NASA Whistleblower Exposes Huge Climate Model Gaffes

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Ex-NASA climate scientist and computer modeler exposes senior government climate scientists as incompetent in computer models causing gross errors in climate predictions.

Climate science whistleblower, Dr Duane Thresher worked closely with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). He also worked alongside ‘top climate experts’ Dr James Hansen and Dr Gavin Schmidt at NASA GISS (Goddard Institute for Space Studies), NASA still relies on Dr Thresher’s code in their modeling ( see code here ).

Shocked and dismayed at the incompetence and negligence he witnessed among his fellow government climate scientists, Thresher turned whistleblower to expose a trillion-dollar travesty of science.

Dr Thresher reveals:

“Climate scientists are not programmers. I’m unique in that respect. Climate scientists also don’t want to do the hard work — taking courses and getting degrees — to become programmers. UA/NCAR was my epiphany that climate scientists’ IT incompetence was destroying climate science.”

Dr Thresher is particularly damning about Dr James Hansen, often referred to among scientists as  the “father of global warming.” An inference that perhaps ideology, rather than scientific integrity, has been a key motivator?


The Hansen CO2 ‘Flip-Flop’

Hansen is famed for designing his own important climate model and for flip-flopping on the causes of the ‘greenhouse gas effect.’ Back in 1986 Dr Hansen claimed ozone depletion and dust particles would result in catastrophic warming, not CO2. But in his (infamous) testimony before a US Congressional Climate Committee in 1988 he put all the blame on CO2!

Thresher gives some background as to this heady mix of incompetence and over zealousness:

“NASA GISS is a relatively small organization, smaller than NCAR. The climate scientists do most of the model programming and their IT incompetence is legendary. Interestingly, the most notoriously IT incompetent scientist at NASA GISS was responsible for programming part of the insolation, the most important factor in global warming.”

Good Enough For Government Work!

It wasn’t just the arbitrary and capricious actions of Dr Hansen that raised the alarm. Dr Thresher continues:

“I had discovered that NCAR had been using a formula they got from the Australian Journal of Building or some such obscure irrelevant journal. The engineer author just wanted a rough estimate of the insolation on building windows through the year. I instead used the accurate formula from scientific theory.”

After Dr Thresher had been at NASA GISS for long enough to become disgusted about it, he made a stink about how badly programmed the climate model was, with the implication that its world famous results, particularly about global warming, were thus questionable since the model was almost certainly full of bugs.

NASA GISS then undertook a model recoding. But there was another problem, as Thresher explains:

“Unfortunately the recoding was to be done by the same IT incompetent climate scientists who had badly coded it in the first place (except for me, who as a PhD student only had time to do a small part of it), so expecting different results was foolish.”

After the recoding the model was renamed Muddle, which is a play on the successive version it should have been called, Model E, with an acknowledgement that the code was still a mess, a muddle.

It was named this by Gavin Schmidt, who is the head of NASA GISS now and a global warming celebrity, more interested in being a celebrity than in science.

Lost in “the Jungle”

Thresher recalls that NASA GISS used to have its own supercomputer to run its climate model. But they were so IT incompetent that they had it taken away from them and had to use the supercomputers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).

Dr Thresher adds:

“While at NASA GISS, I spent a summer at GSFC, outside Washington D.C., attending NASA’s supercomputing school. After I left NASA GISS, I was talking to a programmer from GSFC and he said they referred to NASA GISS’s climate model as “The Jungle” because it was so badly coded. The results of NASA GISS’s climate model, oft-cited as proof of global warming, are thus still questionable since the model is almost certainly full of bugs.”

Pointing all this out, particularly on, is how Duanne Thresher became known as a climate change denier.

‘Hide the Decline’

Government climate ‘scientists’ are well practiced at covering up their errors so that outside third parties, those independent researchers most likely to identify the gaping flaws, never get a look in.

As Dr Thresher reveals:

“Science is supposed to be guaranteed to be true by the much vaunted “peer review”. Besides how this process inherently can’t guarantee science is true — scientists are only fallible humans after all — no one ever peer reviews the program code that makes up so much of science these days, particularly climate science. “

Thresher explains in his revealing blog post that there’s a well-known but unwritten rule among scientists for giving talks: never, never show program code.

1920s Brit ‘Fatally Infected’ All Government Climate Models

Hansen’s (and NASA’s) very same greenhouse gas theory computer code relies on the ‘Dines algorithms’ (1917) to estimate ‘climate sensitivity’ to CO2 – but in the ‘Dines’ model (see below) each layer of the atmosphere is THE energy source, NOT the sun, which is omitted in his table, nor the earth, as Derek Alker‘s excel model proves.


NASA’s and all climate models still use the botched  ‘Dines-Richardson numbers’ devised in 1920 to estimate CO2  ‘climate sensitivity’ 

The gaping flaw, says Thresher is that usually only one person, the IT incompetent scientist who programmed it, knows what’s in the program.

He reveals what the actual custom and practice has long been among NASA climate experts:

“A large program like a climate model may be written by many IT incompetent scientists, but each of these usually only programs part of it — one or a few subroutines — and by themselves. Having never been double-checked, the programs are almost certainly full of bugs and their results are questionable.”

To illustrate his point Dr Thresher refers to the recent article in Nature, BBC ocean warmingsupposedly further proving global warming, which had to be retracted.

A ‘climate denier’ – a qualified mathematician spotted the error while casually reading Nature. The BBC, a global mouthpiece of climate propaganda, quietly and deceptively covered up the error.

The ‘denier’ mathematician who exposed the calamity identified that it was in the programming. The program was written by just one (IT incompetent) author of the article.

Thresher notes:

“It was almost certainly full of bugs since it was never peer reviewed.  You would expect that articles in Nature were peer reviewed up the yin-yang – so would have no errors, so would never need to be retracted.”

Thankfully, the world is waking up to the farce that is called government climate ‘science.’

John O’Sullivan is CEO of PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027. 

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    In my career doing engineering calculations and sometimes developing software for those calculation, I generally found that subject skilled technically competent people write code that gives the right answers but crashes when inputs are out of range, and professional programmers write code that looks good, doesn’t crash when input is out of range due to creative assumptions that are incorrect and very difficult to debug. I’m not sure which breed Thresher is referring to as “IT incompetent”, but it turns out you need both subject matter experts and programming experts to get the job done right.

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