Nanoparticle Contamination Cover-Up

In this video from Dane Wigington he looks at the nanoparticle contamination cover-up and answers some vital questions surrounding this.

This is an update on the global contamination that has been occurring due to ongoing and accelerating climate intervention operations known as solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection.

This is the aircraft dispersed elements in our skies that we have tried so desperately to disclose for the last 15 years. With the aid of “Joe”, we dissect the data including numerous testing results from precipitation, calculations of how much material is being dropped over a specific state in the US.

With these figures we can roughly calculate what the global dispersion of materials is and the figures are absolutely staggering.

The amount of materials that, based on calculations, appear to be being dispersed annually over the planet is unimaginable and there is a correlation with what the world’s most recognised climate engineer’s have stated on the record as their intended goal of spraying these light scattering particles in our skies.

Source: YouTube 

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