Natural Covid immunity better than vaccination
A shocking new study from Israel compares the protection offered by vaccine-induced immunity versus natural immunity from a previous COVID-19 infection and finds the latter offers far more robust protection from infection, symptomatic disease, and hospitalization.
Natural immunity confers much longer lasting protection.
Directly comparing 16,215 previously COVID-19 infected individuals to 16,215 fully vaccinated individuals, 10 physicians (Gazit et al., 2021) preliminarily report (pre-print) fully vaccinated people are (a) 13 times more likely to be infected with COVID-19, (b) 27 times more likely to be symptomatically infected, and (c) 8 times more likely to be hospitalized than unvaccinated people with a prior COVID infection (natural immunity).
“This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.”
Image: Gazit et al., 2021
Other studies (Dan et al., 2021, Turner et al., 2021) have also indicated natural immunity obtained from a prior infection affords long-lasting, even “lifetime” anti-body protection from re-infection, or that “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination” (Shrestha et al., 2021).
Vaccine effectiveness declines 56 percent within just 70 days
A new study published in The Lancet reports an initial surge of antibody protection for those who have received the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Unfortunately, within weeks after the last shot, vaccine effectiveness begins to dramatically decline. In just 2½ months, Pfizer vaccine antibody levels have plummeted by 56 percent.
An “exponential decrease” in vaccine effectiveness of up to 40 percent per month after last shot
Another new study highlights the precipitous drop in antibody protection almost immediately following getting jabbed for the second time.
While those with natural immunity from a prior COVID-19 infection (convalescents) lose <5 percent antibody protection per month after a COVID-19 infection, vaccinated-only individuals lose up to 40% of their immunity protection every month after their last shot.
At this pace, the artificial immunity afforded by vaccines wears off within a few months.
If strong and lasting protection from symptomatic disease, hospitalization, and death favors natural infection with COVID-19 over vaccination, then an understandable, “Catch-22” objection would be that it is still worse to be infected with COVID-19 than injected with the various immunizing vaccines available.
But here is a larger context worth considering.
Underestimating the prevalence of COVID-19 infections vastly overestimates the fatality rate
Throughout 2020 several studies emerged assessing the actual prevalence COVID-19 infections in communities from antibody tests rather than just relying upon the number of confirmed cases. Because up to 96% of individuals contracting COVID-19 may have no symptoms, it is quite common for those infected with COVID-19 to not even know it. Therefore the prevalence – or number of individuals who have actually had COVID – has been assessed to be substantially higher in communities than when only using the number of confirmed cases suggests.
In Santa Clara, California, for example, the prevalence of COVID was assessed to be ~53,000 cases when extrapolating the assessed number of people with COVID-19 antibodies (seroprevalence). Instead of ~53,000, the number of confirmed cases in Santa Clara at the time of the study was 948, which is “56-fold lower than the number of infections predicted by this study” (Bendavid et al., 2021).
Another study (Doi et al., 2021) suggested the prevalence was “396 to 858-fold more than confirmed cases with PCR testing.”
With a much higher prevalence comes a much lower number of deaths per infection, or infection fatality rate (IFR).
“In conclusion, our findings imply that ≈518,000 persons in Guilan Province may have been infected with SARS-COV-2 as of April 19, 2020, which is substantially higher than the 1,600 cumulative confirmed cases recorded. As of May 3, if we assume a 3-week lag from time of infection to death, 625 persons had died of confirmed COVID-19 in Guilan Province. This number would correspond to an infection-fatality rate of 0.12 percent” [Shakiba et al., 2020].
The global infection fatality rate for COVID-19 is 0.23 percent
According to a highly-cited synthesis of 61 studies from 51 locations across the globe using antibody (seroprevalence) data (Ioannidis, 2021), the median infection fatality rate (IFR) for COVID-19 (without vaccine intervention) has been determined to be 0.23 percent for all ages, and 0.05 percent (1 in 2000) for individuals under 70 years old.
