A compound that may form cell wall-like structures has been detected in the dense atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan.
The discovery, reported today in Science Advances, was made using the highly sensitive Atacama Large Millimeter Array radio telescope in Chile.
Saturn’s largest moon has long been considered an ideal candidate for organic life elsewhere in our galaxy, said the study’s lead author, Maureen Palmer from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
“In some ways Titan is sort of Earth-like,” Ms Palmer said.
The moon’s atmosphere is around 95 per cent nitrogen, and there are lakes and seas on its surface. But unlike Earth, these lakes and seas contain liquid methane rather than water.
Cell membranes important for life
Vinyl cyanide (C2H3CN) is an organic molecule used in the manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubbers. While it is toxic to Earth-based life forms, it is ideally suited to form cell-like membranes in the hydrocarbon-rich environment found on Titan.
Cell membranes are thought to be important for the development of life in a liquid environment because they can create a sealed-off chamber where biochemical reactions can take place more easily than in the more dilute open water setting.
Computer simulations have suggested that vinyl cyanide would behave in a similar fashion in Titan’s environment, to the phospholipid molecules that make up cell membranes found in life on Earth.
However, this behaviour is yet to be demonstrated in the laboratory setting.
Earlier research using data from the Cassini spacecraft hinted that vinyl cyanide existed on Titan, but more definitive proof was needed.
Fortunately, the Atacama Large Millimetre Array telescope regularly turns towards Titan and uses the moon to calibrate its energy measurements.
When the research team looked at the frequencies of light being emitted from Titan, they saw a peak that corresponded to the exact frequency of light emitted by the vinyl cyanide molecule.
The molecular signature is actually located high up in Titan’s atmosphere — around 200 kilometres above the moon’s surface — but that doesn’t mean it’s only found there.
“If we wanted to hypothetically form membranes, it would need to reach the surface, which seems like a plausible thing that would happen,” Ms Palmer said.
“Titan has this haze and organic particles are continuously falling out of the atmosphere, and also there’s rain which can bring molecules down in the droplets.”
Study could shape our understanding of early life on Earth
Because Titan has some things in common with a primitive Earth before our planet’s atmosphere became so oxygen rich, research such as this could also shape scientists’ understanding of how life first developed on Earth.
The next steps are to do even higher resolution studies of Titan’s atmosphere to see how the vinyl cyanide molecules are distributed across the moon’s surface. Ms Palmer also hoped the laboratory experiments might give a real-world demonstration of vinyl cyanide forming membrane structures.
Read more at www.abc.net.au
Joseph Olson
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Wiki/Archaea > a life form so different from bacteria, the other single cell life that they were given a separate Kingdom in 1977. Archeae live at seafloor volcanic rifts at 100 atmospheres of pressure in temperatures from 0°C to 2500°C and digest fission produced Methane. Archaea exist in digestive tracks of termites and grazing livestock, where they produce Methane. Life has some amazing properties.
jerry krause
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Hi Bianca and any readers,
“So when there’s all these organic molecules along with a possible liquid habitat, it’s intriguing from the perspective of looking for weird forms of life,” Ms Palmer said.
Chemists do classify some carbon containing molecules (compounds) as being organic and other carbon containing molecules (compounds) as being inorganic. Organic implies molecules produced by ‘living organisms’. We would not be proposing that living organisms might exist on Titan if we believed the lakes of methane (having a carbon atom) had been the result of living organisms. Hence, simple molecules like methane, carbon dioxide, carbonate ions, are inorganic molecules or ions. And you should not ignore that many consider that the inorganic compound water is essential for living organisms on the earth.
I question the motivation behind the effort to propose that ‘life’ could possibly exist on titan because Titan is similar to the Earth while not reviewing all the ways that Titan is not like the earth. Starting with solar radiation. Yes, I know that living organisms are found at the bottom of oceans where no solar radiation is transmitted. But, these living organisms are understood to be using chemical sources of inorganic compounds from ‘vents’ as their energy source.
Just some thoughts for you to ponder.
Have a good day, Jerry