Major New Report Says UK Needs More Gas Power Stations


A new report by the National Engineering Policy Centre says the Labour government is likely going have to approve new gas-fired power stations if it wants to avoid electricity rationing

There are currently 32 gas-fired power stations in the UK, many of them built in the 1990s, and nearing the time they would normally be decomissioned and be replaced by newer plants.

To avoid extensive power cuts like those we saw in 1972 and 1974, new gas-fired power stations will need to be built, and Labour will be under increasing pressure to approve them, as I’m sure they know only too well there is a very high liklihood of civil unrest if we are subjected to electricity rationing again.

The existing plants will need to be kept in operation for the forseable future and new plants built, alongside new nuclear power stations which, of course, take much longer to built and comission.

Simon Harrison, co-chairman of the committee that wrote the report, said:

“We have to not be purist about unabated gas.”

Labour acknowledged in its election manifesto the need to keep some ‘unabated’ gas, which means plants without ‘carbon capture and storage’, to ensure we have a secure baseload supply of electricity, and even the Committee on Climate Change, that pushes the climate scam at every opportunity, admitted some gas-fired electricity could be needed until around 2050.

This will be a tough decision for Ed Elasticband, who is totally indoctrinated into so-called ‘green’ ideology, as he must also be keenly aware of the potential for a civil uprising if his government subjects us to power cuts.

Labour will also face significant challanges to the required large increase of electricity pylons that will be needed snaking across the UK, which will inevitably attract the NIMBY crowd to whine and complain.

The ‘Green’ party and some Liberal Democrats have already been vocal in their opposition to any new pylons, so they must be quite happy to have power cuts.

The report also criticised biomass power stations, because they burn pulverised wood chips, which are shipped from Canada via diesel-burning vehicles and ships, but because wood is being burned, it is classed as ‘carbon-neutral’.

Just so everyone is clear, when people refer to ‘carbon’ emissions, they mean carbon dioxide. Carbon is a solid found in car exhausts. It is what diamonds are made of. It is what we are made of.

So when you hear of people wanting to reduce our ‘carbon footprint’, what they really mean is thery want to reduce the number of ‘carbon units’ as Vejur called us in Star Trek The Motion Picture.

In other words, they want a reduction in the human population, something most of us should be aware of, as the UN and WEF have made no secret of that desire.

A Department for Energy Security and Net Zero spokesperson said:

“We are taking immediate action implementing our long-term plan to make Britain a clean energy superpower.

This is the only way to guarantee our energy security and protect bill-payers permanently, which is why we will double onshore wind, treble solar and quadruple offshore wind by 2030.

We will also maintain a strategic reserve of gas power stations to guarantee security of supply.”

Britain a clean energy superpower; don’t make me laugh. If Britain does not implement the report, we will before very much longer, be into power rationing, and will be laughed at by many other nations.

If that becomes permanent, the UK will find itself becoming a Third-World country, where disease, malnutrition and high mortality rates become the ‘new normal’.

Header image: The Irish Times

About the author: Andy Rowlands is a university graduate in space science and British Principia Scientific International researcher, writer and editor who co-edited the 2019 climate science book, ‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap

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    John Galt


    At least they will have their Allah. And those that put England there a nice long stay in HELL.


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