Mainstream News Busted Bigly on Hurricane Florence
WUWT nicely exposes CNN and The Weather Channel in their shameless lies and misrepresentations on Hurricane Florence. Anthony Watts reports:
Yesterday we reported on the hilarious antics of Mike Seidel of The Weather Channel in his performance trying to stand up in wind while others strolled casually by in the background. That video has gone viral. Here’s another example of how media tries to make the storm look worse than it actually was.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper was reporting live on the scene on a flooded road. And for effect, he stands in a ditch at the side of the road, about 3 feet lower.
Fortunately, somebody else was there to capture the CNN #fakenews event.
Yes the flooding was bad, but there’s no reason for antics like this. It just makes CNN looks even more untrustworthy than it already is.
No wonder trust in the news media is dropping.
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Herb Rose
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News channels are not about news and truth they are about ratings and selling advertising. The greater the headline the better the ratings until people discover it’s all hype and nonsense.
jerry krause
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Hi Herb,
In my opinion you got this one absolutely correct!!!! But should we limit this to news channels?????
Have a good day, Jerry
Herb Rose
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Hi Jerry,
I would expand it to news on all channels. Most of the shows on television are suppose to be entertainment not real. They are all about ratings and advertising though. I am right about Newton being wrong too. Motion is a result of energy not matter. Being right is not the goal, but getting it right is what matters.
Have a good day,
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Cooper was unconsciously applying physical metaphor to the sinking of CNN’s ratings.
K. Kaiser
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Just imagine the “news-worthiness” if he had sat down instead of just standing there…
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Yeah, Ol’ “Hip Deep” Anderson. Sorta like “Gunga Dan” Rather when he went on news safari in Afghanistan. Hah, and I remember seeing when he was talking to some Army guys in Nam. He ducked and scurried away, calling it incoming rocket or arty when something went off about fifty yards away. He was probably ‘inside the wire’ the whole time. You could see one of our guys walking away right at the time from near where the ’round hit’. They just threw a grenade out there on que from the news guys for show, is all it was probably. ‘Course, the way he was telling the story for everyone in TV land, he was coming under ‘live fire’. Such a brave soul.
Alan Stewart
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Gotcha Rod. Danny Boy, another Trump hater. What I’m trying to figure out is how Cooper’s wrist is strong enough to hold up his microphone.
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Actually the report done by Anderson Cooper was him walking around in different places to show the variable depth of the flood waters and tell people to stay out of them. Not only do I remember this broadcast from about ten years ago, its on snopes. He said if he had stepped one more step back behind it was up to his neck
Don Samuel
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You are the fake media! No fact checking whatsoever. Simply trying to smear for the fun of it. In light of the real facts, you should pull this crap. I wonder how many garbage stories you have already printed. SAD
Alan Stewart
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Don, I get the impression that your’e really quite emotional.
This is all about logic, facts and empirical observation. The numbers have never ‘listened’ in my mind. The tiny numbers, 1-2% traces gases and .04% CO2 controlling atmospheric equilibrium. Here’s another. Hurricanes are born in the tropical oceans and are normally 80F+/-. The consensual global temp rise is ~1.4F. I’m trying to equate how a rise of say, 80 to 81.4F can increase the power of a hurricane by factors of 3 to 4X.
Can you explain? Cheers
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This is BS. This picture is from over 10 years ago. We get so high and mighty on this site with alarmist who try to confuse us with BS but it’s just as disgusting to see skeptics post BS like this.
This story should be deleted.