Move Over COVID: New Drug Resistant Super Bug Reported In USA
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any better on the global health landscape, along comes one of those pesky drug-resistant superbug fungi.
An outbreak of such a “superbug” has spread among patients in hospitals and long-term care facilities in Texas and Washington, D.C., according to CBS News. The 30 day mortality rate for the outbreaks, combined, was 30 percent the report said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said late last week that the Candida auris fungus preys on people with weak immune systems and that cases were the result of person-to-person transmission.
The cases in Texas and Washington, D.C. appear to be unrelated to one another.
Candida auris was first discovered in 2013 and is “resistant to multiple anti-fungal drugs that we have, and it’s also resistant to all the things that we use to eradicate bacteria and fungal strains in the hospital,” according to internal medicine specialist Dr. Neeta Ogden.
101 cases have been identified in Washington D.C. between January and April 2021. Three cases “were isolated as being resistant to all three major classes of anti-fungal medications“, CBS reported.
In Texas, 22 cases were identified over the same period, with two cases “being resistant to all three anti-fungal medications, and five resistant to two of the medications“.
Dr. Meghan Lyman of the CDC said:Â “This is really the first time we’ve started seeing clustering of resistance.”
People with breathing tubes, feeding tubes or central venous catheters appear to be the most at risk to catch the superbug, the CDC said. The superbug has been reported in hospitals and long-term care facilities around the world.
The CDC report concluded:Â “Surveillance, public health reporting, and infection control measures are critical to containing further spread.”
There’s been no word on whether or not locking down the entire country and economy, along with double, triple and quadruple masking, are options. We’ll wait to hear from Dr. Fauci on that.
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I dunno hey, maybe people need to go read some shit about Bechamp again.
Shit, about 5-6 years ago I read that even s. cerevisiae decided to be all up in your bitches, thanks to your bodies being degenerated with repeated toxins and fundamentals that you just refuse to address. Whily you’re gladly cheering on stimulation methods such as EMF. Woohoo!
Don’t try to understand or address their causes or prevalence though. Focus on the fact that they’re there and they need to be killed with toxins now. And then forget about it. Then later when it recurs, keep on using those systemically degenerating antibiotics. You already know it kills them dead, right? Pretty sure if you just keep on using more of them you’ll kill them dead forever!
In a similar sense, I’ve seen shit like Aphids “magically” spawn overnight on only specific plants due to very specific conditions.
So all I did was using extra toxicity to kill the aphids, and at no point consider the reasons why aphids would suck shit out of one plant, but not the plant right next to it, with both having say, different nutritional status. So I totally ignored the fact that there was a huge imbalance in terms of excess nitrogen, deficient phosphorus and such and that the aphids were actually kinda equalizing that situation there.
But luckily I’m good at science and healthcare, so I’ve learned that as a product of nature, when something about nature displeases my industrial profit motives, even though I am severely mentally handicapped… I should, naturally attack whatever I say the resulting problem is with toxic shit so as to improve nature as it is clearly dysfunctional.
That’s why palmer amaranth for instance really loves glyphosate now. It’s actually a part of the amaranth’s RDA. It’s really cool because amaranth evolves really hardcore to a much greater extent without effort compared to any cultivated shit, while you’re STILL inbreeding shit from 300 years ago and discretely trying to force things that aren’t as tough against glyphosate.
Hey, just imagine a wall is like your genetic material. So, if a wall breaks because it’s constantly stressed, attacked and never reinforced are fixed… eventually that’s like…a pile of bricks and not a wall anymore, or something similar?
Okay, are you going to stop that pile of bricks from breaking other walls? The answer is in preemptively attacking OTHER walls.
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I have this theory about this world, eden and hostility.
Imagine shit really used to be nice. But due to greed, ignorance, possessiveness, malice etc, environment was attack, abused, etc.
Basically, you attack Eden, it becomes hostile and with that a veritable hell is manifested. And now you’re in a bit of denial.
That’s what I see.
So anyway, regarding say, the prevalence of c.auris, it’s a bit weird how it’s on average so overwhelmingly prevalent in particularly “healthcare” centers with more “homogenized” environment relying on pasteur methodology and the administration of toxins.
I wonder if it has anything to do with halogens and “sanitation”.
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Related to that, a more general thing not necessarily related…
So, why is it that often in hospitals, food quality, a pretty important factor in health is so incredibly shit? I mean, if you look at the diseases and people ending up at hospitals, malnutrition is a pretty big factor.
Of course, I understand many people would be completely unfamiliar with those sort of things. I mean, shit, I haven’t even had health insurance in 20 years and I’ve been in public hospitals in South Africa that are so bad, that you couldn’t shower or bathe or even take a shit properly.
But apparently, it’s not just in those sort of hospitals.
Don’t people find that sort of thing odd? You know, they’re supposed to address health, and yet horribly fail at the fundamentals of health. It’s because of generalized institutional policy. Better health, according to “healthcare” institution relies overwhelmingly on toxins as opposed to nutritional essentials.
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Yeah sorry, I rant a lot.
