.

        How is it that I read “Polio Cases Surge” in 1952 and that Salk prepared his ‘dead’ virus vaccine in 1953? Plus, I am certain that a classmate died of polio in 1952, or soon thereafter.

        Have a good day


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          Judy Wilyman


          Hi Jerry,
          That is the sort of information you will find in our book and in my own book publicised on my website. You are correct there were outbreaks of these diseases in different countries after 1950 but the important information needed to reduce the risk was the environmental and host context in which these diseases occurred. And this is the information that is left out from media reports and big pharma explanations of how microorganisms cause disease. They have removed the other factors that are necessary for an infectious agent to cause disease. The viruses and bacteria are in us all the time but you only get sick if you have poor environmental or host factors with the agent being present. If you want the full explanation of polio outbreaks in the 1950’s please see Dr. Suzanne Humphries book ‘Dissolving Illusions’ and also read our book to understand how infectious diseases were controlled in the mid-twentieth century using the germ and the terrain theory together, and not the simplified theory promoted by big pharma to support the vaccination agenda.


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            Jonathan Holden


            Big pharma has had us all hoodwinked about the necessity to be vaccinated. The trials were stacked in their favour. See Turtles All the Way Down forwarded by Mary Holland ISBN 978-965-598-104-9
            Beware of the fake book with the same cover and title.

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    There are millions who need to assume room temperature for their crimes against humanity. Hang them all.


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    And co-morbidities?


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