N America Coldest Winter In Years While NOAA Guesses World Temps
Unusually low temperatures have plagued Canada and the United States over the past three months.
Even according to the Urban Heat Island-ignoring jugglers at the NOAA, the meteorological winter was the coldest in North America since 2014.
And looking only at January and February 2022, it was “the coldest period since 1996,” NOAA added (solar minimum of cycle 22).
Taking NOAA’s data with all its glorious Urban Heat Island (UHI) bias as given, it also shows that from 2016 to 2022 (through March), a STRONG COOLING TREND prevails in the US and Canada.
Figure 1: Chart of global temperature anomalies for February 2022 [NOAA].
Using the same dataset cited by NOAA in its most recent report (released in January 2020) and a similar 5-year period, it shows that temperatures in North America FELL at a rate of 1.29°C per decade between January 2016 and February 2022.
That’s a gigantic drop in temperature, about 19 times the Earth’s official average rate of increase since 1880 – at least according to the NOAA report, “Global annual temperature has risen at an average rate of 0.07°C per decade since 1880.”
Figure 2: Chart of global temperature anomalies in North America compared to the mean of the 20th century (NOAA).
But why does the data show that North America is cooling while the planet as a whole is warming?
Well, one answer might be that coverage by weather stations is very good in the U.S. and Canada, while very poor in much of the rest of the planet – and where coverage is thin (such as in Africa and Siberia), NOAA simply estimates the temperature.
This “filling in the gaps” is justified by using readings from the nearest temperature stations as a proxy, but
1) this method does not provide an accurate global temperature record, since the nearest temperature station may be hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away, and
2) these stations are mostly located in cosmopolitan areas, and such areas are demonstrably subject to the Urban Heat Island Effect, which distorts the overall picture.
When natural vegetation is replaced by buildings, sidewalks, and heat sources such as air conditioners and cars, the microclimate around a thermometer site changes.
This extension of inner-city readings to entire nations is now likely the single cause of human-induced global warming.
With this guesswork, NOAA, in collaboration with a few other organizations (such as NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies) has managed to create a completely unnatural linear temperature trend that will supposedly lead to an “unprecedented climate catastrophe” in the next few months/years/decades.
No one can quite agree on the time frame; but one thing you can be sure of: we will all “fry” unless we restrict free speech, overthrow democracy and capitalism, and overhaul affordable energy in favor of expensive and failed renewables (see physicist William Happer’s opinion on this here).
In summary, North America’s good thermometer coverage may constrain NOAA’s “guesses” – i.e., the continent’s cooling trend may actually give us a picture much closer to global truth (I have no other explanation).
But even looking at NOAA’s raw global data – i.e., before it goes through the government agency’s heat-causing filters – a cooling trend can be seen here as well – global land and ocean temperature anomalies trend to -0.14 °C per decade over the same time period.
Figure 3: Temperature anomalies globally compared to the 20th-century average. (NOAA).
This global cooling is even more pronounced when looking at satellite data. Temperatures have DROPPED by about 0.71 °C since 2016 and are still dropping, see here.
See more here: climatechangedispatch.com
Header image: MK Weather
Some bold emphasis added
Editor’s note: NOAA admits the cooling trend, but still insists the world is heading towards a heat-death.
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WMO- “Because the data with respect to in-situ surface air temperature across Africa is sparse, a one year regional assessment for Africa could not be based on any of the three standard global surface air temperature data sets from NOAANCDC, NASA-GISS or HadCRUT4. Instead, the combination of the Global Historical Climatology Network and the Climate Anomaly Monitoring System (CAMS GHCN) by NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory was used to estimate surface air temperature patterns’
Mark Tapley
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When the Club of Rome first invented the Global warming scam in 1969, scientists already knew that a normal moderate cooling cycle would be coming by the 90’s. That is why they had front man Armand Hammer shill Al Gore push the “last decade to catastrophe” button as much as they could. At the same time the climatologists that depend on the rigged funding (as in the medical field) changed their observation points to move every thing to the hottest ares while taking out many colder locations, to get a higher average. Knowing that the sun intensity was going into a normal cooling phase they then shifted the terminology from “global warming” to “climate change.” Initially before the global warming scam began we were propagandized about the coming new “ice age” but that didn’t last long till it was flipped. We also had the “acid rain”: that was ruining the world, mercury had destroyed the oceans, and the Great Lakes were practically dead. And don’t forget science guru Paul Erlich’s overpopulation time bomb.