Studies: vaccines may actually be enhancing, not neutralizing, COVID variants and spread
Disturbing trends from across the globe, especially in highly-vaccinated countries like Israel, Iceland, and the UK, suggest new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths among the fully vaccinated have been rising dramatically since about mid-July. A “pandemic of the vaccinated” phenomenon has just recently (August) begun making its way into the United States.
Within the last week, two more studies (Liu et al., 2021, Yahi et al., 2021) suggest the more recent variants (Delta) are resisting vaccine neutralization. Worse, current vaccines may even enhance COVID’s Delta variant’s infectivity by spawning more resistant mutations.
“[T]he emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants may tip the scales in favor of infection enhancement. Our structural and modeling data suggest that it might be indeed the case for Delta variants” [Yahi et al., 2021].
Furthermore, “boosters,” or third shots, may actually “boost enhancing anti-bodies” more than neutralizing antibodies (Liu et al., 2021).
In other words, vaccines may be worsening the current COVID surge.
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Northern Light.
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The mRNA injection called a vaccine is weakening the natural immune system, making the “vaccinated” more vuneralbe to cornavirus like influensa A, B, Coldvirus, Mers, Sars, Covid. After a person get the jab, especially the elderly, a infuensa or cold can be very dangerous to fatal.
The survivalrate for the Covid is 99,85% in the general population, and 99, 998% for people under 18 years of age. This proves the natural immunesystem fight the virus, and a vaccine s not necessary for them, only for the riskgroup, the elderly or people with a reduced immunesystem.
The mRNA injection is not a vaccine. It do not protect the “vaccinated” against Covid or other coronavirus, it is not tested on humans, and the manufacturers claim no responsibility for sideeffect, short term, longterm or unexpected, and cannot be held resposible for damages, this is guaranteed for them by the govenments who sign the contract with them. Doing so they are not representating the wellbeing of the people, but Big Pharmas interests.
It is a depopulation tool, make to get rid off the elderly, sick, weak, and out of productive life for seveal reasons, the poor in rich and poor countries. They have no place in the neolibral socialdarwinistic market economy of the New World Order, where the whole world have been turned into a freemarket ruled by the laws of capital: Free flow of capital, workforce, goods and services.
In NWO all social rights have been privatized, the ruling class have taken all state and national property, the peoples property, as payment for the loans the MSM do not tell the people about, the loans to finance the lockdowns.
The lockdowns continiue to the western countries are so much in debt they cannot pay it back to the bankcartels, a sentral strategy in the constructed coronacrises by the ruling class. Then the bankcartels can restructure the economy as they want, and introduce a digtial centralbank currency, and democracy as we know it will be replaced with a technocracy.
This erase national identity, borders, and make goverments elected by the people into local administrations in a global freetrade zone. It is a global coup disguised as a healthcrisis.
The universal basic income will tick into a microchip implant or into the phone, a measured and graded income for the slavclass in NWO, who will live their lives in a open inprisonent. In homes owned by the rulig class, as long as they are profitable for the ruling class, them have a minimum to exist.
When the productive life is over for a induvidual in the slave class, it will be become sick from a virus in a vaccine, and die. Because a life for the individual in the slavclass in a nursing home, is a expence for the ruling class they do not need.
The “vaccine” manufacturers have produced many hundred millions of saline injections, proving the rulig class differenciate between who will get the deadly mRNA injection or a saline injection. Those who are desired for the NWO for the moment or the future get the saline injection, and are gistrated as vaccinated and get their vaxpassports.
This should be observable already, it is far fewer who die from the jab in the upper middel class, rich and the elite, than in the workingclass, lower middleclass, and the underclasses.
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“The mRNA injection called a vaccine is weakening the natural immune system, making the “vaccinated” more vuneralbe to cornavirus like influensa A, B, Coldvirus, Mers, Sars, Covid. ”
Did you know every other vaccine ever has similar properties? The influenza vaccine, for instance increases “rhinovirus, coronavirus, etc” prevalence.
Why, coz ALL vaccines are simply toxic shit. What are called viruses are not contagious or pathogenic as claimed, but results, genetic damage induced by that sort of toxicity.