McKinsey: The Company That Poisoned America

Oxycontin bottle pills

Imagine you’re McKinsey in the early 2000s. You’re a ruthless consulting firm that puts sales and capital above all else and you’ve just found the perfect client: Purdue Pharma, maker of the world’s most addictive and profitable opioid product, Oxycontin.

It’s the equivalent of selling heroin legally. And now McKinsey has just been hired to boost its sales. Call it a match made in heaven.

McKinsey advised Purdue how to avoid FDA and pharmacy restrictions even though McKenzie knew that people were overdosing and dying and getting sick.

Sales are so good that over the next two decades, hundreds of thousands of people die from opioid overdoses. But billions are pouring into your coffers.

In other words, your client sells drugs and profits off of the people getting addicted. Just like a drug dealer, except drug dealers go to prison.

Because you’re a well-connected corporation you just need to issue an apology. You then get away with a multi-million-dollar fine despite making over $10 billion dollars a year. WATCH:

h/t Joe O.

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Comments (2)

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    T. C. Clark


    What about the Ethyl Corporation? It put lead in gasoline and the founder of the co. was sick with lead poisoning but the $$$$$ kept him on track to distribute lead throughout the environment.


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    T. C. Clark


    The country that poisons America is run by Xi Jinping…..over 100,000 drug overdose deaths in 2021….mostly fentanyl from China.


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