Major law firm confirms FDA deceived America with its ‘approval’ of Pfizer vax
When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Aug. 23 it had granted full approval to the first Covid “vaccine” under the brand name Comirnaty, the mainstream media immediately ran with the narrative.
Joe Biden jumped in front of a microphone and told businesses they needed to “step up” the mandating of vaccines for their employees.
Dr. Anthony Fauci told national media outlets he expected a whole host of new “mandates” to be fueled by the “approval” of the Pfizer jab.
There’s only one problem. The “approval” given by the FDA was not for the Pfizer jab currently available in the U.S. market.
The devil is always in the details. Some of us weren’t fooled.
See our article, which has over the past three days received nearly 150,000 reads: FDA ‘playing bait and switch’ with Americans, tricking them into believing shots currently being offered have been granted full approval when they have not.
But because we and a few others looked beneath the facade and checked the facts of what the FDA actually did and not what the media and Joe Biden’s administration said it did, we took some heat. Even some of our own subscribers questioned whether maybe we got it wrong.
No, it was the corporate media who got the story wrong. And as a result, thousands of Americans no doubt capitulated and went ahead and rolled up theirs sleeves, thinking they had no other choice legally than to succumb to their employers’ mandates.
Today, on Aug. 27, the Orlando, Florida-based Liberty Counsel, perhaps the most respected Christian legal firm in the nation, issued a press release that confirms our story.
Below is the release, published in full from Liberty Counsel.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has done a bait and switch by announcing it approved its “first COVID-19 vaccine” in order to push the “vaccine” mandates and protect the Pfizer pharmaceutical company from legal liability. However, there is currently no fully licensed COVID shot on the United States market.
Albeit confusing, and probably intentionally so, this summarizes the current status of the Pfizer-BioNTech shots:
- All existing Pfizer vials (in the hundreds of millions), remain under the federal Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) (meaning people have the “option to accept or refuse”);
- The third or “booster” Pfizer shot is identical to the above and remains under the EUA with limited use to certain categories of people;
- BioNTech received FDA approval for people ages 16 and above under the name Comirnaty, but there are no Comirnaty doses available in the United States;
- In other words, there is currently NO FDA approved COVID-19 injection available anywhere in the United States. Every COVID shot in America remains under the EUA law and thus people have the “option to accept or refuse” them; and
- Even when an FDA approved COVID shot becomes available, individuals are protected by federal law and many states laws from being forced to get these shots based on their sincere religious beliefs or conscience rights.
On August 23, the FDA issued two separate letters for two separate injections. There are now two legally distinct (Pfizer vs. BioNTech), but otherwise identical products.
The first letter is regarding FDA’s biologics license application approval for the Pfizer Inc/BioNTech COVID-19 injection which has been named Comirnaty. Yet Pfizer has not started manufacturing or labeling this drug for U.S. distribution, so it is not even available in the U.S.
It is unclear whether or not it is protected by a liability shield, but web-based U.S. government communication indicates that the same program that provides compensation for COVID vaccine-related injuries will apply Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) rather than the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program). At this point, there apparently has been no compensation paid to people injured by one of the COVID shots via the CICP.
The Pfizer injection, on the other hand, is still considered experimental under U.S. law. There is a legal difference between products approved under authorization of emergency use (EAU) compared with those the FDA has fully licensed. The FDA issued another letter for the existing Pfizer shots which confirms they are still under EUA, are not fully approved, and has a liability shield.
EUA-approved COVID shots have a liability shield under the 2005 Public Readiness and Preparedness Act. Vaccine manufacturers, distributors, providers and government planners are immune from liability. People who have been injured can file a lawsuit if they can prove willful misconduct, and if the U.S. government has also brought an enforcement action against the party for willful misconduct. No such lawsuit has ever succeeded.
That means people must be told the risks and benefits, and they have the right to decline a medication that is not fully licensed. The federal Emergency Use Authorization law and the FDA, including the FDA Fact Sheet, state unequivocally that each person has the “option to accept or refuse” the shots. In addition to federal law, the FDA includes the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration on its website, emphasizing the fact that people cannot be forced to take experimental drugs without their full consent.
The FDA’s approval letter to Pfizer regarding the BioNTech injection, Comirnaty, states: “Under this license, you are authorized to manufacture the product, COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA, which is indicated for active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in individuals 16 years of age and older.”
This letter affirms the FDA has not approved the Pfizer/BioNTech injections for the 12- to 15-year age group, nor any booster doses for anyone.
