Massive Empirical Debunk of Climate Change!
In this video I present the world’s and even scientific history’s most important and incredible empirical experiment regarding the Earth’s climate and how the Earth interacts with the Sun.
Even though I have demonstrated the 100{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} theoretical disproof of climate alarm and climate physics in exposing that modern climate theory and political scientific alarmism is based in literal flat Earth theory pseudoscience which invents this fake version of a “greenhouse effect” where the climate creates itself, I still see people asking for empirical disproofs for support.
The point here though people is that the theoretical debunk demonstrates that all interpretations of climate data are filtered through a false & pseudoscientific paradigm which by the necessity of logic renders these alarmist and even most main-stream interpretations entirely false. The entire edifice of climate research rests within a basis of flat Earth theory, hence, all empirical data interpreted through becomes corrupted by flat Earth theory physics in very important and consequential foundational ways.
Further, even though the theoretical disproof is easy to understand, I still have PhD’s in physics and climatology insisting that flat Earth theory with its attendant physics is entirely valid, and they claim that flat Earth theory is “basic geometry”.
And so with that, I present to you the current world’s most important empirical demonstration of the falsehood of climate science and climate alarmism, and even of the modern peer-review scientific method itself.
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