Mistakes were not made..
In May of this year I “commemorated” 4 years of being a so called conspiracy theorist-or as it used to be called a critical thinker.
This 3 part series published by Principia Scientific International follows my journey-but it is more-it sets out what “they” knew at the time, what “they” know now and compares the harms/outcomes predicted then with what actually has happened. PART 1 is available HERE

Even if you accept either that genuine mistakes were made or they were simply following orders, why has no one admitted their “mistakes” publicly and resigned? (Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (by Margaret Anna Alice; Read by Dr. Tess Lawrie)).
And why are the authorities still seeking to ban discussion on why the original evidence was ignored and why anyone who tried to raise concerns was censored-even me Indeed why is censoring still happening?
(If you would like any of the sources, do please ask. Any discontinuities are caused by a slight difference of type setting. Parts 2 and 3 will follow shortly.
AND Is the same happening wrt the sexualisation of our children via the school curriculum?
74% of people in N.Ireland in the official consultation said they did not want the WHO inspired guidance on Relationships and Sexuality Education introduced into our schools-using updated scientific evidence including the CASS report, I am opposing it-but the authorities appear not to want to listen. Read HERE and HERE in UK Column and HERE in Principia Scientific.
or listen to Podcast with Jeffrey Peel
or with David Kurten on TNT
And btw
The Questions the Covid enquiry isn’t asking asking-TNT’s Lembit Opik asks me.
Why do we need to keep saying the same thing over and over again? Is it because a) I’m a teacher b) no one has accepted responsibility for the harms c) if we don’t they will do it again d) they haven’t admitted they were wrong e) some people still don’t see.
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“Critical thinking has been described as an ability to question; to acknowledge and test previously held assumptions; to recognize ambiguity; to examine, interpret, evaluate, reason, and reflect; to make informed judgments and decisions; and to clarify, articulate, and justify positions”
I’ll just call it being objective. Other than that, it’s just a label to embellish those who classify themselves.
It’s not a talent, it isn’t learned, and it’s nothing special. It’s allways been there, but like everything else in these days of specialdom, it gives an air of superiority over lesser thinkers. Or so people believe.
It’s actually nothing of interest.
Tom O
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Howdy, Howdy. I tend to agree with you. Critical thinking used to be “seeking understanding, not just accepting life at face value.” Something we all used to do until TV told us “don’t worry, be happy, and I will do your thinking for you.” Since then, people that do look beyond the curtains, so to speak, to see what is there, believe they are the new seekers of truth, the only ones capable of understanding truth from everything else. “Here is my pedestal, will you help me climb up on it.”
What tends to amaze me is that they are so amazed when they stumble onto “a truth” that has been obvious to anyone with an open mind. Not attacking the author here, by the way, attacking the concept of “becoming a critical thinker,” which, incidentally, has nothing to do with determining whether or not “conspiracy theory” is anything other than a label used by mainstream to hide facts.