Mount Agung’s eruption could create world’s most fertile soil

Mount Agung in Bali is currently on the verge of eruption, and more than 100,000 people have been evacuated. However, one of us (Dian Fiantis) will go into the area when it erupts, to collect the ash.

This eruption is likely to be catastrophic, spewing lava and ashes at temperatures up to 1,250C, posing serious risk to humans and their livelihoods.

Ash ejected from the volcano not only affects aviation and tourism, but can also affect life and cause much nuisance to farmers, burying agricultural land and damaging crops. However, in the long term, the ash will create the world’s most productive soils.

While volcanic soils only cover 1 per cent of the world’s land surface, they can support 10 per cent of the world’s population, including some areas with the highest population densities.

The ring of fire

Indonesia is situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a chain of volcanoes that stretches from Sumatra through Java and Bali to Timor, and constitutes the most dangerous of the world’s tectonic interfaces.

Throughout history, Indonesia’s volcanic eruptions have affected the world’s climate, notably the volcano of Lake Toba with its super-eruption around 74,000 years ago, which caused a six-year volcanic winter. Mount Tambora is known for its violent eruption in 1815 causing a year without summer in Europe, and the Krakatau explosion in 1883 also cooled the world.

The eruption of Tambora, on the island of Sumbawa in 1815 ejected an estimated 160 cubic km of ash into the atmosphere. This catastrophic event affected the population in nearby islands, including Bali. Agriculture was destroyed by ash deposits and shortage of sunlight. It was estimated that the misery lasted 10-15 years before the ashes turned into fertile soils.

The 1963-64 eruption of Mount Agung released 0.95 cubic km of solid volcanic material and lava. Some 1,580 people were reportedly killed by the rapid lava flows and accompanying poisonous gases.

But if a comparable eruption occurred tomorrow, the death toll would be greatly lessened by the warning systems now in place.

Implications for neighbouring countries

Among the constant eruptions of Indonesia’s many volcanoes (66 currently being monitored, and among those 50-60 are considered “active”), huge ones will arrive. They will be enormously destructive to Indonesia, will impact the world’s climate, and will challenge neighbouring countries.


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