‘MILLIONS of Self-Assembling Nanotech Entities’ in COVID-19 Injections
August 13, 2024: Before we dive into the details of this newly published peer-reviewed article.
I want to emphasize why this new scientific analysis is a critical piece of evidence in our battle to stop the extermination-level assault on humanity with mRNA nanoparticle technology. We can’t stop the crime if we never identify the weapon.
This newly released analysis is further evidence of the toxic (and sometimes lethal) self-assembling, Ai nanotechnology entities found in the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ vials. Under the fraudulent promotion of “safe and effective vaccines” these toxic nanobiotechnologies were injected into billions of adults and children around the globe causing an unprecedented level of disease, disabilities, and death.
This time, last year I had to flee the country because of my reporting on the mRNA nanotechnology. Please share this critical information with your community and loved ones.
Every leader sharing valuable facts and evidence cannot be silenced, if everyone is leading.
“Visible Artificial Self-Assembling Entities”
The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR) published a scientific analysis of 54 COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ vials (45 Pfizer, 7 Moderna, 1 AstraZeneca, 1 Novavax) confirming the presence of “3-4 million self-assembling entities per milliliter” of the COVID-19 injections. Specifically, Pfizer mRNA injections contained 900,000 – 1.2 million self-assembling nanotech entities per dose, and Moderna contained 1.5 – 2.0 million nanotech entities per dose.

The scientific peer-reviewed analysis was conducted by Dr. Young Mi Lee and Daniel Broudy (PhD) and was aided by the Korea Veritas Doctors (KoVeDoc).
The scientific researchers confirmed that both the replication and self-assembly of the pre-programmed nanoparticles are activated by internal and external conditions (including external electromagnetic fields from cell phones and laptops).
These external electromagnetic fields create activation periods that are part of the unpredictable shedding phenomenon that occurs during “nanoparticle overproduction” causing transmission through sweat, saliva, semen, and other excretions.

These new peer-reviewed findings are consistent with the US patents confirming that the lipid nanoparticles are programmable, self-assembling, self-replicating and self-spreading particles.

Magnetic Hydrogel is an Intelligent Self-Replicating “Ai Nano-species”

“Smart (Ai) hydrogel is a kind of material that can perceive small physical/chemical stimuli (such as temp, light, magnesium, pH) and make significant response behaviors.”

“Because of this intelligence, hydrogel has a fascinating application prospect in tissue engineering…and soft actuators….(hydrogels) as stimulus responsive materials, magnetic field has the advantage of instant action, contactless control, and easy integration into electronic devices.”
Smart hydrogel is the key nanobiotechnology that creates the deadly clots featured in Died Suddenly.
The Ai Nanobiotechnology Appears and Disappears Over Time

The appearance and disappearance of the nanotechnology is consistent with patents confirming that activation of self-assembly is based on quantum mechanics and the Bohr particle (the observer effect), as well as external electromagnetic frequencies.

The researchers discovered that as the Pfizer samples incubated over 2 days, “they seemed to become more active as if responding to a command to change into various other forms – additional worm-like mating structures appeared, and hovering discs, spheres, and elongated tube-like objects.”

The existence of self-assembling nanotech (including self-aware worm-like structures and hovering discs) has also been confirmed by the research of Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Zandra Botha, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, David Nixon, Shimon Yanowitz, Matt Taylor, and other scientists, doctors and researchers.
I worked with film directors Nicholas Stumphauzer and Matt Sko to showcase Dr. Ana Mihalcea, David Nixon, Shimon Yanowitz, and Matt Taylor’s work in the film Final Days.

Nanotech Chips Disappear Overtime, but the Nanobiotech (synthetic biological structures) Sustains and/or ‘Procreates’ Over Time in Response to Electromagnetic Fields

Dr. Lee and Broudy theorized that the CDC recommends boosters because the nanochips ‘disappear’ over a period of 2-6 months.
Life-Like Structures Respond to Cell Phone Chargers and EMF
However, the life-like synthetic biological structures (in the Pfizer vials) appeared to grow and replicate over time and in response to electromagnetic fields. The researchers specifically tested the reaction of nanotech to heat, UV light, 5G, and EMFs, inclined exposure to external hard drives, cell phones, and wireless chargers.

The researchers noted that the string-like structures seemed to replicate and grow more in response to calcium ions, which is consistent with research on genetic engineered hydrogel utilizing calcium ions as part of its biosynthesis processes.

mRNA Operating System, Internet of Bodies, and Boosters
Dr. Lee and Broudy reference numerous articles citing Moderna’s website asserting that the mRNA self-replicating, self-assembling nanotechnology is a type of operating system or software program.

They cite numerous researchers who have asserted that injecting billions of human beings with nanotechnology under the guise of ‘safe and effective vaccines’ is part of the Internet of Bodies (IOB), Wireless Body Network (WBAN), and transhumanism agendas.

mRNA is also Part of an International Surveillance Platform
I have spoken on these topics dozens of times, emphasizing that the nanotechnology injected into human beings is also part of an international surveillance platform.
Nanotechnology in the mRNA COVID-19 Vials is NOT Salt or Cholesterol

The researchers also observed the extremely toxic effects that the contents of the COVID-19 vials have on human red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and sperm.
Combined with real-world evidence of the escalating rates of disease and death (as well as FDA clinical trial data) Dr. Lee and Broudy affirm that the COVID-19 injections are “neither safe nor effective” and that it is time for medical experts “to reconsider (or abandon) the maxim that ‘correlation does not equal causation’.”
Detoxing from Nanotech
We Have to Acknowledge the Weapon Before We Can Stop the Crime
It’s critical that the majority of the health freedom movement acknowledge the disturbingly large amounts of toxic nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injections so that we may work together towards effectively banning the ‘mRNA suite of nanotechnologies’ from our communities.
As the authors this new analysis wrote “an immediate global ban is needed” until we can figure out how to contain these highly toxic and infectious Ai nanobiotechnologies from genetically poisoning the human species and other biological life forms.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea recently published a more technical article on this new analysis.
You can view the documentary Final Days on Rumble.
Proverbs 16:18
The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.
Mail: Karen Kingston/miFight Inc., 960 Postal Way #307, Vista, CA 92081
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The Goodness Inside
People often ask me for advice on supplements and medical treatments. I can’t make medical recommendations for you, but for me, I know that reducing the level of acid in your body and taking a supplement that contains zeolite can help remove toxic metals from your body. I personally use these products to detox (Pure Body Extract (Zeolite), Super Green Juice, Organic Super Fiber, Organic Super Protein) which you can order here.

For prescription medical kits and/or medical advice, please visit The Wellness Company.
The Wellness Company – be well.
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Frank S.
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Thanks for this valuable update, Ms. Kingston. Stay safe!