Regarding the Comirnaty injection, the FDA admits, “We have determined that an analysis of spontaneous post marketing adverse events reported under section 505(k)(1) of the FDCA will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.”
Therefore, follow up studies will be required with children six months to 15 years as well as six studies for up to five years regarding the adverse effects of myocarditis and pericarditis.
In addition, the FDA bypassed and disregarded the normal advisory committee and public comment process for this license.
The letter states, “We did not refer your application to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee because our review of information submitted in your BLA, including the clinical study design and trial results, did not raise concerns or controversial issues that would have benefited from an advisory committee discussion” (emphasis added).
The FDA also acknowledges that while Pfizer-BioNTech has “insufficient supplies” (in other words, it is not currently available on the U.S. market) of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine actually available. However, the letter also states there is “a significant amount” of the Pfizer-BioNTech shots which has been produced under the EUA and will continue to be offered under the same EUA status.
In its approval letter, the FDA specifies the Pfizer shot under the EUA should remain unlicensed, is still available for use, and can be used “interchangeably” with the newly licensed Comirnaty product. According to the FDA, the newly licensed Comirnaty injection and the existing Pfizer shot, while “legally distinct,” are not any different in terms of their “safety or effectiveness.”
Despite whether these COVID shots are licensed or not, they cannot be mandatory under Title VII. In general, employee vaccine religious exemption requests must be accommodated, where a reasonable accommodation exists without undue hardship to the employer, pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many people hold sincere religious beliefs against taking the COVID shots or taking those derived from or which used at any stage of the development aborted fetal cell lines.
Title VII defines the protected category of religion to include “all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief.” 42 U.S.C. § 2000e(j). Moreover, as the EEOC has made clear, Title VII’s protections also extend nonreligious beliefs if related to morality, ultimate ideas about life, purpose, and death.
See EEOC, Questions and Answers: Religious Discrimination in the Workplace (June 7, 2008), (“Title VII’s protections also extend to those who are discriminated against or need accommodation because they profess no religious beliefs…Religious beliefs include theistic beliefs, i.e. those that include a belief in God as well as non-theistic ‘moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong which are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views.’
Although courts generally resolve doubts about particular beliefs in favor of finding that they are religious, beliefs are not protected merely because they are strongly held. Rather, religion typically concerns ‘ultimate ideas’ about ‘life, purpose, and death’”).
Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “The FDA has apparently tried to deceive people by issuing its two confusing letters without proper explanation. Despite the FDA’s slight of hand, there is currently no FDA approved COVID shot available in the United States. Even if there were an FDA approved COVID shot available, people still may request that employers, schools, and the military accommodate their sincerely held religious beliefs.”
See more here:
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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The “NEW NORMAL,” eh?
What a mess. The truth is held in contempt and the pathological liars reign.
I can’t see a peaceful way out of this…
Cheers, JaKo
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Agree 100% bro!! I Can’t see a way out either! Succession and separation is all I can see for the best remedy other than civil war. We need load up and ship all of these bozos to California, Oregon, and Washington to not only build a 25 foot wall but a 50 wall with extra guard stations every half mile to make sure none of them escape to come over to the good life! ???
Nicholas B Cobb
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Why should I have to leave Oregon? If these Dummycrats want to act unconstitutional, send them somewhere there is no constitution. Because in America, the constitution is what keeps the pace of peace and existing free.
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Agree 100% bro!! I Can’t see a way out either! Succession and separation is all I can see for the best remedy other than civil war. We need load up and ship all of these bozos to California, Oregon, and Washington to not only build a 25 foot wall but a 50 wall with extra guard stations every half mile to make sure none of them escape to come over to the good life!
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Keith: You are part of the problem. Do you REALLY think that there are no residents of those states that do not agree with the mandates? What about New York, New Jersey, etc. If you don’t wish to exchange bullets then you need to be willing to exchange words. As much as it pains to listen to dumbassery. It is necessary to come to a consensus.
El Conquistador
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I’m in Oregon and will NOT comply. There are more of us in this craphole than you think. Sad to see what these cancerous liberal socialists have done to our state.
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Los primeros: Tedros Adhanom y los miembros de la OMS, Bill Gates y su maquiavélica esposita, los CDC, la FDA, Anthony Fauci, los CEOS de las multinacionales de vacunas involucradas. Mientras no se vean las acciones, esta burla y este genocidio, NO SE VAN A DETENER.
LA OMS, LOS CDC, LA FDA, deben ser eliminados. Son un nido de corrupción y unas cuevas de mercenarios de la salud, politiqueros y genocidas. Perdieron su norte hace muchos años.
