Media Hyping ‘Extreme Heat Warning’ When Calif. Temps Are Anything But ‘Extreme’

For a week now most news outlets have issued dire warnings that California will be under an “extreme” heat wave this coming week. [emphasis, links added]

Fox News reported breathlessly Sunday evening that temperatures in California will reach as high as 120 degrees this week, without identifying where.

In recent years media weather reporters overstate the heat – often exaggerating “extreme heat” as much hotter than the actual forecast.

And when they are wrong, they never correct it or admit it.

Fox News “Extreme Heat” warning. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)

My weather apps have been adjusting down all week since claiming Sacramento temperatures would hit 106°F by Wednesday.

Here is today’s:

Some governments have been caught taking temperature readings at ground-surface level, which show several degrees higher than the ambient temperature. Temperature readings are supposed to be taken five feet above the ground.

The Sacramento Bee reports:

“Sacramento is expected to see its first 100-degree day of the year soon, according to the latest predictions from the National Weather Service. The high temperature for Wednesday is forecast to reach 101 degrees.”

Here’s their forecast – 103 and 104 degrees midweek. OMG – Sacramento has never seen these excessive temperatures in early June… or have we?

As the Globe has reported every year, news media tries to scare people over seasonal temperatures, seasonal changes, and natural weather happenings.

Last year in June 2023, the Globe reported:

UC Berkeley/LA Times Poll Claims “Californians Fear Worsening Weather Swings Due to Climate Change.”

In Fact, the Los Angeles Times claims “Nearly 70% of registered voters say they expect that volatile fluctuations between severe drought and periods of heavy rain and snow — what some call weather whiplash — will become more common in the future due to climate change, according to a new UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Times.”

It was BS in June 2023, and it is BS in June 2024.

Extreme Weather Watch reports Sacramento June Weather Records for 1877–2024, starting with the hottest Sacramento June day in recorded history was 115 degrees in 1961:

We’ve been covering dubious weather reporting for several years. Last year the Globe reported:

…the LA Times links to another climate change poll from the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) from July 2022, which “found that nearly 7 in 10 Californians think the effects of climate change have already begun, and 8 in 10 say climate change is a serious threat to California’s future economy and way of life.”

The Globe covered this dubious report last August:

“A new poll by the Public Policy Institute of California cleverly conflates climate change, drought, wildfires and the oil and gas industry through dextrous questions and weighted demographics.”

It was clear that the PPIC was fusing “drought, wildfires and the oil and gas industry” into one great cause: Climate Change.

Whenever there’s a wildfire, Newsom and all the others in denial over their epic policy failures, come shouting ‘climate change,’ ” Ed Ring reported in 2021.

“They have the audacity to tell us to turn our thermostats up to 78 degrees and refrain from using electric appliances, and they claim these fires are evidence of why this is necessary. They embark on a ‘renewables mandate’ that jacks utility prices up to the highest in the nation in exchange for unreliable power.

“More than anything else, what Newsom and all the rest of these politicians who want California to set a ‘climate example’ to the world are in denial of is their own misanthropy.

“They know perfectly well that California only emits one percent of the world’s CO2. They know as well that China and India are not about to stop using fossil fuels to grow their economies. They know that fossil fuel accounts for 85 percent of global energy production, with hydroelectric and nuclear power accounting for another 11 percent. All renewables account for only four percent of global energy production. Four percent.

California’s drought conditions are historically normal. So are our occasional heavy wet winters. It’s not hard to plan for this – if politicians were honest.

Our water projects were built and designed to provide a steady 5- to 7-year supply of water for the entire state, even in drought years.

Fifty percent of California’s water supply goes to environmental uses right off the top. Of the remaining 50%, urban use is only 10%, and agriculture uses 40%… state water officials and legislators have considered a ban on decorative grass.

But their real motive is setting up another crisis and another lockdown opportunity.

Last August we reported the Sacramento Bee claiming “July was Earth’s hottest month ever.” The Bee used climate hype and propaganda from the World Meteorological Organization – an agency of the United Nations.

Marc Morano highlighted a “New York Times article which claims ‘climate change’ means ‘the end of the summer vacation as we know it’ – ‘Our relationship to travel has reached a tipping point.”

Morano warns, “This is the COVID PSYOP ending and the climate PSYOP beginning. This is the New York Times signaling that the ruling class is telling us that vacations are now a thing of the past. They’re trying to set our mindset to give up on vacations. And they’re giving up our freedom of movement… What the New York Times is claiming is that somehow people have to stay home, and it is literally in the article suggesting people need to huddle around their air conditioners at home because the weather is too extreme — because our previous travel has made the earth uninhabitable. This is insane, unscientific, silly.”

As we reported, the climate pimps are working overtime to convince everyone that there is a climate crisis worthy of another pandemic-level response – lockdowns, confinement, business closures, loss of rights and freedoms… and no travel?

Just watch the “elitist politicians” making hysterical environmental claims like Governor Gavin Newsom, as they fly around the world in jets to climate conferences, get chauffeured in gas-guzzling SUVs, stay in luxury hotels in emerging countries, own beaches, mountain homes, ranches, and live the opposite of how they legislate.

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Comments (2)

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    Tom O


    And what was found to be the best tool for “mind control?” Fear. Constantly having people live in a state of fear makes their minds easier to influence. So you paint subliminals on the “Boob Tube” screen while you try to invoke a sense of terror with climate crisis, covid crisis, or whatever else is your favorite current crisis, and you influence more and more of the viewers and turn more and more of the people into sheeple. That’s the way of the globalist takeover, and even though they are losing the globe, they are getting a firmer and firmer grip on the west.


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    People who believed the covid lie will believe anything.


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