Massive COVID-19 Data Fraud Uncovered in Florida
Local media showing the old-school value of the Fourth Estate. Unlike national media who have abandoned all pretense of journalism, there are still a few regional outlets who do the deep digging to discover the truth and reveal the lies.
Fox35 Orlando started digging-in to COVID testing data, and what they found was massive, and seemingly purposeful, fraud behind the numbers. “The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report;” and that’s just one example. WATCH:
ORLANDO – FOX35 […] News investigated these astronomical numbers, contacting every local location mentioned in the report.
The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.
The report also showed that the Orlando Veteran’s Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76 percent. A spokesperson for the VA told FOX 35 News on Tuesday that this does not reflect their numbers and that the positivity rate for the center is actually 6 percent.
FOX 35 News went on to speak with the Florida Department of Health on Tuesday. They confirmed that although private and public laboratories are required to report positive and negative results to the state immediately, some have not. Specifically, they said that some smaller, private labs were not reporting negative test result data to the state.
“The Department immediately began working with those labs to ensure that all results were being reported in order to provide comprehensive and transparent data,” a spokesperson for the Florida Department of Health said. “As the state continues to receive results from various labs, the Department will continue educating these labs on proper protocol for reporting COVID-19 test results.” (READ MORE)
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Joseph Olson
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If you thought the Carbon climate forcing fable, of the climaclownologists was the worst science since the world was flat, just take a serious look at the medical mafia myths. Allopathic medicine, practicing voodoo since the 1895 Pasteur “germ theory” hypothesis.