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No one is scared of a major law firm anymore because no one goes to jail and to be honest no one even gets smacked on the hand for committing basically murder. So these big “Head Lines” trying to catch peoples attention so that they’ll click and browse your website so that you get paid more $$$ for advertising is just another form of BS that we hear from the left constantly. Think about it
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This website has no political bias, it is purely for factual reporting.
Hawaii Guy
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National security memo 200, population reduction. How many docs and news clips of globalist do we need to hear? If we don’t kill of the top of the pyramid right now, we are all dead. Those of us who are left will be absolutely powerless to either kill ourselves or anyone else as they’ll have there electric mind control grid in full effect. It will be elites and the slaves who do their evil whims. I really want and need to get to work on this and you do too.
Paula mathurin
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Since I took the first dose of Pfizer, I am very disappointed, I am not taking the second dose, what will the consequences be, I am very nervous.
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This will help you understand what exactly is going on in your body and what the jab is doing right now, and what might be the future.
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I can’t post a link but search on rumble for “how to detox from the vaccine and the lies of COVID”
This is a good detox
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Agree. I just got one because at the time it seemed like without out my life would be very limited. I had covid last year. The first shot hit me hard. I had basically a second bout of serious covid infection, fever, tired, sore, chills etc…. I then noticed that my allergies post-vaccine certainly shifted in a dangerous direction. This was the worst season yet for me and prompted me to get re-tested. I was not surprised with the results – my allergens increased in severity on the intravenous skin tests and for the first time in my life I experienced an anaphylactic shock as a result of the testing. This is serious and we need more and better focus and research on this vaccine and how it impacts pe
ople with allergies. My husband has also been suffering more from allergies post-vaccine. I don’t know if the country and the pharm industry simply is just too greedy to care because they want to just force the vaccine on everyone and make billions in profits from 2nd and 3rd doses. I’m growing more and more cynical of our leadership after this whole vaccine experience. Plus, I already had covid in Nov and Dec and still have antibodies from that which other countries have done studies (we have not) suggesting that someone with 1 vax plus covid infection history has SUPERIOR antibody counts compared with those who got the 2 vaccine doses alone. My 1st vaccine left me just as sick as the actual virus which is a clear indication I had PLENTY of antibodies in my system.
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Hi paula,
Unfortunately, the side effects are not written In stone. I know quite a few, including family that had both shots and seem none the worst. They had tenderness of the arm, or tiredness, though It can turn very serious.
It is in your favour that you only had the one.
This is as good a place as any to start looking:
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What if we all stopped paying taxes. Would that get their attention? Just a thought.
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It’s simple. The IRS will seize your assets and hose you down. You will get a lien on your property. Don’t be an idiot.
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Not if We All stop paying, meaning the majority of the country. A lien is worthless when the majority reigns.
Also Fed taxes were supposed to be temporary, but we keep the wars going, and create new ones to keep the temporary permanent. ?♂️
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Saturday 9-18 My neighbor passed away, 2 pfizer jabs
My friends wife passed away in June 24 hours after entering a nursing home and being jabbed against the will of the my friend and his family, then Thursday 9-16 his brother passed away about a week after first jab
another friend of mine passed away 9-9 after suffering a couple months in and out of the hospital from first jab
Lost contact with a life long friend august 6, finally contacted me september 8, was admitted to the hospital 8/6 sudden attack of extreme stomach chest and back pain, 1 kidney full of cancer decision to remove it by the end of the month and before sending him home did another ct scan, 3 large masses in the other kidney that were not there the week before, had his second jab end of july, they decided to hold off on the surgery to watch what happens in the other kidney… lost contact with him saturday, he always replies to my texts with in an hour…. never had any health problems in his life…
This COVID VAXX is a SLOW EUTHANASIA INJECTION with several redundancies to insure DEATH in each brand
I call it #DEATHVAXX or #DEATHVAXX2020 the booster #DEATHVAXX2021
Dr Reiner Fullmich announced this month they have listed over 3,000 defendants
Summary of findings of the Corona Investigative Committee Status 09/15/2021
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This will help you understand what exactly is going on in your body and what the jab is doing right now, and what might be the future.
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So is this still the case. Have they manufactured their comirnaty yet?
Dave Cole
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Heck, I proved this a month ago. I just downloaded the FDA approval letter from their website and read it. It’s not obvious but if you read it you’ll see that only the comirnaty vaccine is fully approved BUT NOT AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION. The bioentech vaccine EUA was extended but not approved.