Magma is a Substance
Magma is a substance that is hot, but when it is erupted out of a volcano it cools and is called lava. Water is a substance and can be either hot or cold. Air is also a substance and can be warm or very chilly.
However ‘heat’ is not a substance. Heat is defined as the transference of kinetic energy between two systems. Heat is always either being generated or being dissipated. There is no static state.
Unfortunately it appears that this is a concept that is simply too difficult for some people to understand. If they once understood this concept there would never be any more talk of Greenhouse Effects. Nor would there be arguments among scientists about wrong measurements. All such arguments are irrelevant once a person understands that heat is not a substance.
A hot water bottle may be filled with hot water. So the water may be hot and temporarily have a high temperature. But the heat is not a substance and inevitably will escape. It is such a simple thing to understand.
It is possible to heat the air in a living room to a fairly high temperature, because air is a substance made of several gases. But heat is not a substance. The temperature of the room can only be maintained whilst heat is being generated. Otherwise the air will seek equilibrium and the heat will disperse. The air may remain, but the heat will disappear. The same goes for a glasshouse or a conservatory.
Heat can be generated in various ways, such as friction, compression and combustion. In Physics this is enshrined in the 1st law of Thermodynamics and is called ‘by work done’. The Sun generates enormous amounts of heat. Running a motorcar will make the engine hot. Rubbing two sticks together can produce a fire – if you have some dry tinder and a lot of patience. So heat can be generated in a number of ways. But by itself heat will always flow from hot to cold – it never fails. That is the 2nd law of Thermodynamics. Any simpleton can observe this effect a hundred times a day – except alas the Warmist simpletons for whom this concept is too difficult to grasp.
A gas is a substance that can be warmed or cooled. If it is warmed it is warmed by ‘work done’. If it cools, it cools by itself. There is no way that a gas can either generate heat or trap heat.
Therefore it follows inevitably that it is utterly impossible for Mankind to warm the Globe. There is not and cannot possibly be any such entity as Anthropological Global Warming. All talk of Saving the Planet by means of limiting a certain trace gas called Carbon Dioxide are either the hysterical ravings of the deeply illiterate or the machinations of small clique driven by the Material Life Force, intent on self-enrichment at the expense of an uncomprehending multitude.
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027.
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Gas does not warm itself. Solar energy excites the atoms in gas molecules which re-radiate spontaneously at a lower frequency if the thermodynamics is favorable. CO2 and CH3 tend to absorb earth returning energy. They may not totally re-radiate this returned energy. There can be a net energy gain, though not close to the IPCC projection ‘model’. Also, not as measured by UAH Satellite-Based Temperature measurements as of 2018. (Oct. Global Temps Down 0.74°F Compared To Same Time Last Year _ PSI Intl.html)
John Harrison
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Anthony. I’m sorry but I do not understand your logic. The hypothesis is that if radiated energy is ultimately radiated more slowly than it is absorbed, as is proposed by alarmists and warmists, then warming will occur until equilibrium is once more achieved. The only argument would appear to concern the magnitude which could also be zero or “negative”
Anthony Bright-Paul
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I don’t understand your logic either. A substance, any substance can be warmed and trapped. But heat is not a substance, so heat cannot be trapped. Once that is agreed there cannot possibly be a Greenhouse Effect. Heat can be generated so that temperature may rise in an enclosed space, but once generation stops heat is dissipated. 1st two laws Thermodynamics. QED
jerry krause
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Hi Anthony,
“A substance, any substance can be warmed and trapped. But heat is not a substance, so heat cannot be trapped.”
If you go to ( and look at Figure 5, you will see that the measured soil temperatures at 5, 10, and 20 cm depths diurnally oscillate. It must be the solar radiation which is absorbed at the surface of the soil that warms the soil at the these depths via thermal conduction during the daytime. This increase of the soil’s temperatures is sometimes termed sensible heat and I accept this as a good descriptive term. So it is easy to see that a portion of this sensible heat conducted into the soil below the surface and stored there until the temperatures at these depths begin to cool when the sensible heat begins to be thermally conducted back toward the then colder surface.
Now, the only way the colder surface can continue to cool (for the temperature of the air above the surface at 1.5 meter is greater than that of the surface) during the nighttime is that colder surface is emitting IR radiation toward space.
Now, I am aware there are those who dismiss the measurement of surface temperature. However, I have sent another essay to John O’Sullivan which reviews the data of another meteorological station which sets about 50 feet from the USCRN station. And this data validates the surface temperature measurements reviewed in Figure 3 of this previous essay
So be watching for this essay which I hope John will post.
Have a good day, Jerry
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That’s why it’s called “Greenhouse EFFECT” not “Greenhouse SUBSTANCE”
T L Winslow
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The entire legitimate concept of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is that the Earth warms and cools more slowly than the Moon because of its atmosphere. While the Sun is shining, it heats the surface, warming the air, which rises and takes heat away via convection, keeping the surface from getting hotter than it could have. When it’s not shining, and the surface temp drops below the atmosphere’s, the residual heat in the air gives back a little heat, somewhat keeping the surface from getting colder than otherwise, but a far lesser effect.
This is all at the surface. What air does way up high can’t affect the surface during the day, first because the lower pressure automatically drops its temperature (AKA lapse rate), second because any energy it absorbs from infrared radiation will warm it and make it rise not drop, and third because heat can’t flow from a cooler to a warmer surface, that’s why it started rising in the first place. Instead, inverse temperature gradients can stir up winds that blow the cooler air back to the surface, along with rain and snow, cooling it more. Santa Ana type winds are from a hot surface to another hot surface, and are a fluke.
Never can the atmosphere heat the surface hotter than the Sun does, and what’s CO2 got to do with it. Sucking taxpayers of trillions to save Earth from a boogie man is the ultimate fake news of the world’s left. I’m on the pill but it’s not birth control. Feel the burn. Icy Hot, icy to dull, hot to relax.
Al Shelton
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My brother is a lukewarmist. He believes the GHE .
Many AGW believers, now believe that CO2 slows down cooling.
They have given up back radiation and heat “trapping”. IMO
I believe that WV and CO2 are coolants.