NASA Insider Confesses Before Death

A video has been released from a man who died on February 13, 2022 by the name of Gene Gilmore, given name Eugene Reuben Acres, who claims that his father was involved in filming the moon landing in 1968 and said it was a fake.

According to the video description by The People’s Voice:

A New Mexico man has made a series of astonishing confessions since he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told he has months to live. He claims the moon landing was faked by the US government with the footage shot at a military base and the surface of the moon recreated with sand and cement powder.

According to Gene Gomar, his father, a military policeman who was stationed at Cannon Air Force base, was involved in the massive deception that fooled the world, laying the groundwork for a government-sponsored mass formation psychosis that continued throughout the decades and into the current era.

The deathbed confession filmed by his father in 2002 was destroyed in a fire of “unknown origin” so Gomar decided to recreate it and share his father’s story for the world before his own death.

In the confession, Gomar, born Eugene Reuben Akers, says he doesn’t want fame or money for what he is doing, because hopefully the video will not be released until after his death. Gomar passed away on Feburary 13, earlier this year, so now we are able to view and share the extraordinary confession.

Is the truth about the moon landings finally starting to leak out?

In the past 12 months, NASA has made a series of revelations that have left the official narrative in shreds.

Mainstream media barely reported on these revelations, so most people remain none the wiser about what NASA has admitted.

The truth of the matter is NASA has all but confirmed the landings were fake, and anybody who works in the space industry or has any knowledge about rocket science has quietly accepted that the whole thing was a charade. And now they keep pushing back and delaying the Artemis program.

So why is nobody talking about this?

We literally didn’t go to the moon in 1969 and, to this day, no human being — American, Russian, Chinese or ancient Egyptian — has been past lower earth orbit which is about 1000 miles above sea level.

When more people become aware that we simply don’t know how to get to the moon, an astronomical renaissance will ensue based on empirical evidence rather than NASA lies.

And remember, we are part of something so huge right now. We have the potential to break the chains of the past. The control, division, hatred, and separation. We are literally birthing a new world. That’s why the control apparatus is so afraid. They know that they can’t stop this. The more they lie, the more the deceive, the more they expose themselves. Which leads to more people waking up from the illusion.

I have previously interviewed Bart Sibrel concerning his work on exposing the fake moon landings.  Bart has been persecuted for pressing the alleged lunar astronauts on the issue, even to the point of being assaulted.  I highly recommend his book Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List


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Comments (29)

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    Tom O


    You can believe what you want. This person’s recreation of “his father’s death bed confession” is another interesting attempt at leaving a legacy. I have never figured out what the purpose of “faking the moon expeditions” truly was supposed to be, since you would have had to fake the entire flight up and back as well – hours and hours of “fake.” Oh well, like I said, to each their own preferred beliefs.

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      It is a great how PSI has some cutting edge articles and information, and then this, which reminds me of comic books I read as a child.

      When there are important battles to fight, throwing away one’s credibility is not best practice. Bidenish..

      Have a nice day, as Jerry would say.

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      Zoe Phin


      ‘I have never figured out what the purpose of “faking the moon expeditions” truly was supposed to be, since you would have had to fake the entire flight up and back as well’

      They all got paid, didn’t they ? Why does the explanation need to be more complicated than that?

      • Avatar

        Tom O


        Pretty shallow thinking.

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          Zoe Phin


          Why is it shallow? Look at what happened with these vaccines. Faulty clinical trials and then mandates. Same story. If fakery makes money, they keep it going.

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            The Feds in those days didn’t have a habit of promoting a bunch of utter nonsense for space explorations as it is mandated by law for full disclosure of the Apollo program.

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      John V


      Yeah, and faking one wasn’t enough. They had to fake 6 more! Oh, then they had fake the USSR acknowledging we did it, and had to fake the LRR Reflections, and the LRO pictures.

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        yup, do ya get it yet?

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          John V


          I don’t know if you are being sarcastic or agreeing with me.

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        Zoe Phin


        Ah, so if the USSR acknowledges that we did it, then we must have done it. They couldn’t possibly have any other motives … you know … like justifying their own massive spending on space programs to their citizens. A political entity would never acknowledge someone else’s lie to their own benefit? lol

        • Avatar



          Your logic is not good. So you are claiming that all space flight/ moon circumnavigation is fake?

    • Avatar



      “you would have had to fake the entire flight up and back as well – hours and hours of “fake.” Well of course all of the NASA employees in Florida and Houston were in on the fakery as well. And what about the news media? Did the “fake moon landing” teams just hand over film to them nightly then Walter Cronkite and Jay Barbee just read lines provided to them which they then regurgitated to an entire nation and world?

      Good lord, let us hope with the passing of this man and his late father, the lunacy of fake moon landings ceases.

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      Jeffrey Hall


      “The original was destroyed in a fire of “unknown origin”. Nice, that was extremely convenient!
      At least the son was able to recreate it. No red flags here!

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        C Bengesson


        That spiffy phone Nixon used though!!! . In 1991 we got a big brick of a cell phone with not the best reception. Yet, Johnson was able to speak to Astronauts on the moon via an ordinary looking home phone??? Riiiiight!

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          Johnson never spoke to the Astronauts on the Moon it was Nixon who did that,


          The call from the White House was set up in advance over microwave link between Washington and Houston, then out via microwave link to the Deep Space Network, then up over whichever DSN station had the moon in view at the time via S-band.

          Before fiberoptics, there were networks of microwave links spanning the country, and you bought bandwidth from the telephone company.

