Making Vaccine Injury and Death Comfortable- Kids can play too!

Columbia, Missouri opens a vaccination “Comfort Clinic” for Flu and COVID jabs

Worried about getting vaccinated? Stressed out by the idea that you might be permanently injured or even killed by a jab?

Thinking that maybe injecting your kids full of toxic, untested garbage might not be the best choice for them?

Then Columbia, Missouri, has the answer to all your problems!

The Public Health and Human Services Department (PHHS) has announced the opening of its vaccination “comfort clinic

The clinic will take place at PHHS’ headquarters at 1005 W. Worley St., from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

It will be set up in a way to have extra comfort measures such as private rooms for vaccination or distraction tools in order to ensure no one feels any kind of stress.

It will also be sensory-friendly.

Flu vaccines for children at the clinic will be free, alongside COVID-19 vaccines for those without insurance coverage.

For those with insurance, the COVID-19 vaccines will be billed to insurance.

Instead of trying to engage with the public who have concerns, answering their questions and providing transparency regarding the REAL risks from vaccines, the answer is to try and put us even further into a sleep state where we accept what they do.

I’m very uncomfortable about this idea

I’m sorry, but I am not now nor will I ever be comfortable with the idea of administering untested, unsafe and unnecessary medical procedures which is the description of ALL vaccine injectables and the vast majority of pHarmaceutical drugs.

Discomfort, like pain, is there for a reason. It is nature’s way of warning us that something we do or consider doing may not be right for us.

To [mis]quote the American commercials for just about every drug – Ask your doctor if death or permanent disability from this vaccine is right for you.

The answer is bound to make you very, very uncomfortable indeed – and that’s a good thing!

See more here

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (6)

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    The following article mentions some of the injuries and sudden deaths that occurred very soon after the taking of both the covid and flu shots in the one medical visit. The plan is to now combine both covid and flu shots in one single shot.
    Will this combination of shots given at the same time and/or the combining of two (or more) pharmaceutical shots in a single shot soon be known as the ‘Killer Combo’?!


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    It astounds me. “They” still want to kill you and are still lying about the non-vax vaxxes.


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    Regarding Child Immunisation in general….. ‘There are statistically significant positive correlations between neonatal, infant, and under age five mortality rates of developed nations and the number of early childhood vaccine doses that are routinely given. When developed nations require two versus zero neonatal vaccine doses, or many versus fewer infant vaccine doses, our study suggests there may be unintended consequences that increase all-cause mortality.’


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    Clue in: they have been doing this since the 1986 vaccines laws were enacted. This is where we are now…more injury and death than ever from injections pretending to be helpful and needed for humans. The truth is that you never need any vaccine or mRNA injection even as a young child. Parents have once again been totally brainwashed by big pharma and the modern stone age medical mafia.


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      November 1986….37 years ago….

      ‘President Reagan today signed a comprehensive health bill designed to promote exports of prescription drugs and to compensate children injured by vaccines.’

      ‘The new law sets certain limits on the manufacturer’s liability in such lawsuits. A Congressional report said one purpose was ”to lessen the number of lawsuits against manufacturers” while compensating victims of vaccine injuries.’


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    All flu vaccines now contain mRNA , they have been completely reformulated .



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