Nation’s ‘Ice Box’ Breaks A 93-Year-Old Cold Temperature Record

A blast of Arctic air brought temperatures in the city of International Falls, Minn., down to a new record low of -36 degrees Fahrenheit on Wednesday morning, beating out a nearly century-old record.

International Falls is known as the “ice box of the nation” because the town experiences a high of 32 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 100 days throughout a typical year. The previous record cold for the city was -32 degrees in 1924, but now that’s been shattered, the National Weather Service reported.

Temperatures hit -36 degrees in the early morning hours, NWS reported on Wednesday. meteorologist Ryan Maue said the frigid temperatures are the result of freezing air coming down from the Canadian Arctic.

Breaking a 93-year old record low in the nation’s “Ice Box” should tell you how cold is this Canadian Arctic air! -33°F 

 It’s been a cold few days for most of the country. The morning after Christmas saw three-quarters of the country at or below freezing, and record snowfall is blanketing the northeastern U.S.

International Falls isn’t the only Minnesota town to go into a deep freeze. NWS reported that Embarrass and Cotton were both around 40 degrees below zero on Wednesday morning.

While International Falls broke a record low with -36, our COOP observer in Embarrass, MN got down to -40 at 7:15 AM and in Cotton, MN got down to -41 at 6:27 AM. #MNwx #Cold

Read more at Daily Caller

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