Met Office Called To Retract False Claim That Storms Getting Worse

The UK Met Office has been accused of seriously misleading the public about ‘climate-driven’ storms in the UK

On January 22, the day after Storm Isha, a senior meteorologist from the Met Office stated on BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast that:

“when we see these storms, they are more intense, and that’s down to climate change.”

However, after being challenged through a FOI request to provide evidence for the claim that ‘climate change’ is worsening storms, the Met Office was forced to admit they have no such evidence.

In its response, the Met Office also referred to its own UK Storm activity report that clearly states that “there is no compelling trend in maximum gust speeds recorded in the UK since 1969.

We call on the Met Office to publish a full retraction of what is a false and misleading claim.

Met Office: Recent trends and future projections of UK storm activity:

“This report found that there is no compelling trend in maximum gust speeds recorded in the UK since 1969, measured as the number of days more than 20 weather stations recorded gust speeds above 40, 50 or 60 knots.”

Met Office: State of the UK Climate 2022 (page 47):

“Storm Eunice [in 2022] was the most severe storm to affect England and Wales since February 2014, but even so, these storms of the 1980s and 1990s were very much more severe.

See also: Paul Homewood: Met Office cannot provide evidence for “more intense storms” claim.

See more here climatechangedispatch

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Comments (6)

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    Is it even worth the effort. Everyone is so damn dumb they just follow along.


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    Ken Hughes


    Does this lie qualify as misinformation under the new law just passed?
    Can we send the director of the Met’ Office to jail for a year?
    Well, no, we can’t. You see the Met Office counts as a “Recognised” body of information and so they are exempt under the new law.
    Big Brother has finally arrived.


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    if I remember correctly UK Met Office also said that snow is a thing of past… 😀


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    Len Winokur


    “It’s too cold to snow”, as some folk are wont to mutter on a crisp winter’s day. Does ‘global boiling’ mean that my dreams of a white Christmas may at last come true? Bring it on!


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    Jim Dea


    The modern “enlightened” scientific community was BUILT upon a lie. What lie? That everything in this space/time continuum, including space/time itself, came about by … nothing … and all of the complexity of matter and substance including all life, existing BY an astronomically complex chemical CODE, in a complete reversal of all physical laws including laws of momentum, inertia, gravity and thermodynamics, (which also came about by nothing) slowly built itself up into living, thinking, autonomous, conscious beings, that could think about where they came from and who they are, all by means of random MISTAKES made over billions of years. If the science that lurks behind the reality of this modern age could create such a lie, and build a world around it, should we believe ANYTHING they say?


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      Andy Rowlands


      If life, the Universe and everything is a lie, are we figments of our own non-existent imagination?


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