More Lack of Evidence for CO2 induced Ocean Warming

Broken sea ice emerges from under the hull of a Finnish icebreaker as it traverses the Arctic's Northwest Passage.

Despite repeated alarmist claims in the media there remains no real world evidence of carbon dioxide induced warming of oceans. Two new ocean warming papers typify the ceaseless reliance on unproven and empty pseudo-scientific claims.

One Australian independent scientist refusing to let the scaremongering go unchallenged is Dr Albert Parker who posts his latest criticism on his blog.

Dr Parker exposes two of the latest alarmist sea level papers currently touted by mainstream news outlets such as The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH). The newspaper’s headline screams, “An ocean of evidence on warming is our cue to take action – now.”

SMH bemoans:

Two new studies published last week confirm the world’s oceans are warming. The first, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, shows that ocean warming has accelerated since 1870. The second, a perspective published in the prestigious journal Science, reports studies that indicate the rate of ocean warming over recent decades is 10 per cent or more greater than the studies considered in the last Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment published in 2013, and that the rate has increased since 1991.”

This claim has ZERO basis in fact. Dr Parker identifies that these studies quickly progressed to print without too much of any real “peer review”-  same as others he has encountered from the PNAS.

Parker exposes a typically handwaving paper by PNAS’s own member Anny Cazenave whose demented writings inspire the SMH to make the totally unproven claim that:

“Over 90 per cent of the heat trapped in the climate system by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations from our burning of fossil fuels is stored in the oceans.”

But as independent (i.e. not sold out) researchers like Parker will tell you, logic and reason alone ought to convince us that Cazenave’s failure to publish verifiable real-world data is our cue to not act now.

Dr Parker notes the slick methodology of PNAS editors:

“When an inside “political” contributing member submits a paper plus reviews she/he has collected to the editorial board of PNAS, then, it almost never happens that the editorial board discusses the validity of the science. Despite many independent scientists seeking to comment on these biased works, none of their valid criticisms will be posted or impact the relentless hype.”

Dr Parker’s years of unpaid research in this area has taught him to recognize that the over-arching doomsaying message of such papers is prominently and uncritically highlighted in the many press releases, such as the SMH one cited above.

But the SMH is merely an amateur in the field when compared to the full-blown alarmism on steroids spewed out by the UK’s  The Guardian.

Their bedwetting headline triggered by these new studies reads “Global warming of oceans equivalent to an atomic bomb per second

Wow! Did you feel the megatonnage of that? These ‘scientists’ – aided and abetted by scientifically illiterate journos – are pumping out powerful hot air that ocean warming has greatly accelerated since 1870. What is missing, however, is actual science behind that bold claim.

As no time machines have yet been invented, it is only from speculation that the state of the oceans can be described as sharply accelerating since 1870; no actual, real-world data can ever prove this narrative to be true – it simply doesn’t exist.


As Dr Parker reveals:

In the southern hemisphere there are no tide gauges recording since the year 1870, and in the northern hemisphere there are just a very few. The longer trend tide gauges consistently show negligible accelerations.

For, as Dr Parker clearly shows:

“Reliable direct measurements have only started recently (ARGO), and the indirect measurements (sea levels from tide gauges) do NOT show any sign of acceleration!”

So, why do mainstream news outlets promote unfounded speculation – are they simply immured by the not-to-be-questioned ‘authority’ of trumped up ‘experts’ such as the PNAS?

And when these farcical papers are later exposed as reliant on flawed statistics or dubious methodologies, why do we never see honest journalism exposing the journals that peddle this twaddle?

If significant, direct real measurements of ocean temperatures are only available since 2006, and the indirect measurements available since the 1800s/early 1900s tell a different story, where then is there any experimental (empirical) support for the alarmist speculators?

Being very much a real-world data scientist, Dr Parker cites the tide gauge record of Fremantle,  just one example of many that proves negligible or small acceleration in sea level rises. Not for Dr Parker are the musings of chicken little researchers chasing government grants.

For Fremantle (see graph below) we can see clearly that the slope is 1.694 ±0.246 mm/yr. and the acceleration is a miniscule 0.00571 ±0.01567 mm/yr² (see image from

The acceleration? If you can call it that, is 5.7 micrometers per year squared. Is this microscopic rise enough to call for urgent action on carbon dioxide emissions? Again, logic and reason would suggest not.


Readers are invited to see the example recently shown in:

This reveals that in Japan and the rest of the Pacific, since the end of the 1800s/start of 1900s, on average the acceleration is even less than the 5.7 micrometers per year squared.

Note: A micrometer (symbol: μm) is  one thousandth of a millimetre, 0.001 mm, or about 0.000039 inch.

So the sea level rise causing all the alarm (5.7 micrometers) is about the width of a human hair! (see image above)

Isn’t it well past time that honest journalists and media outlets started doing proper due diligence and investigate the absence of effective peer review in ‘top’ science bodies like PNAS?


John O’Sullivan is CEO of PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027. 

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