Max Igan: No Wuhan Virus Bioweapon, It is All Pure Psyops!

The Covid Scamdemic is now awakening so many people, enabling them to see the scientific fraud and lies Big Pharma, politicians and academia have foisted on the world’s population. Dr Bailey gives an excellent presentation on these topics. It may well impact your understanding of disease and how to stay healthy.


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At Principia Scientific International we have a dedicated team of volunteers devoted to our non-profit mission to expose the truth behind junk science. Also, many thousands of honest scientists, medical professionals and researchers worldwide are assisting teams of top international lawyers to end the mass genocide perpetrated via Big Pharma’s fake vaccines.

In Germany 1,000 medical doctors are united under ‘Doctors for Information’, which is supported by more than 7,000 professionals including attorneys, scientists, teachers etc. They made a shocking statement during a national press conference:  The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A Swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’ 

As with climate change and government lies about ‘man-made global warming’ our scientists and researchers are seeing massive fraud behind the COVID19 ‘deadly’ pandemic. We have supported freedom of information (FOIA) requests to leading western governments, which have admitted they do NOT possess any gold standard isolate of the virus. Moreover, mortality rates around the globe have remained steady or below average, thus affirming COVID19 exists only in the minds of corrupt politicians, vaccine peddlers and biased media hacks.

We have been lied to in a massive international conspiracy among eugenicists and the global elite. A corrupt and psychopathic billionaire class has infiltrated leading science institutions, our education systems, corporations and media with a shared purpose of mass de-population, destroying small/medium sized businesses and the middle classes – all for wealth re-distribution and tamely permitted by the brainwashed masses who are pliant and scientifically illiterate.

Together we must resist this war on humanity and defend our inherent natural right to self-determination and freedom from tyranny.

Support our work and make use of the many thousands of free-to-access articles on our website to become better informed of all sides of the arguments.

Pay special heed to the following facets:

Conflicts of interest issues in this Pandemic

How the Pandemic exposed problems at the very top of the public health system

The malign influence of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on Vaccine development

The hidden agenda of the mainstream media and social media and their part in COVID skeptic censorship.

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Defend The Scientific Method

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 


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Comments (6)

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      judy Ryan


      Thankyou Max and Saeed. I particularly liked Saeed’s common sense comments about how tracing the origin of the ‘virus’ is a socialist inspired distraction. It brings out the most repellent characteristics of humanity. We just nee to keep hammering away at the solid evidence on the Coronavirus


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    Joseph Olson


    Mirror Protest ~ at a Freedom rally, long ago, Patriots held up mirrors to the evil enforcers and asked….”can you see what you are doing?”
    Now we have video evidence of these demonic storm troopers in action, and can declare….”we are going to show your children what you are doing to your neighbors”
    (virtue shaming is a two way street)


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    Los hechos que desorientan, que confunden: Alemania parece liderar un movimiento en Europa, con Médicos, Abogados, Científicos, con el fin de llevar a los mercenarios de la salud, a los genocidas responsables de este fraude en contra de la humanidad ante la Corte Penal Internacional.
    Pero al mismo tiempo, es Alemania quien lidera la imposición y la unificación de la “vacunación” con el producto Pfizer-BioNTech, producto de su industria y como conocedor de los experimentos que han venido realizando los propietarios de BioNTech (empresa creada luego de la venta de la anterior a Japón y que en 2019 recibió una gran inyección de capital por Bill Gates) desde 2002: experimentos con ARNm, “entrenamiento genético”, sin una sola vacuna ni un sólo producto farmacológico inventado ni aprobado ni puesto en el mercado, hasta ahora. ¿En qué equipo juega entonces Alemania?


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    Unfortunately — you may be correct in some of your assertions — Syrius33.
    All the big lawyers “on our side” are carefully preparing for a play by the “old rules,” but there may not be any justice served by the official justice establishments any more and the ‘raging mob’ has gone to the vaccine centers to wait in line for their turn to get Pfizer-ed or ModeRNA-ed.
    Germany has always been a very controversial entity, especially in their neighborhood — Je suis né tchèque, donc je devrais savoir!
    Cheers, not prosit — JaKo


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    Whether or not COVID 19 exists,
    there does appear to be a spike protein.


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