My journey through the COVID pandemic response

Hello Everyone! As many of my friends have requested that I write a newsletter on a more regular basis, this is an initial attempt to honor that request!

Due to my new reality as someone willing to to bring truth to power, my wife Jill and I have been traveling extensively.

This fall we have gone to Rome, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Maui, Alaska, Texas and Florida trying to save lives and expose what we believe to be an extremely corrupt situation with big pharma, world governments, big tech legacy media and national and international public health organizations working together to make authoritarianism the new world reality through censorship, lockdowns, mandates, job loss and slander of people willing to share information outside of the “official” CDC and WHO positions.

Through this process I have been slandered and censored. This is the behavior of bullies, thugs and third-tier intellects. One reporter recently referred to me as the “most vilified scientist in the world.”

This has been quite exhausting and yet also strangely rewarding. I believe that “we”, and I mean the collective “we” of myself and so many of my colleagues, are slowly making a difference. People from all walks of life and political spectrums are self-assembling and working together for the common good. Examples include:

the International Alliance of Physicians and Scientists (

EU-based group: Ippocrate (

the Council of Nations United for Life and Truth (CONUVIVE) in Latin America

North American-based organizations:


Children’s Health Defense (

Unity Project (

All of these organizations are committed to coming up with new ways of thinking about organizational structure and bioethics. Bioethical standards and the laws that enforce them matter – that has become crystal clear in all of this. And whether or not one believes that SARS-CoV-2 is the result of gain of function research, it is clear that it is time to revisit and update the international biowarfare treaty.

So, a few weeks ago, Jill and I found ourselves in Maui. It was most definitely not a vacation!

We were there to spread the word that mandates do not have a place in a free society (particularly for experimental drugs and vaccines), that a wide range of drugs work to save lives from COVID-19 if administered early during the infection, that children with their very low risk of disease do not need to be vaccinated unless they are high risk and/or have co-morbidities and that physicians, including physicians on Maui, must be able to practice medicine without interference from government, hospitals or insurance companies.

That trip was very successful. We were able to meet and educate many politicians and physicians on Maui and on other islands. There was a successful medical professional teaching workshop and a rally attended by 4,000 people. In this I need to specifically acknowledge Dr. Ryan Cole, Steve Kirsch and Dr. Richard Urso, who were also in Maui to help share their knowledge and to spread the word.

While Jill and I were in Maui, we were approached by some amazing thought leaders on the island, by the names of Andrew Aken, Edward Dowd, Thomas Lewis and Barry O’Keefe. These men came to us with a document they had written entitled “The Malone Doctrine”. This doctrine, regarding integrity in organizations is fundamentally important.

We believe that “The Malone Doctrine” should become a central component of the core values and guiding principles for any ethical organization involved in health and wellness oversight, delivery, policy and/or medical research.

Every physician that I have asked to review this document has agreed – this gets right to the heart of the problem which has resulted in this amazingly dysfunctional global public health response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. A pervasive lack of integrity.

We will be writing and discussing this concept in more detail for weeks, months and years to come.

See more here:

Header image: Zhen Wang / The Epoch Times

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 


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Comments (7)

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    Hi Dr Malone and PSI Readers.

    It is a sinister day when multiple peer reviewed studies and empirical observations are called misinformation and are deplatformed by youtube, google, facebook and twitter.

    These same corrupt media monopolies, youtube, google, facebook and twitter, fund the radicle left political parties, supported the half truths about President Trump, the lies about climate change, and the suppression of knowledge about early treatment protocols for corona virus treatment.

    These monopolies must be broken down and bypassed in the interim. I used Duckduckgo as a search engine and I could suddenly find information on Climategate and treatment programs in Uttar Pradesh, Indonesia etc.

    So what is their agenda.

    Just the way Dr Tim Ball warned us.

    Later. Matt


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    very old white guy


    It has been a thought that I have had since the start of the “covid” insanity, if we had done nothing except take care of sick people this insanity would not have occurred. I am with the people who believe that there really is no such virus and that everything has been manipulated and lied about using language and vague references to science to control a weak minded populace. Almost two years now and no relief from the insanity in sight. Someone somewhere must have a functioning brain and the ability to put a stop to this.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi MattH and PSI Readers,

    Matt, very good information!!! However, I read: “Information is not knowledge”. (Einstein).

    Now, what I write next does not apply to you, but I fear it applies to many PSI Readers. The phenomenon which converts information into knowledge is termed: “comprehension”.

    I buy old, cheap books because of their titles.. I have no idea when I bought the book with the title “wind, sand and stars” what it was exactly about. It was published in 1939 and its author was antoine de saint-exupery written in the French language and translated to English by Lewis Galantiere.

