Medical Doctor Reveals COVID Vaccine Carnage of his Patients

Please listen to and share this powerful front-line testimony. Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton, British Columbia tells how the Moderna “vaccine” has decimated the health of his small town, after they had no trouble naturally fending off Covid last year.

Now, many residents can’t sleep, their nerves burn with pain, their muscles won’t move properly, and their condition is worsening by the week. He lists his many concerns with these experimental products, and talks about how government officials have already sought to silence him. The interview was uploaded by Laura-Lynn Thompson.

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Comments (13)

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    Joseph Olson


    my full term, RN daughter has been semi-employeed for a year….as condition for employment and for hospital admission for delivery she was FORCED TO BE JABBED….these medieval crimes deserve medieval punishment > BURN THESE PSYCHOPATHS AT THE STAKE…


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      Terry Shipman


      It might be better to consult Apache Indian history. I remember a line from James Arness’ series, “How The West Was Won.” His character, Zeb Macahan, tells a bad guy, “I’m going to turn you over to some Apache Indian friends of mine. I’m going to pay them for every day they keep you alive.” Chilling.


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    Terry Shipman


    Dr. Hoffe said something that really resonated with me. By not taking the shot he is now part of the unvaccinated control group. I made the decision early on not to get the shot because of all the reasons cited so I am also part of that control group. So if anyone questions my reasons for not getting the shot I will tell them I am part of a scientific experiment. I am in the control group that does NOT receive the shot. And I will further tell them that if you have had the shot you are in the vaccinated group, and also part of this worldwide experiment, that DOES get the shot. I will then tell them that let’s wait a couple of years or more and we will know the results of the scientific experiment we are part of.

    Furthermore I will tell them that the Nuremberg Code requires participants in medical experiments to be fully informed. Then I will ask, were you informed that you are part of a medical experiment with an untried and untested “vaccine”? We know the answer to that question.


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      Saying that, there have been some cases in which people have been injected with saline solution. They claim it has been done by mistake however they rescheduled their vacc at a later date.
      I too am happily enrolling in your control group as I have just gotten used to my body’s weaknesses, don’t need any more.

      All the best to you.


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        ‘…there have been some cases in which people have been injected with saline solution.’

        Fauci? Bill and Melinda?


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          Annette Huang


          No – others. I have seen a copy of a letter to someone in New Zealand saying they got saline and need to come back for the actual shot.


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      Roy Frost


      I have not taken the shot or “Jab” as some say. I will not take it. I read “Plague” by Judy Mikovits who has been severely criticized for claiming that vaccines can cause diseases like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism in children. Other studies seem to bear her out in my opinion–although the present medical profession won’t pay any attention or respond to a real scientific test of it all. The same is true of this RNA vaccine–it should be labeled a world wide experiment on humanity. How can the scientific community be so corrupt? Aren’t the part of the Humane Race after all? Mind boggling!


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    Dr Hoffe says there bare twenty human tissues that contain spike proteins.
    Apart from placental tissues, I have been unable to find what these are.
    Can anyone tell me?


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    The WHO, attend to Global Vaccination Summit in late 2019, with various players including Pfizer and 1 of the top 10 concerns is Vaccine Hesitancy.


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    denis dombas


    these RNA substances are not “vaccines” and experimental to boot,I will not be taking it, period!


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    Allen Mason


    If you read the Nuremberg Code Rules 1 to 10 what they are doing is illegal.
    It needs to be Stopped…. I think you’ll find it also infringes on the Human Rights Act too.
    I think this Experiment on Humanity has gone far enough.


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    Paul Ashley


    And yet my two neurologists, including one from Mayo, are all in for me to take the vaccine despite my ongoing autoimmune condition. I don’t have any sense that they’ve actually investigated the issues but are merely accepting the official line.


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    Debi Pretty


    Is it true that part 2 of this has been taken down. Would that be after Dr. Hoffes meeting with Dr.Bonnie Henry?


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