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    Joseph Olson


    “Future Wars 2025 NASA Seminar, July 2001” at > trauma based mind control must be used to insure continuation of government. NASA has faked data to prove the false greenhouse gas hypothesis.

    “Perplexing Apollo Questions for NASA” at

    Apollo interview with Dr Fetzer >

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    There is physical evidence that the moon landings occurred. Armstrong and Aldin planted an array of laser reflectors on the surface which are still used today.
    Nut bags gonna nut bag

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    Sorry, NOT!!!
    We DID go! What we found was the “problem”. HOW does “things” simply turn to stone? Using the forensics of building size on unedited rover video: The moon “dust” reacts EXACTLY like it’s in a vacuum! The tiniest particle of dust falls at the same rate as a 300lb. iron anvil does. To create a vacuum in that size of a building would require a strength equivalent to supporting 900 US sized aircraft carriers on the roof. Good luck w/that. No, we WENT to the moon, what we found falls under the Brookings 1960 report on NASA’s charter (look THAT up).

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    It is a fact of the times we are in that chaos rules, whether that be playing god, disbelief in actual indisputable fact and replacement with airy fairy, total belief in the unbelievable and ludicrous, or refuting all and sundry whether true or not through total lack of trust. Look at advances in science too, hardly ground-breaking are they? More like old tosh redone for glory.

    Natural will be restored and people are going to suffer.

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      Tom Anderson


      “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” – George Orwell

      “I prefer the company of ordinary people because they have not been educated enough to reason wrongly.” – Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

      At the cost of running on at length paraphrasing Friedrich A. Hayek, he stated in 1944 that “Truth” itself under collectivist totalitarianism eases to have its old meaning. It no longer describes how an individual judges a piece of evidence or its proponent’s credibility to decide if it warrants belief. It becomes something laid down by authority that must be believed in the interest of the organized effort’s unity (which may change later as exigencies require).

      The consequence, he added, was a grim Orwellian anxiety – a lost sense of Truth’s meaning and a dispiriting cynicism about it. What vanishes is the spirit of competitive independent inquiry and of confidence in the power of rational analysis and conviction. Differences of opinion in all of know¬ledge become political issues for an authority alone to decide. No list of the consequences can convey their gravity.

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        Tom Anderson


        “eases” should be “ceases”

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          Free spirit Tom, that’s where it’s at.

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    Natural order, not natural

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    This is your wakeup call


    And still the sheeple believe. How short the memory can be. And here at this website where most can see through climate change and “Covid idiocy” the sacred “Moon landings” are somehow off-limits.
    This is one of the reasons that tyranny continues to grow and flourish. The average person cannot seem to accept that governments, media and systems of control do lie. The bigger the lie, the easier the sell.
    No shortage of lie believers in this upside down world. Not at all.
    It’s also why the sheep fell for 9/11, JFK, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, Sandy Hoax, Aurora Batman fake shooting, The Boston smoke bomb, Uvalde, TX hoax, Pulse night club hoax, Vegas “shooting” hoax, MLK, Malcomn X, John Lennon, RFK and now the covid scam.
    No shortage of sheep whatsoever.
    And they will surely fall for what ever comes down the theater of the absurd soon enough.

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      Off your meds I believe.

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    Possibly it was realistic practice before the lunar launch, I don’t know. But the radio signals went to the moon according to the USSR and hundreds of Ham radio operators who all determined by triangulation and Doppler analysis that they DID go to the moon, and video showed the space craft that carried the astronauts also went there. Millions of people worldwide watched them get on the rocket on TV; how did they get off before the launch? They were retrieved after splashdown by the USS Hornet, and a lot of sailors on the crew watched the capsule recovery and SAW the astronauts come out of the capsule and immediately go into isolation on board, since nobody knew if deadly viruses were on the moon or not. Too many people in NASA and associated corporations, that manufactured specialized equipment made to withstand lunar conditions, were involved in all aspects of the launch for them to have NOT gone. And what about all the subsequent trips? The more you operate a fraud, the more likely the fraud would be exposed–yet we went to the moon SIX TIMES; that doesn’t sound like anyone was worried about getting away with a fraud. We quit going to the moon because it was VERY expensive and the public lost interest. There was never any fear that multiple flights would “expose” a fraud; we just spent too much money for too little return on the investment.

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      Zoe Phin


      We’ve been bouncing signals off the moon since the 1920s.

      If we aim where they “landed”, we will also receive signals back.

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    ever hear of Hollywood?

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    I have no real comment on the Moon Landing other than to state the following :-

    Reports I have read from NASA stated the lander was virtually impossible to fly on Earth – maybe later modifications corrected this.
    It took rockets several stories high to leave Earth.
    NASA says that the International Space Station – “travels from west to east on an orbital inclination of 51.6 degrees. Each orbit takes 90-93 minutes, depending on the exact altitude of the ISS.”
    NASA also says that “Without thermal controls, the temperature of the orbiting Space Station’s Sun-facing side would soar to 250 degrees F (121 C), while thermometers on the dark side would plunge to minus 250 degrees F (-157 C).”

    If you believe that in 45 minutes the ISS cools from 121°C to -157°C and then heats back to 121°C 45 minutes later and does this 16 times a day then you are gullible !

    If NASA can blatantly publish such gobbledygook – also remember they state that the solar radiation can only heat Earth to minus 18°C on average but the ISS heats to 121°C in 45 minutes – then I have zero faith in virtually anything they say !

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