More Evidence Emerges Showing Natural Immunity is Superior to Vaccination

The steadfast refusal of “experts,” media members and politicians to accept the effectiveness of natural immunity has caused immense damage

Despite the fact that it has objectively been an inarguable reality of every pandemic in history, immunity from prior infection somehow became controversial during COVID-19.

In 2004 Dr. Anthony Fauci acknowledged the importance of natural immunity, stating in a television interview that it was extremely valuable and protective.

FLASHBACK: Dr. Fauci’s Take On Natural Immunity – YouTube

If she’s had the flu, “she’s as protected as anyone can be,” Fauci says, “because the most potent vaccination is to get infected yourself.”

As perhaps the best example of how narrative enforcement has become a distinct priority for major tech companies, search results for this video default to “fact checks” promoting COVID vaccination.

Somehow these uncontroversial, widely held beliefs about natural immunity were completely abandoned in early 2020.

That trend accelerated in late 2020 when the first mRNA vaccines were released.

Suddenly, The Experts™ and their allies in the media became united in their advocacy: everyone should be vaccinated, and vaccinations are superior to natural immunity.

That relentless salesmanship has persisted into 2022, as updated boosters were released.

Of course, like the original vaccination series, estimates of effectiveness were also wildly overstated.

But we now have new research which has put yet another dent in the agenda of the pandemic trifecta – Fauci/CDC/Media.

A recent study attempting to determine the effectiveness of the bivalent, Omicron specific vaccination doses, found several surprising results.

And for those making the case for vaccination over natural immunity, they are not good.

See more here

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Comments (28)

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    Eric the Red


    The scientific paradigm is a process, that involves constant empirical testing of controlled real-world situations in order to confirm how close they match an hypothesis.

    But guess what, postmodernism destroys all that. The essentials of postmodernism mean that there’s no such thing as objective truth. The ramifications of that are immense, and horribly destructive. If there is no objective truth, then there is no objective reality. If no objective reality, then testing it for match of an hypothesis is pointless. Note that ‘hypothesis’ readily morphs into ‘what I subjectively believe, and what I feel about any situation at any given moment’.

    Postmodernism has infected the psyche of the entire western world, to a greater or lesser extent for each person. It has certainly taken over the halls of western regimes. To dismiss postmodernism as just another ideology is a terrible mistake. Its pernicious tentacles of related ideas have become the mindset of most people, even if they don’t realize it. Postmodernism is the zeitgeist that haunts our age. If you can’t accept what I’m telling you, if instead you want to argue because you’re just another gamma nerd predisposed to show off your so-called superior intellect, then you’re nothing more than an oblivious NPC who is adding to societal destruction.


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    Just about anything is superior to vaccinations.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    The debate based on natural or vaccinated immunity has become obsolete.

    One develops immunity against a virus, i.e., that is the view/theory. However, it is abundantly clear that the virus does not exist; hence, there is nothing to be immune against. Clearly, the public has been tricked and continues to be fooled.

    However, the debate with “studies” (which are just opinions) continues to maintain the fiction, like gain of function research, virus, and its origin, etc., to protect the careers and prestige of the “experts.” Sadly, such cannot be saved. It is over!


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Saeed,

      I accept there is a human disease which has the generic name COVID but I don’t know much to anything about human diseases. So I was just searching the internet for possible causes of human diseases and I happened upon this. “RHDV2 is a virus that causes sudden death in rabbits. The virus only infects rabbits and poses no human health risk. But it poses a high risk for domestic, feral and wild rabbits.” ( How does the Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife know this virus poses no human health risk?

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Saeed Qureshi


        Hi Jerry:
        Difficult to answer your question.
        A few minutes ago, I watched TV (News) show describing the highlights of 2022, stating, “the people in charge tell an awful lot of lies.” I tend to agree with it, especially for the virus, which is not there.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Saeed,

      I accept there is a human disease which has the generic name COVID but I don’t know much to anything about human diseases. So I was just searching the internet for possible causes of human diseases and I happened upon this. “RHDV2 is a virus that causes sudden death in rabbits. The virus only infects rabbits and poses no human health risk. But it poses a high risk for domestic, feral and wild rabbits.” ( How does the Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife know this virus poses no human health risk?

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Saeed,

        I don’t understand your answer. Are you stating there is no virus killing these rabbits? My question was not about any COVID virus, it was about the virus claimed to be killing rabbits and if someone could claim that this virus posed no “high” risk for humans?

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Saeed Qureshi


          Hi Jerry:
          If a virus kills animals or humans. I want to know if they (scientists) can detect (with a valid test, not PCR) or if they have isolated the virus. Please, let me know if and when you find an answer to these questions.


