Major Leak Exposes UK Plan for “Permanent Lockdown”
An e-mail allegedly from British epidemiologist and pandemic planner Neil Ferguson, explains that the lockdowns and restrictions in place since last spring were only the first part of the plan. The second phase will see the UK permanently locked down and for much more severe measures, including bracelets, to be put in place, starting on July 15th.
After the recent announcement that the UK will keep covid-19 restrictions in place for at least another month, startling new information has been leaked to the public.
The Ferguson emails explains that the excuse the public will be given will be an initial spike of “cases” of the Indian and Nepalese variants, followed by multiple new variants claimed to have originated in the UK. Modelling will be manipulated to show cases increasing as a result of events such as anti-lockdown protests and football matches, as well as people travelling to seaside resorts and various tourist attractions.
To enforce the new lockdown measures, everyone in the UK will be forced to wear “Stay At Home Bracelets”. They will be operated by 5G technology and will ensure that people do not venture further from home than permitted. The police will no longer need to stop people and check their addresses, it will be electronically monitored.
This will be enforced under threat of massive fines of up to £50,000, as well as indefinite detention.
The bracelets will become mandatory across the UK as of December 2021.
In order to combat this group, he proposes increased online censorship with the cooperation of Big Tech firms in addition to criminal prosecution of “anti-lockdown people”, as well as removing children and the elderly from families who refuse vaccination and even removing the families from their own properties.
Apparently, PM Boris Johnson is planning to crack down on the anti-lockdown movement and deploy the military once the new lockdown measures take effect in July. Policing is to be increased as well.
No dissent or noncompliance will be tolerated.
Proven and effective covid treatments such as HCQ and ivermectin have already been suppressed, but next the plan is for the production and sale of regular cold and allergy medications to be prohibited altogether.
Other measures include:
1. Remove the elderly and give them Midazolam (physician assisted suicide drug that actually goes along with a bunch of other terrible drugs)
2. Rebrand hayfever, cold and flu as COVID.
3. Remove over the counter drugs for the above.
Soon the only authorized treatment to combat covid-19 will be an experimental vaccine. Not only are “anti-lockdown people” singled out for their lack of cooperation with the authorities, but also black people, Asians, and even gays as they have largely refused to be vaccinated. Anyone who does not think and act as the government orders is seen as a problem.
According to the e-mail, lockdowns will continue over the next few years for reasons including environment and water scarcity, food shortages, and global finance and mass inflation, leading to the implementation of the infamous Kalergi plan.
For those unfamiliar with the Kalergi plan, the idea is for white Europeans to be replaced through immigration and mixing of the races, and for a pan-European government to be installed.
It appears we are halfway there, with the European Union and boatloads of migrants coming from Africa and the Middle East. This is a scheme which was first revealed in the 1920s and is only now coming to fruition, apparently with the cooperation of the UN, WHO, and WEF.
Freedom will not be handed back to us, but rather we will be subjected to increasing losses of freedom, chaos and disorder, and unnecessary hardship.
The e-mail emphasizes the need to maintain the support of the majority of the population, with the ruling class presenting themselves as “friends of the people” (as Ferguson describes it) rather than the corrupt, heartless tyrants they are.
Because it is impossible for a small group of people to rule over millions by force alone, we are subjected to constant propaganda from the media and government, escalating censorship, and a variety of financial incentives and penalties.
Nobody would be willing to enforce these unlawful rules if they didn’t either believe they were doing the right thing or were at risk of losing their high paying jobs for refusing to follow orders.
Likewise, few businesses would willingly shut down indefinitely without the threat of massive fines.
The only hope is for more people to come to the realization that none of this is necessary for a virus that kills a fraction of a percent, and to stop obeying the ridiculous and unlawful rules.
Viruses almost always mutate to become more transmissible but less dangerous, and there is no reason to believe that covid-19 is any different. The data from recent “waves” elsewhere around the world confirms that the number of “cases” increased but fewer people are died than before.
The virus is less of a threat than ever.
As the origin of this e-mail has not been verified, it would be wise to approach it with skepticism. It does seem unlikely that “Joint Global Kalergi Plan” is the official name for the globalists’ immigration/race mixing agenda.
Also it makes no sense to ban cold and allergy medication, but very little of what has been happening makes any sense at all.
Regardless of the authenticity of the e-mail, it is not an implausible scenario considering all that has happening in the past 15 months.
We are left with two options, either refuse to comply with the endless tyranny being forced upon us, or sit back and hope it all works out in the end.
The reopening was already cancelled; there is no guarantee that it will happen next month either.
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Although I think that it is very important to take note of articles such as this, I do wonder if the source is attempting to condition us to expect the worst so that we will happily accept anything of a lesser magnitude.
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Agreed, without a verifiable source this could be an endorsed story for predictive programming.
