More Evidence Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause agressive Cancers

I keep saying it, but it worth repeating……everything, I mean everything, we have been told about the so-called COVID-19 “vaccines” has been a lie

Among some of the most important lies was the lie about the lack of potential genotoxicity and cancer.

Our “health experts” continue to deny the genotoxicity risk and cancer risk despite any safety testing to support this claim.

The manufacturers even said when the injections were released that there was no data on genotoxicity and cancer potential – they said it in black and white in the officially approved Product Information.

My new subscribers should go to my Substack of Dec. 3 2023 (CLICK HERE to view) where I commented on the cancer risk.

Dr. Maryanne Demasi has now published a pertinent Substack (CLICK HERE to view) in relation to dangerous DNA contamination contained in the shots. Apparently, Pfizer’s dirty shots have been cleaned up a little but Moderna’s shots had far less DNA contamination and they even patented the process to remove the DNA.

Part of the Moderna’s patent admits contaminating DNA is a cancer risk.

Now, cancers around the world have been on the increase since the Covid injection rollouts but our government refuse to admit this might have been caused by the injections themselves. Our government refuses to seriously investigate.

Shame on them all.

The Covid-19 “vaccines” were never tested for cancer potential when released but our health experts (who have been showered with Australian Honours ) claimed they were “safe”.

How did the experts know these injections were safe if the tests to prove them safe were never conducted? 

Previous Victorian Premiere Daniel Andrews, who many say was directly responsible for some of the world’s worst pandemic policies including the longest lockdowns, loss of personal freedoms, loss of life, thrashing of the State economy, destruction of businesses, demonising of those choosing not to be jabbed and police brutality…..has now received Australia’s highest civilian honour, Companion of Australia, in part for his role in the pandemic.

This tells you everything you need to know about the King’s Birthday Honours List and those responsible for this nauseating tribute. There will be no apology…there will be no accountability…there will be no transparency…there will be no compensation… and, worst of all, history is bound to repeat itself.

The way the game will be played from here is that it will be up to damaged individuals or families of the dead to prove beyond reasonable doubt that their cancers were caused or exacerbated by the Covid injections – an almost impossible legal task which will be steadfastly refuted by the manufacturers and government.

While cancer deaths soar around the globe, our government will try and run out the clock, taking decades to reveal the truth while senior bureaucrats receive huge pensions, grab lucrative board positions and eventually die without remorse without facing justice.

See more here

Bold emphasis added

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (3)

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    History repeats because most buy into the history that was written by our overlords
    His-story is NOT our-story
    History is agreed upon lies


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    Gary Brown


    JUNE 11, 2024 Dr. Clare Craig: It’s clear the covid vaccines are unsafe

    The People’s Vaccine Inquiry was launched yesterday. So far Dr. Jonathan Engler, Dr. Ros Jones, Dr. Dean Patterson, Dr. Liz Evans, Patrick Fagan, Nick Hunt and Dr. Clare Craig have submitted evidence. They are encouraging other experts to submit their witness statements, which can be done using THIS email link.


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    These arguments can be found in the book “THE ORIGIN OF DISEASES AND THE CURE BY NATURAL DIET”.

    The vaccine – a terrible superstition
    About two hundred years ago, a legend circulated among Turkish peasants that if a person were to be inoculated with a smallpox scab, that person would be free of it forever. Lady Montague, wife of the British Ambassador to the Ottoman court, heard about this and believed in the phenomenon, like many good people, and brought the story back to England. As a result, the habit of inoculating began to spread throughout Europe. Shortly afterwards, it was discovered that this custom, instead of preventing the disease, actually spread it, so strict laws were passed in various countries prohibiting the inoculation of smallpox.

    Then, between 1795 and 1798, a village barber named Edward Jenner revived the superstition, but in a different way, announcing that he had made a discovery that would rid the world of smallpox.

    Some ignorant doctors immediately saw that this was a great “discovery” for creating diseases and arranged for the barber to obtain a reward of £150,000 from the British Parliament for his invention.

    Now, this was a great advertisement; in all countries it was a matter of taking advantage of a discovery that was worth so much money.

    The charlatan was later forced to confess that his vaccine, as he called it, was a great failure. But nobody talked about this; On the contrary, the barber was elevated to the rank of Doctor by the doctors!

    If the doctrine proved to be a fiasco more than 100 years ago, one naturally wonders why the custom still exists today?

    The reason is clear: It is because someone makes money from it, directly or indirectly.

    Thousands of portraits of the great barber are publicly burned every year in the cities of Great Britain.

    And that sad figure, that charlatan, is the great assistant of a “science” called medicine! Poor science! Poor victims of it!

    Jenner experimented on his own son, a robust child of 9, by inoculating him with pig pox. The child died shortly afterwards from horrible suffering.

    Medical tyranny is a Cerberus that demands that wounds be produced in order to promote health.

    Completely ignorant of the laws of nature, he denies the right of a healthy child to go to school without catching one disease (vaccine) to get rid of another (smallpox).

    Doctors claim that the barber bug virus protects against smallpox. It is therefore logical that if vaccinated children are free from smallpox, why don’t they leave alone those who don’t believe in the science of Jenner the barber and the Turkish peasants?

    The authority of a loaf of bread cannot go so far as to allow a crime against nature in the organism of his child!


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