London’s first CityTree has the air cleaning power of 275 real trees
Developed by Germany-based Green City Solutions, the technology is hailed as the world’s first intelligent biological air filter.
The technology works by providing an environment for certain air-purifying moss cultures to thrive in urban conditions. Plants provide the shade these mosses need and the installation has a fully automated supply of water and nutrients. IoT monitoring maintains and measures the vertical living wall’s performance, and is powered by solar panels.
The UK capital consistently breaches its air pollution limits for the year within the first few weeks. Each CityTree can reduce particulate matter by up to 30%, according to the Crown Estate.
“There is no simple solution, so alongside our work to reduce carbon emissions from our buildings and reduce the number of vehicles on our roads, we want to test and learn from new technology,” said James Cooksey, Director of Central London at The Crown Estate.
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Every public official who uses the term “carbon emissions” should be pilloried and pelted with rotten tomatoes.