    Now a fact is I didn’t open this new (old) book until about a week ago. I know I had never opened it before because its front cover (it was a paperback) immediately broke off. This book is not known for its scientific importance; but only for its literary significance.

    However, Antoine was a French aviator and in chapter titled ‘Elements’ he attempted to describe his experience of flying in clear sky atmospheric turbulence whose peak gusts were 150 mph and his plane was stationary 5 miles off the coast of Argentina at about 45 degrees south latitude.

    When reading about JET Streams in meteorology textbooks I have never read about Antoine’s experience nor of the historical fact that more than a 1000 Japanese hydrogen balloons with incendiary devices landed in the USA. I ask myself: Why I haven’t read about these historical facts in the context of JET STREAMS???

    Matt, you can try to answer this question after you try to find a copy of this book and read about Antoine’s experience.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Actually I think maybe one or two of those balloons landed in the USA, but were never openly reported to keep the Japs blind, but most landed in the ocean.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi WHOMEVER and PSI Readers,

        Whomever wrote: “Actually I think maybe one or two of those balloons landed in the USA,” The key words here are “I think” for that is the truth. But that does not make what you think a HISTORICAL FACT!!!

        It is a HISTORICAL FACT that the landing of more than 1000 of these hydrogen balloons that landed on the ground in the continental USA was a well kept secret during WWII. And we certainly do not know how many came down in the Pacific Ocean.

        One can read about the only deaths caused by the incendiary device when it was discovered well after the WAR near Bly Oregon. Whomever, do you think you have the ability to check this out from this bit of information?

        Have a good day, Jerry


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi MattH,

    I know you are my friend and I believe I am your friend. Please work with me. Galileo had to invent a dialogue to tell a story of what he had learned during 30 years of hard labor. Why did he have to invent a dialogue??? Was it that he had no friends with whom to discuss what he had been doing and learning???

    Antonio Favaro (University of Padua) wrote an introduction for Henry Crew and Alfonso de Salvio translation (1914) of Galileo’s 1638 book titled ‘Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences’. Professor Favaro began: “Writing to his faithful friend Elia Diodati, Galileo speaks of the “New Sciences” which he had in mind to print as being “superior to everything else of mine hitherto published”; elsewhere he says “they contain results which I consider the most important of all my studies”; and this opinion which he expressed concerning his own work has been confirmed by posterity: the “New Science” are, indeed, the masterpiece of Galileo who at the time he made the above remarks had spent upon them more than thirty laborious years. One who wishes to trace the history of this remarkable work will find that the great philosopher laid its foundation during the eighteen best years of his life—those which he spent of Padua.”

    I have written here at PSI that I since maybe 1975 I had spent eighteen years at Hibbing Community College (Hibbing MN) studying the idea well known as the Greenhouse Effect of Atmospheric of Carbon Dioxide and other similar molecules (GHE) without ever having read Galileo’s masterpiece.

    From the beginning my laborious study was to PROVE that the 
GHE idea was ABSOLUTELY WRONG as Galileo proved by (with) OBSERVABLE FACTS that Aristotles ideas: bodies twice as heavy fall twice as fast, bodies fall at a constant rate (speed), and critically signifiant, that the idea that the earth stood still, all were ABSOLUTELY WRONG.

    The idea of the GHE has a prediction which is: measured air (atmosphere) temperatures would be about 33C (58F) degrees lower than those conventionally measured if not for atmospheric carbon dioxide molecules (etc).

    I have pointed out to you and any PSI reader that the questionable fact that earth atmosphere’s temperatures and the earth atmosphere’s dew point temperatures have been measured at the same place (location) and same time and it has never been observed that the atmosphere’s temperature has ever been lower than the atmosphere’s dew point temperature. Hence, the atmosphere’s temperature cannot be a degree less than that measured.

    But it seems that you friend and most of the founders of PSI still make the same arguments which were made nearly a decade ago that there is no GHE without the success that Galileo eventually had.

    However, a fact is that Newton, to my knowledge, never referred to the simple motion of a pendulum as simple qualitative observation. Instead Newton only used the pendulum as an instrument to measure very, very slight deviations of the force of the earth’s gravity at differing locations on the earth’s surface.

    The pendulum’s motion allows one (a student) to SEE the smooth transition between Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy as it naturally occurs due to the force of gravity.

    Matt, please join me in a conversation to help others to SEE the absolutely CRITICAL IMPORTANCE of reproducible SIMPLE OBSERVATIONS!!!

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Hi Jerry. It has just turned daylight so I have to bale out, but I will see if I can make a useful contribution in a night or two.
      Best wishes. Matt


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