March of the Lemmings
Lemmings are cute furry rodents with rounded ears and short tails that live in the arctic. They survive by search the cold rough terrain for moss, grass and lichen, scratching out a subsistence existence.
They are, however, an important part of the ecosystems of the arctic since there are other animals that depend on them to provide the food for them to survive. In the winter the lemmings do not get to migrate to warmer climes like the islands and Florida like the more fortunate animals and they do not get to sleep through hard times by hibernating.
During the bitter arctic winter, when conditions are at their worst and it is tough to do anything, they must continue to work building tunnels under the snow to search for enough food to survive, trying to make it until spring on a scarce and dwindling source of food.
If this weren’t difficult enough they have to also be wary of arctic foxes who exploits them as a resource for their use. A fox will wander around on top of the snow and when he hears the poor lemming searching for food he will pounce and collapse the tunnel on the lemming. It then will dig the lemming out as a snack.
In spring, when conditions finally start to improve the lemming must then deal with the male arctic owl, who will catch as many lemmings as he can, then take them back to the nest to impress his lady friend and show her how much resources he can provide for her and the children.
Legend has it that when things get to tough and resources become scarce the lemmings give up hope, then gather as a herd and run off a cliff, committing mass suicide. This legend was reinforced by a Disney nature documentary were the poor animals were herded off a cliff by the moviemakers. (Is that where Attenbourough learned to make documentaries?)
It turns out this legend is not true and that when the resources at one location are depleted the lemmings gather together, for safety, in order to migrate to better ground. They may, by accident, go over a cliff since there are no maps for them to follow in the arctic. It’s a hard life for the lemming.
There is another myth about lemmings that they can blow themselves, exploding like a suicide bomber. This legend came about from people observing bits of lemming scattered around that made it look like an animal had exploded. It turns out, despite their cute and cuddly appearance, lemmings are quite vicious and the scattered pieces of lemming are the result of lemmings attacking another lemming.
Today we have a new herd of lemmings on the march to a cliff. First they were told that the journey would help to save them and they should go. Next they were offered bribes and incentives to make the journey then threats were used to scare them into making the trip.
Now they are demanding they make the march and take their children with them, even though the trip is far more dangerous for the children than having them remain where they are.
Soon they will discover that they are not actually going to greener pastures and safety but to a final resting place.
When this revelation occurs they will turn and re-examine those urging them to go and discover that they are not going on the trek and really aren’t lemmings but weasels who intend to take there territory and the one who was suppose too be looking after them is a weasel faced rat who betrayed their trust and his duty. When the lemmings finally realize what the journey is really for, we will then see if they do that other lemming thing.
Civilization is a thin veneer while the animal goes to the bone, especially when it involves the children. Italy is a civilized and cultured country, but look at what the Italian lemmings did to the bodies of Mussolini and his entourage after they executed them.
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Allan Shelton
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Good one. Thanks
I will pass it on.
Charles Higley
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We now know that the lemmings running of a cliff story was cobbled up by naturalist photographers for a Disney production many years ago. They herded them to their deaths.It’s complete hogwash.
Also, videos of walruses, falling off a cliff to their deaths on the rocks below, failed to show the polar bears that were herding them up there as part of their hunting strategy. The walruses are indeed trying to escape, but trying to escape from the predators and NOT the climate. Jeez.
It would appear that early American inhabitants might have engaged in herding animals over a cliff.
Liz Parsons
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Excellent! Needs to be said.
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Very good analogy,
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The lemmings jump off the cliff to swim to Africa to see the ostriches bury their heads in the sand..
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Hi Herb,
This is a really great article! Sheople, lemmings …
“But” (as expected) — I keep high my “Life on Earth” (1st ed book) and the complete BBC series (on DVD’s, does anybody remember those?). I think that Attenbourough has become senile and under a “sponsor” influence to turn out as he had. No excuses; however, the man deserves a bit of a leeway for his recent screw-ups…
Me thinks.
Cheers, JaKo
Herb Rose
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Thanks Jako. Do I win the hat?
