Medical Fraud Underpins Australia’s Vaccination Policies

This is Newsletter 304 that I have written over the last decade to expose the medical fraud underpinning the coercive use of multiple vaccines (16+) in infants and children, plus the associated increase in chronic illness/deaths that have occurred with these policies

In this letter I will now provide you with the other powerful people exposing this fraud to you and those that are now admitting that the censorship of this knowledge has been occurring for decades on Wikipedia, mainstream media and other social media platforms.

Did you know that it is unethical to trial drugs/vaccines on pregnant women?

At least that was what I was told by the authorities in 2010 when I asked for the evidence proving that it was safe for pregnant women to use vaccines.

Consequently, the government did not provide any evidence of safety and I was informed by the head of the WA Health Department, that it ‘would be unethical to prevent anyone from receiving a vaccine’. Really?

In other words, it is not unethical to claim that a vaccine is ‘safe and effective’ without providing any evidence to support this claim. I call that an unmonitored experiment.

Here is the evidence that governments do not require proof of safety or efficacy of vaccines before they promote them to healthy people as ‘safe and effective’

And they do test them on pregnant women:

  1. This short 10 minute video clip provides the evidence from the COVID19 vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer, that they knew in 2020-21 that these COVID ‘vaccines’ were linked to adverse events, miscarriages and infertility in pregnant women, and strokes and heart issues in other healthy people – Graham Hood brings an Urgent Appeal to the Australian Government: ‘Politicians you must listen’
  2. The claimed, godfather of vaccines, Stanley Plotkin, has confirmed that there is a lack of safety data to claim that childhood vaccines are safe Stunning Reversal’: World Renowned Vaccinologist Publishes Paper Admitting Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies.
  3. No Jab No Pay No Play Australian Government Policy: Independent MP, Russell Broadbent, is campaigning to bring back conscientious objection to vaccination. This campaign is based on the knowledge that vaccines, (a category of drugs), are not proven safe by using true inert saline placebos.
  4. Conscientious objection to vaccination was removed in 2016 in Australia, when the Liberal government brought in a policy called ‘No Jab No Pay No Play’ in the Social Services department – not the Health Department.

    This is a coercive vaccination policy that was linked to children being required to use 12+ vaccines before they were considered ‘vaccinated’. (Did the Murdoch media’s, News Corp, explain this in 2016 when they promoted the policy to you?)

    Childcare welfare benefits and childcare places are withheld if a child does not receive all 12 vaccines ~ 24 doses of which are given in the first 12 months of life. Scott Morrison was the Minister for Social Services, who brought in this policy (signed off by Christian Porter in November 2015), and they called it ‘Choices for Families’ as they removed a parents choice in the number of vaccines they use in their child; a policy that should be dependent upon family genetics. How Orwellian!

    Please support Russell Broadbent’s campaign to repeal this legislation. Here is a link to find out more about his campaign – ‘No Jab, No Pay, No Way!’ Campaign and please also see the response’s he has already had from parents ‘Unjust Parent Penalties’ (2 mins).

  5. Mark Zuckerberg, recently admitted that the ‘Feds asked Facebook to Censor True COVID Information’

My Journey in Exposing the Fraud in Vaccination Policies:

Recently I did an interview for the Substack ‘Lies are Unbekoming’ describing my journey in providing the historical medical literature that demonstrates that vaccines were not the main strategy to remove the risk from infectious diseases.

Here is my interview Judy Wilyman PhD and my book Vaccination: Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom, (that was published in 2020 as everyone was being locked down) can be purchased from my website here.

See more here

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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    Gary Brown


    SEPTEMBER 11, 2024 Project Whistle-Blower: Pfizer skipped 10 years of safety tests and knew about adverse effects but released mRNA injections anyway  

    Justin Leslie, a former Pfizer employee and whistle-blower, is the man recording this private conversation with Kanwal Gill, a principal scientist at Pfizer. He released the video recording in March, claiming to have signed a sworn affidavit, which is provided on his X account.


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