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            Herb Rose


            Hi Saeed,
            Rabies in dogs and cats used to be common in the US. Since mandatory vaccines have been established it has become quite rare to non-existent in vaccinated dogs and cats. The evidence is clear that there is something in that vaccine that prevents the animals from getting rabies. (They haven’t changed their behavior or beliefs.) Just because they haven’t identified what is providing the immunity doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it just means they are looking at the wrong things. Instead of refusing to acknowledge the existence of the contagion because it hasn’t been found, change you search.

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            Saeed Qureshi


            Hi Herb:
            There is no need for me to change my search.

            I have already been doing that and telling people for a long (

            But unfortunately, people continue to believe in the so-called non-existent COVID-19 and the virus without scientific evidence. So I think they may like to consider changing their search.

            “The evidence is clear that there is something in that vaccine that prevents the animals from getting rabies.”

            Similar claims are made for mRNA vaccines that it is almost 100% effective against COVID-19. But, of course, they have to say that to justify their “science.” However, I have not seen any experimental evidence showing vaccines kill the virus. Have you? Please share your information, not assumptions that “vaccines prevented SOMETHING, be it rabies or COVID-19.”

            I am not objecting to your belief. You can have any, but these are beliefs, not scientific observations or facts.I am sorry.

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Saeed,
            British sailors on long ocean voyages use to get scurvy. When they were given fruit on the trips they did not get scurvy. Was the fruit killing a pathogen? No but it was clear that it some way.
            I will accept that if someone is given what is thought to be the cause of a disease and that person does not get the disease, then that is clear evidence that that is not the cause. You seem to be unwilling to accept that if dogs get the vaccine and they do not get rabies but if they don’t get the vaccine they do, is evidence that there is something in that vaccine that prevents the dogs from contracting rabies. What is it and how does it work?
            Covid is a scam pushing vaccines that do not worked and actually makes things worse. Ivermectin and HCQ are anti parasite drugs that do work. Why and how?

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            Saeed Qureshi


            You are mixing things up. There is no need to talk about dogs, rabies, and now scurvy with fruits. What do these things do with COVID-19 and its virus or the article under discussion?

            My point is that there is no way to compare natural or vaccinated immunity. To check for immunity, one requires the virus because the claim is made against it. As the virus is unavailable, the claim is invalid and false.

            Please tell me why I am wrong. Has the immunity been checked against the COVID-19 virus? If yes, please support your claim with some evidence/publication/link.

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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Saeed and PSI Readers.

            Herb just wrote: “Ivermectin and HCQ are anti parasite drugs that do work.” “par·a·site | ˈperəˌsīt |noun. 1 an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other’s expense” (New Oxford American Dictionary)

            As I searched for other causes, other than viruses, of human diseases, I discovered that malaria is caused by a parasite that is carried by a certain mosquito. While I have not read that “Ivermectin and HCQ are anti parasite drugs” I suspect, but don’t know, that Herb had read what I read about malaria. For if this human disease that has been termed COVID ?? is not caused by a virus, it must be caused by “something”. And it seems a undeniable fact is that Ivermectin and HCQ are successful treatments for whatever human disease COVID ?? is.

            So PSI Readers, I am confused how it is that Saeed is not considering other possible causes of human diseases as Herb apparently does as he considers the human health problems of scurvy or rabies or apparently malaria.

            And as I compose, copy and paste, this, I will try to avoid the fact that my comments are too regularly being double posted by originally mistyping by email address.

            Have a good day, Jerry

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Saeed,
            My response is not about the article but your comment. Diseases, like COVID, scurvy, or rabies exist and any test for them is irrelevant. If you don’t know the cause tests are meaningless. People get no immunity to scurvy, natural immunity to rabies is death, people have natural immunity to COVID and do not get the disease and no immunity (only increased susceptibility) from the shot. You seem to believe because there is not virus/test there is no disease while I believe that the diseases (COVID and rabies) exist. The goal is to determine the cause not to create a test. My brother died from cancer. The diagnostic tests said he had ovarian cancer.

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            T. C. Clark


            Saeed, why don’t you go to China now and help them? The virus after lockdown relaxation appears to be rapidly spreading and hospitalizations and deaths soaring…you can explain to them?….that it’s just their imagination?

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            Saeed Qureshi


            I am going to say it again. I am sorry, I do not argue with your beliefs, in which you seem to agree that “I BELIEVE that the diseases (COVID and rabies) exist.”

            However, I am talking about science and scientific evidence provided for the disease (e.g., COVID-19). There is no scientific support available for such diseases.

