Media Claims ‘Climate Change’ Behind Yellowstone Flooding
An article in the Billings Gazette claims that severe flooding in Yellowstone National Park will become more common and frequent due to climate change. This claim is false.
Data does not show any increase in flood events amid modest warming. The atmospheric river event this spring was not unprecedented, and weather events themselves cannot be proof of climate change.
The article, “The Yellowstone flood was a historic disaster. Climate change means it won’t be the last,” written by Casper-Star Tribune reporter Nicole Pollack, propagates unsubstantiated claims from climate alarmists.
She neglects to mention any of the conflicting data.
Pollack says the odds of having an extreme flooding event are higher today than they ever have been.
She quotes several scientists who repeat the same idea, that climate change makes “bigger, faster” floods more likely than before.
Besides being an unfalsifiable and untestable claim, it also conflicts with what the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says about flooding.
Climate at a Glance: Floods points out that the IPCC says there is only “low confidence” that there is even a “sign” of change to the frequency or severity of flooding.
It has “low confidence” that climate change impacts flooding at all.
Some regions of the world have seen more flooding, others less, and it cannot be attributed to global climate trends.
A study looking at floods in the U.S. and Europe in the Journal of Hydrology says that “The number of significant [flooding] trends was about the number expected due to chance alone.”
Despite population growth in areas near water sources like rivers and lakes, the cost of flooding the U.S. as a proportion of GDP has gone down over time. (See Figure 1 below)
Figure 1: U.S. flood damage as a proportion of U.S. gross domestic product. Data plotted by Bjorn Lomborg.
Two events coincided to create this June’s Yellowstone flooding: the heavy rain due to an atmospheric river event, and preexisting late-season snowpack.
Since global warming is supposed to reduce the springtime snow extent, it can’t be blamed for the latter.
As for the former; atmospheric river events are not always caused by warming, either, as explained by a meteorologist in a Climate Realism post, “Science Demonstrates Media Claims the Washington and British Columbia Floods Were Caused by ‘Climate Change’ Are False.”
Such was the case with flooding in British Columbia during the fall of 2021 when the weather was cool to normal along the path of the atmospheric river.
The same can be said for Yellowstone—a cool spring was present when the river formed. These are localized weather events, not climate, which is an average of weather over a 30-year period.
Also notable is that most of the flooding caused by this most recent atmospheric river was in Montana, where the precipitation trend has been relatively stable since 1900, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
The same dataset shows that the state record for highest annual precipitation is still held by the year 1927.
Every time an interesting or record-breaking weather event happens, the media and alarmists flock to attribute it to climate change, regardless of what the long-term data show.
As opposed to educating the public, all this kind of coverage does is confuse and frighten people.
The goal is likely to scare people so badly, that they will end up supporting government policies that are supposed to somehow stop bad weather from happening.
Climate alarmism can only exist when real data is ignored or hidden. In this case, data on flooding simply does not back up the story.
See more here: climatechangedispatch
Some bold emphasis added
Header image: CNN
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Not even going to read the article: the subject says it all!… From the ‘little’ I know, there is Ice in glaciers, Volcanic activity below, Hot water springs. Mix together and wadda ya get ?
Andy Rowlands
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The claim Climate Change being applied to many weather events shows how stupid they are since real climate change would mean drastically different precipitation, temperature, snowfall, etc. changes to a significantly higher or lower level than currently for a region.
In my region the Climate TODAY is the same as it was in 1964 when I moved there despite some amazing weather events that are far from average occurring, it is still the same hot and dry summers and cool to moderate moist winters.
The Koppin Climate classification identification is unchanged for my region.
When the Sahara became green around 9,500 bc from a desert prior to a desert again by around 3,500 bc, the cycle is caused by the change in the Earths Orbital process.