Most rate Dr. Fauci’s job performance as ‘criminal’

Accordinbg to the latest unscientific poll of 1,717 people at, 89 percent described Dr. Anthony Fauci’s job performance as “criminal.”

Respondents were asked to evaluate Fauci’s job performance as: Outstanding A+, Above Average, Average, Mediocre, Terrible or Criminal.

Fewer than one percent rated Fauci’s job performance as “Outstanding A+.”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Fauci was the lead figure on both Trump and Biden’s coronavirus response teams.

He is director of the National Institutes of Health and National Institution of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden.

He recently announced he’ll be stepping down from his post in December.

Fauci was revered by many but also quickly became a controversial figure for his conflicting and sometimes inaccurate statements, and advice that sometimes proved to be scientifically inaccurate and/or contrary to public health interests.

Fauci has said that in December 2020 he fudged certain information about masking and what percentage of vaccine uptake was necessary to reach herd immunity.

He said he put out inaccurate or incorrect information in order to persuade Americans to behave the way he wanted.

He also falsely stated, at times, that vaccination would prevent illness, prevent death, and prevent serious illness.

And he testified to Congress that Covid was ten times deadlier than flu at the same time he published a scientific paper saying that Covid’s fatality rate was about the same as a bad flu, not ten times worse.

Critics referred to Fauci’s wavering statements as “flip-flopping.”

Fauci defended the misinformation by stating the science was constantly changing or evolving.

One of the most serious criticisms of Fauci is his spending of taxpayer funds on research partnerships with communist Chinese scientists and institutions, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) where many scientists believe Covid-19 originated.

The research Fauci approved funding for included controversial and risky “gain of function” research on bat coronavirus to make it infectious in people in order to develop vaccines and other treatments for it.

Senate Republicans have publicly stated if they win control of the Senate in the 2022 Midterm elections, they plan to subpoena Dr. Fauci to testify about this issue under oath.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has denied all allegations of any wrongdoing pertaining to the research conducted in Wuhan.

The Poll Question: Dr. Fauci has done a(n) _________ job!

< 1 percent Outstanding! A+

< 1 percent Above Average

< 1 percent Average

2 percent Mediocre

8 percent Terrible!

89 percent Criminal!

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Bold emphasis added

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