Be well, Herb
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To obtain a hat like that we may have to organize a mad milliners tea party. You can observe the wearer smiling like a Cheshire cat.
Eric the Red
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The sheeple are hypnotized… reality be damned, the Holy Narrative reigns supreme…
If renewable energy runs counter to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and thousands die from exposure, well that’s too bad, but they gave their lives for Mother Gaia.
If the Covid vaccinations maim or kill millions of people, well that’s too bad, but they died protecting everyone in the name of collective morality.
If non-whites owned slaves, well that’s too bad, only whites must be punished for slavery because their civilization was founded on it.
If reducing CO2 shuts down half the world’s food supply, and hundreds of millions die from starvation, well that’s too bad, but they gave their lives fighting anthropogenic global warming.
The globohomos and their leftist minions are hell bent on creating monumental disasters out of normal situations. They don’t have any valid problems to be solved, instead they just make one up out of whole cloth and create a crisis, simply because it doesn’t match some nebulous ideal floating around in their tiny minds. Then they seize power to instigate a holy crusade, forcing endless fixes without ever solving anything. These people are not only insane, they have no qualms about dragging the rest of us down into hell along with them.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb Rose,
As anyone who reads your essay, has to agree, you essay cannot be improved upon. You are a much better NATURALIST than a laboratory scientist about which you also read but I expect you have little laboratory experience. But we all live in a NATURAL WORLD in which there is LIFE and therefore DEATH, which cannot be avoided.
You remind us that lemmings are vegetarians struggle to survive and yet turn on each other for some reason. Could this behavior to a form of NATURAL POPULATION just as disease is???
In Eastern Oregon ranchers killed the NATURAL predators (coyotes and, eagles which also preyed upon newly born calves and sheep). The result the population of rabbits expanded (exploded) rapidly as rabbits naturally did what they are observed to do. And because of the lack of social distancing a disease quickly and NATURALLY reduced the rabbits overpopulation.
Herb, you rightly directed PSI Readers to the NATURAL WORLD of LIFE (be it plant or animal or fish or insect, or bacteria. I don’t know about viruses because I this know nothing about viruses which seem too small to detected by any invented instrument. But maybe I have yet to read the RIGHT BOOK!!!
Finally Herb, you have just made yourself a Legend of PSI.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
Could not find any better place to bring this NPR daily morning news to your attentions.
“Thousands of climate activists converged on Glasgow, Scotland, over the weekend to protest world leaders’ lack of stronger action to fight climate change. Young activists from as far as Ecuador and Brazil arrived. Others planned climate protests on six of the world’s continents.”
Adults using children to influence the WORLD!!!
Have a good day, Jerry
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Hi Herb,thanks for that. I was thinking society was just to stupid as I have always believed only about 10-15 percent have any critical thinking skills. But now realize it’s total insanity and no way to cure it. I have spent the last year trying to make people understand but just last week gave up because I finally figured it out you can alter stupidity but you can not fix insanity.
Herb Rose
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Hi Barry,
I’m not sure it’s either stupidity or insanity. People can refuse to accept reality for a long time if it conflicts with their beliefs. The idea that there are complete strangers out there who want to harm them for no cause just seems to unbelievable so they are in denial. When they get the shot or have family members get the shot the thought that very bad consequences could befall them or there family is completely unacceptable so it must be denied. Despite their adamant denial reality will eventually force them to abandon wishful thinking and accept the obvious. When it happens you should not say “I warned you” or their anger will be directed at you, but just say “I’m sorry to hear that” and stand aside as they find those who have caused their misery and vent their rage on them.
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You’re absolutely right Herb Rose. Up until recently, my own husband insisted this whole scenario was too awful to believe, so he couldn’t believe it. Even he has now come round though and sees the truth of things, however uncomfortable. And I agree totally that when others wake up (probably through devastating personal experience) we have to sympathise and resist the temptation to say “I told you so”. I don’t want to be right about all this, I really want to be wrong, but I know I’m not. Neither are you.