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i think a few that read the letter say it’s fake – and i believe it was debunked by Uk column
but some of it is very near the truth (not sure about the kalergi bit, and Ferguson doesn’t have that much power to sway things)
but the bracelet bit is true – a couple of days ago I saw the usual ‘google’ motto in their crappy little artworks, with the ‘google’ as little ‘word people’ jumping with glee and showing off bracelets on their arms
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I must admit this does sound rather far-fetched to me, but only time will tell.
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just to lighten things up…the farce of it all
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I would like to see more evidence before I believe any of this. Ferguson might think it, but he is discredited. However, we are down this route to some extent with the NHS app. I haven’t had the vaccine and I expect my movements to be limited. I will not pay a fine or be prepared to go to jail, so at my age I will opt for suciide before living under a totalitarian government.
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Dear Alan
Please reconsider re suicide. I haven’t had and won’t have the jabs, but am not planning to take my own life if they come for me. Am praying a lot, as this is a battle between good and evil. The tyrants would be very happy for us who stand for freedom to take our own lives. Please don’t play into their hands. However, if they kill us, we need somehow to make sure everyone knows they did. Wishing you God’s courage as you continue on the road to standing up for freedom. God bless you.
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If none of this turns out to be true, I’m done with this site.
Herb Rose
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Hi dale,
PSI post many articles where people are free to express their beliefs and any evidence supporting it. It is up to the reader to decide for themselves the validity of their arguments and the reliability of the evidence. I know of nowhere you can go to always get the correct story, but if you want consistency stick to the MSM where it is always a lie.
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Thanks Herb.
Mark Tapley
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Wether the e mail is legitimate or not it is obvious that the Zionist syndicate is using the fake virus and the phony climate change as manufactured crises in order to frighten the cattle into divesting themselves of their natural rights and expedite their journey into the Neo feudal technocracy of Agenda 2030-21. The U.N. bankers plan for this austere Sustainable Development Initiative “green revolution” is moving ahead as planned. China is leading the way with its smart cities and social credit score total surveillance total control system.
The Kelergi Plan financed by the Warburgs (Rothschilds) was inaugurated as the Pan Europa (now the E.U. and was formulated to flood the white European countries with Africans in order to breed out the white races and the more difficult to manage western culture of individualism, rule of law and Christian mores. The Zionists know that 90% of the plantation livestock will never revolt as long as they get one meal per day. In the past as societies crumbled the elite usually went down with all the rest. The plan now is to use the global Agenda 21 to maintain their control over the declining herd as society deteriorates for the goyim.
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Yep, pretty much sums it up. Agenda 21, if readers have never read it at the UNs website, you should go read it.
The Kelergi Plan seems to be being used for misinfo debunking claims, same as this supposed memo will be. Interesting how they have slandered anyone that speaks of it here And of course all the links to White Supremacy. So anyone looking into this, will immediately think, “Oh no, better not look at this, I’ll be put in that new terrorist group that is the largest threat to America”
If people could just recognize propaganda,, we wouldn’t be in this situation.
Thats all, from day one of the plandemic. I saw and recognized that it was a propaganda campaign. And thats all I ever needed to know.
Mark Tapley
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Greetings Cj:
More on the Kelergi plan below with a quote fro the Warburg shill Kelergi himself. I guess the Pan Europa Union founded in 1922 and the bi annual Kelergi award is a conspiracy theory too. Some of the recipients are Bill Clinton, Angela Merkel and Herman Von Rompuy- head of the European Coincil.
As you say, the day covid was sprung we knew what was going on. Most people do not analyze anything with any depth but are quick fix thinkers that just believe what the Jew MSM tell them. They react to the show put on by the political puppet actors and never realize thatchy are merely operatives for the Zionists that have been working for well over a hundred years to destroy the nations and establish global tyranny.
James Grapek
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It looks like that story was disinformation. Apparently that is from an old Bill that was passed before DeSantis was even in office. They are trying to discredit him with this.
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I read articles at State of the nation, for a sort of entertainment. The entire site is full of speculation and downright misinfo. I dont take anything there seriously. However there maybe .8% or so of truth sprinkled in some of their articles and that is where I find the entertainment in their articles, maybe. Anyway,,
There was an article there last week or so. And it was about this supposed memo, that this article from there is also about. And it shows the 4pg memo, you can read it there. And,, that is not a bureaucratic memo. Its reads like a note being passed around between 5th graders.
Not saying this is not true and this is not what is going on. But its enough for me to conclude for my own understanding, the memo and the story about it is BS. If it propagates it will be used as the cover for debunking anyone who says Fergusons bogus computer models played a huge part in starting the panic.
“Oh you’re one of those “conspiracy theorists” that believes that instruction memo from Ferguson.”
Would that be called, Predictive Debunking? A new form of predictive programming?