            We should leave this discussion here. Thank you.

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            Saeed Qureshi


            T.C. Clark:
            @“… that it’s just their imagination?

            They should start thinking that it cannot be viral if they have not shown the virus. The lockdown did not work; vaccination did not work. Hence their imagination may not be correct, i.e., it may not be a virus and something else, as some suggested normal/standard infection treatable with regular/normal medicines such as IVM, HCQ, etc.

            It is unclear why they are stuck with virus theory when they cannot show the presence or existence of the virus.
            Will this help?

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            T. C. Clark


            Saeed, if it looks like a duck….quacks like a duck….walks like a duck….that doesn’t mean it is a duck…it could be a weird goose that quacks….or something like that? Are you the only “virologist” in the world who doubts the Wuhan Virus exists?

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            If one wishes to challenge or debunk the generally accepted theories on viruses it is incumbent to have a rational alternative theory that makes sense.

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            Saeed Qureshi


            Dear All:
            You are not reading what I am writing but answering questions you have in your mind. I am sorry.

            First, I am not a virologist. However, what I say (not in this discussion but many earlier ones) is what virologists describe as a virus, based on PCR, RNA, s-protein, isolation, isolate, purification, mRNA (vaccines), etc., are chemical-based narratives. Therefore, they should be evaluated with such science/chemistry. I have significant training and experience in this area. Based on this, I can confidently say nothing described, including the virus, makes sense but is false. You all take it as that I do not believe in the virus. I am saying the narrative they describe is false. I hope you see the difference here.

            Saying that having a test is useless, I may have a different view, but please tell this not to me but to the virologists and physicians because this virus/pandemic is based on THEIR test. Ask THEM to take this test out and then look for and decide the issue. I wrote this a long time ago. It is a pandemic of or because of the testing. Testing is inaccurate, and it does not tell that there is a virus.

            Concerning alternate theory, again, you are not reading what I wrote. I am repeatedly saying that there is a strong possibility that it is a standard or normal infection treatable with normal or standard treatment such as IMV and HCQ (

            Why cannot you people read this? Physicians are prescribing these medications. There are reports of success, as noted here as well. So why do you keep returning to the virus theory (which has no evidence and calling it SOMETHING) and not considering the IVM and HCQ?

            Please calm down and think rationally. We do NOT have much disagreement, other than keep repeating that I have to accept virus theory, for which you all have limited faith to start with.

            I hope this will help.

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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Saeed,

            You just wrote: “Based on this, I can confidently say nothing described, including the virus, makes sense but is false.” Before stating this you reviewed your experiences which some readers might consider you are qualifying yourself as having the ability to judge what makes SENSE. As if what you have just done is the foundation of SCIENCE.

            I write this comment to remind readers that Albert Einstein stated; “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can prove me wrong.” And Richard Feynman stated in a public address at the 1955 Fall meeting of the National Academy of Science. (“What Do You Care What Other People Think?”). “We have found it of paramount importance that in order to progress we must recognize our ignorance and leave room for doubt. Scientific knowledge is a body of statements varying degrees of certainty—some most unsure, some nearly sure, but none absolutely certain.” This SCIENCE of Einstein and Feynman is the SCIENCE I embrace.

            Have a good day, Jerry

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            Saeed Qureshi


            Hi Jerry:

            I stand by my statement until proven incorrect with some logical or experimental support.

            For now, I assume you agree with my views.


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            T. C. Clark


            Saeed, ,you should go to China and visit the hospitals…expose yourself to the “standard and normal” infection…take your pills ahead of time to protect yourself….the current variant of the virus is not likely to be as deadly as the original which apparently was no more deadly than a severe flu epidemic. It appears to be very contagious, no? China has a lot of elderly and sick which the virus affects most….the virus seems to be on the rise in India too?

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          Saeed Qureshi


          T.C. Clark:
          Thank you. I do not understand what you are trying to say. It is certainly not the science aspect. So, sorry, not interested in irrelevant discussions. I pass.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Administer,

    I am going to deliberating mistype my Email to see if this will stop the double posting.

    Have a good day, Jerry

    (One of your accounts was deleted which stopped the moderation problem but now you are getting double posts which is bizarre will let the webmaster know) SUNMOD


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      Double taps are for assassins.


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      Double taps are for assassins.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Sunmod,

      After I corrected my email.address and resubmitted my comment, I received the message it appears you have submitted this before. And did nothing except leave the PSI site. But when I went back there was my comment which was singlely posted. Do not know if this will help you and do not know if this will always prevent double postings.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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