Remember when christian corporates were like “Okay, so we attacked and starved these south americans and we called it “viruses”…but that’s not enough, let’s also demonize one of the most nutritious plants, which happens to be a particularly good complement to all these inbreed grain fodder things we grow and call it the work of satan and ban cultivation for like 300 years and cause irrevocable damge”
Of course, that plant being amaranth. What’s cool about amaranth is that because I don’t need oxygen…I can tell you about all kinds of useful properties about hexagonal isoprene compounds, oxygenation efficiency and sometime call myself hydrogenguy.
According to sigma aldrich:
“Squalene epoxidase catalyzes the first oxygenation step in sterol biosynthesis and is thought to be one of the rate-limiting enzymes in this pathway.”
Kinda like hibernation?
But anyway, remember to hunt more sharks and stay as ignorant as possible.
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I’ve learned from Einstein that human stupidity is nearly so boundless, that I a often feign surprise by the unpredictability of exactly how stupid they are.
Kevin Cullen
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July 28, 2021 at 5:00 pm | #
I’ve learned from Einstein that human stupidity is nearly so boundless, that I a often feign surprise by the unpredictability of exactly how stupid they are.
Love it!
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Not so long ago, I posted a song by Kayo Dot – The First matter (blah blah blah) in response to one of Howdy’s comments…
I’ve not even heard this…
Looks like it says robotic there.
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Can you see it yet? I’n tired, I’m making it dark.
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ever thought of writing a book Sir-isO?
you could call it ‘the pointlessness of anything’
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I have actually, but you see, my hand is 47. My address too (totally a guanold dump white supremacist joke).
What it means is I can at no point, you know, not destroy “freemasons” and/or support them. Though you have to be careful with what what you read about what I said there.
The dilemma is not that anything is pointless, it’s that everything is pointless.
I had something super important to say, but I forgot what it was.
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“I had something super important to say, but I forgot what it was.”
Sorry I have to quote myself to remind you of three fourths
Never seen that, but I know enough about quartz.
Do you guys remember when Donald Rumsfeld failed at counting to 4 and so you had like, a whole country brainwashed by that?
Just saying, he said “Known known, known unknown, unknown unknown”. Now aside from the redundancy there, I’d suggest there’s a permutation related to omission there. The unknown known. That thing about denial. I mean, like when you know something, but you don’t mention it coz you’re a puppet now so satan controls your being? So do not fuck with me.
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Sorry..I made a copy/paste error.
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Have I told you about that time I died, but I didn’t and someone else died instead in the same way, because I’m already dead?
I was once walking, about 2 years ago, I used some medications and drugs. I woke up on the way to a clinic, in a car. I was like “WASSSSSSSSSSUP?” and apparently, my family was like “Dude, we think you have concussion, you hit your head pretty hard”.
And then I was like “No way. I’m cool, lemme go to sleep”. And they were like “Well, okay then”. So we turned around and I went to sleep.
The next day. I waited for the next day. Like every other day.
So on that day, a guy I used to know, which was 2 days later visits me and he’s like “Dude, you won’t believe what happened. My brother’s friend hit his head, so he didn’t go to a hospital and went to sleep and the next day he was dead.”
I was like “I remember that”.
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I actually wanted to post that “For God” song. But the thing, it’s not in the Bible. And in “freemason” society, God is restricted to the absolute bullshit in genesis. Which is about a lonely confused guy making a clone, and that clone is entropic, but also a piece of shit (as of it chose to be shit but also because I said so). And then that clone, he had a penis. So he was also lonely. Just like God. And then, from the Jesus-like submission of Adam, God enjoyed some fine some spare rib.
That was when Adam waked up and he was like “Dude, wtf is that?” and God was like “It’s not a problem guy. Just look at that.”
But Adam was a homosexual so he was like “But God, your penis is the best. My rib reject entropy clone isn’t quite good enough to go fuck myself”.
After that God went to psych sessions.
Apparently, I just randomly entered the buttons for “Show hidden icons”.
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Oh sorry, looks like that “For God” song is actually a thing.
That cover art and the stabbing infants thing. I can see how that makes you hot. Like, for real. And eternally.
Don’t worry, I do this wherever I go.
I used to live with a down syndrome girl. She once pointed out the window and she was like “It’s there”. At that point, I knew she had more perceptive capacity than I did, as I could see nothing special.
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Like, more simply, do you want to stab infants with toxic shit?
Coz I’m pretty good at decapitating things.
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Isis was Osiris’ brother.
“I see your true colours shining through”.
very old white guy
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Oh no, say it isn’t so. I guess I will survive that one as I have very other one many decades now. Get up, get out, get over it. Ignore the lies and the BS and you will survive unless someone shoots you.
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Like dying without living.
That’s actually all I know, considering.
I would like for someone to argue the purpose of survival with respect to suffering and increased life expectancy, inflation, taxation, zero freedom, etc.
What, a couple of decades ago you had 10/100 chronic diseases in your younger gernerations, no you got like 60/100? Hey, and if I’m wrong about that, that’s because you lied about/ So you’re a cunt.
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I guess I’m weak, I’m not a serve hive whore. I guess that’s how divergence goes.
Kevin Cullen
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July 28, 2021 at 5:00 pm | #
I’ve learned from Einstein that human stupidity is nearly so boundless, that I a often feign surprise by the unpredictability of exactly how stupid they are.
Love it!
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Candida auris has been around for over 10 years and is slowly gaining momentum as a priority fungus that has no resistance to any drug. No doubt, deaths from this fungus will be labeled as covid.
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