Merck Scraps Vaccine, says better to catch COVID Virus & Recover
Vaccine manufacturer Merck has abandoned development of two coronavirus vaccines, saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus itself and developing antibodies.
The company announced that the shots V590 and V591 were ‘well tolerated’ by test patients, however they generated an ‘inferior’ immune system response in comparison with natural infection.
The company stated that instead it will focus on research into therapeutic drugs labeled as MK-7110 and MK-4482.
The drugs aim to protect patients from the damage of an overactive immune response to the virus.
“Interim results from a Phase 3 study showed a greater than 50 percent reduction in the risk of death or respiratory failure in patients hospitalized with moderate to severe COVID-19,” the company’s statement noted of the MK-7110 drug.
Merck is to receive around $356 million from the US government to fast-track production of the potential treatments under Operation Warp Speed.
Chief Marketing Officer Michael Nally recently told Bloomberg that Merck is aiming to produce some 20 million courses of the MK-4482 drug, an oral antiviral which patients will take twice a day for five days.
Meanwhile, in related news, German scientists have claimed that the UK Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is less than 8% effective in over 65s, prompting the vaccine developers to hit back, rubbishing the claims.
The German media published the claims, alleging it had been ‘confirmed’ by ‘multiple’ unnamed senior German government sources.
UK government ministers have suggested that the claim could be related to the ongoing dispute over delivery of the vaccine between the European Union and AstraZeneca.
The EU, which is yet to approve the vaccine, has threatened to block exports of shots to Britain, in a move that has been branded ‘spiteful’ by British government sources.
In an effort to make sure its member states get their ‘fair share’ of vaccines, the EU has also threatened to block the delivery of Pfizer vaccines to the UK, demanding that drug companies provide detailed information on when they plan to export Covid jabs to countries outside the bloc.
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Tom O
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Interesting article. I wonder, did the company develop a conscience regarding a vaccine for a non-lethal “disease”, or did it recognize that the market would shift to therapeutics when the vaccines had done their damage without successfully doing anything about controlling the “disease?” I know there is something behind “covid,” but I have yet to figure out if it is just misdiagnosis followed by an inappropriate treatment regimen or an actual “disease.”
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‘ I know there is something behind “covid,” but I have yet to figure out if it is just misdiagnosis followed by an inappropriate treatment regimen or an actual “disease.” ‘
It’s a business plan – entitled: ‘The Great Reset’.
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indeed, my friend
Saeed Qureshi
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Critical scientific review (Prediction?) is coming true.
Published on August 6, 2020, on this (PSI) site “COVID-19: Vaccine ‘Not Possible’ For A Virus Not Yet Quantifiable” with very lively follow-up discussion.
Another article that would be of interest to read is
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Like to see who was quoted at Merck as saying that “It would be better to catch COVID” Their trial results were inferior, the drug was inadequate…they move on…… But to paint COVID vaccines as brush stroke inadequate…. poor connection
I appreciated the article but the tilted headline makes you lose so much credibility…..
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If you look at how effective the HCQ/Ivermectin treatments are and some of the side effects of the Pfizer vaccine (including death), you wouldn’t be saying that.
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quit calling them “COVID VACCINES”. they are NOT vaccines. moderna/pfizer is working with experimental RNA therapy made up of synthetic pathogens. A vaccine is supposed to keep people from getting the disease & keep people from spreading the disease. This gene therapy does neither. The only claim it makes is that it will decrease the severity of COVID.
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Wow, this article could NOT be more misleading. Go to Merck’s site and read the findings direct. NOWHERE do they state it ‘would be better to just catch covid’. Instead, Merck has stopped development of a vaccine only because they were unsuccessful in getting enough of an immune response in other words… their vaccine sucks when compared to the other two! This article is incredibly misleading!!
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Merck Scraps Vaccine, says better to catch COVID Virus & Recover | Principia Scientific Intl.