During the last 4 years of COVID there has been a massive amount of misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, censorship and outright damn lies purposely promulgated by various organisations.

And individuals which has caused immence damage and suffering.

Due to the highly technical nature of the COVID issue, it is really almost impossible for someone not highly skilled in the area to separate fact from fiction.

Most of us (I include nearly all my thousands of readers) now know the previously reliable sources of advice and information such as government,  drug regulatory authorities, highly regarded and well known scientists and clinicians, iconic media, notable research institutes and international health advisory organisations, cannot be relied upon to provide truthful and factual information.  It comes as quite a shock and it is very depressing.

So, where does one turn for reliable and credible information?

For myself, after applying the usual critical thinking framework (including consideration of the author and credentials, sources and citations, publisher reputation, evidence and methods, peer review commentary, consistency of evidence, reproducibility of evidence, logic and potential conflicts of interest) I rely on my gut feeling regarding the integrity of people.

For these reasons, people like Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Pierre Kory and John Campbell automatically spring to mind.  I also highly regard other Australian scientists and clinicians who, at great personal cost, have sought to spread the truth.

For myself, I have always tried to provide reliable and credible information.  I have stayed away from the argument of the intentional release of the man-made SARS-CoV-2 virus because I don’t know what may or may not have been in people’s minds at the time and I have stayed away from a definitive and conclusive position on the purposeful inclusion of nanobots in the shots because I felt I did not have sufficient information.

It is a fine line.  Does one with integrity not want to forewarn as soon as possible of a danger even if the evidence is not conclusive?  There is a risk in that.

The case of the COVID “vaccine” nanobots is one such case.  John Campbell recently issued a podcast covering this which followed many reports worldwide from various scientific groups reporting the curious case of apparently self-assembling geometric nano particles which appears nefarious.

Now….Do I believe that the multinational pharmaceutical industry often lies, has been responsible for the loss of millions of lives, tries to cover up its lethal mistakes, lacks morality and ethics and would cover up the inclusion of something like nanobots if they were directed to do so by government?  The short answer is “Yes”.

In response to many reports, probably more than a year ago, Dr. Peter McCullough came out and stated that the geometrical structures reportedly observed by dark field microscopy were cholesterol crystals.

This seemed a little strange to me at the time but not being an expert in crystallography or a physical chemist, I did not know if this was correct or not and I made no conclusions.

But what are the facts?

One of the people I highly respect and work closely with is Dr. Geoff Pain.  He has been publishing important work in relation to the COVID-19 “vaccines” and endotoxins (among other things) and I suggest you check out his Substacks.  This is really important work.

Geoff has published (Sept 8) a response to Dr. John Campbell’s podcast on nanobots (CLICK HERE) and (CLICK HERE). John Campbell himself (and much to his credit) has withdrawn his podcast on the nanobots. I respect John even more for doing this. His integrity is beyond reproach in my humble opinion.

I know some of the people who have been very concerned for some time about these geometric structures in both the injection vials and in the blood of individuals.  These are people of high integrity who are just trying to determine the facts.

I suggest we should not be too critical of those trying to uncover the facts during this difficult time.

See more here Substack

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Comments (2)

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    The questions about ‘nanobots’ need to be investigated and reported accurately, without going to the ‘spin doctors’ of the various media. Sentimentalization and hype, both positive and negative needs to be recognized for what it is – a way to generate profits, at our expense. Thank you for the article.


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    Frank S.


    Is the WEF’s planned “Internet of Bodies” a thing? So far, if its decreed by the demonic ‘powers that be’, it comes to pass.


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