Man-made Global Warming Fiction
There is absolutely no way that so-called Greenhouse Gas emissions can cause warming or generate heat. It is a fiction that is spread by such august bodies as the IPCC, and promulgated by news channels like the BBC and CNN and is even taught to unsuspecting children in schools.
Far from greenhouse gas emissions generating heat, precisely the opposite is true.
What is the principal Greenhouse Gas?
It is Water Vapour, which constitutes 90{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of all Greenhouse Gases. How is it generated? Answer: As the infrared radiation from the Sun strikes the surface of the oceans liquid salt water is turned into a gas, Water Vapour, by evaporation. Evaporation is cooling, not warming – every simpleton knows that.
This gas, this water vapour, then rises up by convection and condenses into clouds. Clouds are also cooling as they scatter the incoming solar infrared radiation. Then rain, snow or sleet falls from these clouds. What is a common observation, most remarkably in summer?
The temperature drops, as the atmosphere cools rapidly. So here we see that the principle Greenhouse gas leads to cooling all round. It is hardly surprising that we do not hear calls for emissions of Water Vapour to be culled.
What is even more remarkable is that the salt water of the oceans is turned into fresh water to fill our reservoirs, lakes, rivers and streams, which in turn find their way out to the sea. This is the miracle of the Water Cycle – truly the miracle of water into wine, of salt water into fresh.
The transport of perishable foodstuffs depends upon refrigeration, whether by lorry, by aircraft or most importantly by container ships at sea. What is the principal refrigerant?
It is Carbon Dioxide, that most maligned of all the greenhouse gases.
Far from warming the Planet, as we are supposed to believe, that clear colourless gas is not only a coolant, but also a fire retardant and a refrigerant.
Ah! say some Physicists, sagely nodding their heads, but Carbon Dioxide absorbs infrared. In layman’s language that means it ‘warms up’. But then everything under the Sun absorbs infrared and warms up except three things.
The two principle gases of the atmosphere, Nitrogen and Oxygen, are transparent to infrared, whether incoming or outgoing, so they do not warm from the infrared. What is the third item, if one can call it an item?
It is vacuum, it is nothing, one cannot warm ‘nothing’, since there is nothing to get warm.
It is absolute folly to dismiss the Water Cycle, it is even greater folly to forget or misunderstand the Carbon Cycle. Carbon Dioxide is food for green plants on land and sea. We cannot live without Oxygen and green plants and ocean plankton need Carbon Dioxide as a food, from which Oxygen is produced as a by-product through Photosynthesis..
To treat Carbon Dioxide as a pollutant is one of the biggest mistakes mankind could make and has made these past 30 or more years. Indeed all the bad air in cities could be solved by encouraging green spaces, by the planting of more trees. We all need to be green, truly green, not hysterical and political green, which is another animal altogether.
Great Nature already has the systems in place to produce fresh water from seawater, the Water Cycle. Great Nature already has the systems in place to produce fresh air from foul air – the Carbon Cycle through Photosynthesis. So we do not need to Save the Planet, since the planet knows better than any climate scientist how to save itself.
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.Â
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Amen. Now this is what even the lukewarmists like Roy Spencer don’t even know. This is the truth, and this is what everyone should know instead of all that alarmism surrounding the fake “Greenhouse effect.” Brains are awesome, and I wish everyone had one.
Zoe Phin
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“into any solid surface and crust and then to the hotter mantle and core.”
Hilarious! Have you ever considered the massive geothermal energy that Earth’s surface emits to the atmosphere?
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Get back when you’ve read the paper. There is nothing “hilarious” my friend – nuclear reactions and radioactive decay only play a small part. You need to learn about the process of maximum entropy production and consider why the core of the Moon is hundreds of degrees hotter than the hottest point of its surface, and why the base of the 350km high nominal troposphere of Uranus is hotter than Earth’s surface. When you understand the ground-breaking physics in the paper then, and only then, will you be able to explain such temperatures. You will not be able to prove the physics wrong because it is derived directly from the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Zoe Phin
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“nuclear reactions and radioactive decay only play a small part. ”
Prove it
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The reason that the “greenhouse” gas water vapor cools is primarily because it reduces the magnitude of the gravitationally-induced temperature gradient that was first explained by the brilliant physicist Josef Loschmidt in 1876, and so temperatures cannot rise as much from the radiating altitude. The Sun’s direct radiation to the surface does not fully account for the observed global mean surface temperature. On Venus the insolation striking its surface is less than 20W/m^2 and does no warming at all. Yet there is outward radiation from the surface, so this is balanced by energy input via the process I discovered in 2013 and explained for the first time in world literature in my paper “Planetary Core and Surface Temperatures” that contains the correct science for what is a whole new paradigm leading to the conclusion that the Sun’s energy maintains temperatures down to the core of all planets and moons – far beyond where solar radiation could reach. You can learn the truth here:
Matt Holl
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A minor point please. The IPCC have proven themselves to not be AUGUST.
Science, even flawed science, manipulated by bureaucrats.
Kind Regards